Chapter 145 One Month
During the conversation, Wang Yuyan had already begun to express that she didn't need anyone else to take care of Zhao Bi, even the current Maid Zhao was a little embarrassed, but she didn't say anything in the end.

But Ding Chunqiu next to him directly said, "Let Xue Muhua stay, after all, he is a member of the Xiaoyao Sect, and it is more convenient to order."

Although Xue Muhua is very dissatisfied with Ding Chunqiu, but now he can't do anything to him.

But after hearing Ding Chunqiu's words, Xue Muhua immediately cupped his hands towards Zhao Maid and said, "Your Majesty, I am willing to stay in Prince Mu's residence and assist the head to take care of Prince Mu together."

Maid Zhao looked at the crowd and said directly and very seriously, "I know you are all worried about the ninth brother, but do you know what the ninth brother means to the royal family? What does it mean to the world? So, I can agree with this matter only Xue The genius doctor stays, but every once in a while, I need all the imperial doctors to come and check the situation."

Maid Zhao's attitude is very obvious now, that is, he basically doesn't trust anyone's state, even in Wumingyuan, he doesn't want to believe that the emperor's majesty still exists after sitting for a long time.

"Okay, let's do what the emperor said about this matter! Yuyan is pregnant now, and I will leave it to Lan'er and Doctor Xue to take care of her." Wu Mingyuan only directly stated the final conclusion.

"Just follow what the concubine mother said!" Although Wang Yuyan said so, she still wanted to do it by herself in her heart, but they both knew that they cared about each other, so they didn't say anything.

According to this allocation of time, a month passed quickly. Although Zhao Bi didn't wake up, the atmosphere in the palace basically returned to its previous state.

Wen Tianzong also gradually became stronger under Mo Wen's management, and many martial arts people came here one after another, just thinking of being able to worship him.

In the next battle at Shaoshi Mountain, Zhao Yu directly pushed Wentianzong to the largest sect in the martial arts. Although the current strength is not as good as the sweeping monk of Shaolin Temple, he has declared that he will never intervene in the affairs of the world.

Prince Mu's Mansion

"Your Highness, what do you think is a better name for our child in the future? The mother and concubine still have ancestral rules when it comes to names, so I still think we can decide after you wake up." Wang Yuyan looked at Zhao Bi in front of the bed. he said with a smile.

Now Zhao Bi is no different from falling asleep, the whole person is covered with a quilt, and his hair is loose on the head of the bed.

Lan'er was still standing behind Wang Yuyan and watching, no matter where Wang Yuyan went now, the four of them basically followed, and they were very worried about what might happen.

This time when Wang Yuyan entered Zhao Bi's room, according to the system, no one could enter directly except those who had served him, and more people had to wait at the door.

For a month, Wang Yuyan would come to accompany Zhao Bi for a while basically every day, which was something everyone was used to, even Wu Mingyuan didn't say anything now.

Wen Tianzong's disciples planned to visit their suzerain a long time ago, but they also understood that basically no one would see this group of people.

Regarding Zhao Bi's care, Maid Zhao can be said to be very attentive. Not only is the whole Mu Wang Mansion guarded by three floors inside and three floors outside, but every time the food in the palace is tasted, someone will try it first, and only after it is confirmed that it is correct can it be released.

No one said anything about Maid Zhao's intentions, after all, it was still a special period.

"Yuyan, come and sit down."

Ding Chunqiu, who was drinking tea, shouted at Wang Yuyan, and directly took a cup of tea and drank it down.

"What's wrong with grandpa?" Wang Yuyan walked to the side, stood there and said, while the people behind her also looked at the two from afar.

Ding Chunqiu stared at Wang Yuyan for a moment, and then said with a smile, "Grandpa, I mainly want to chat with someone. Ever since that boy Mu Wang passed out, I have been feeling very uncomfortable, so today I just want to chat with you for a while."

Hearing this, Wang Yuyan laughed straight away, and sat directly opposite Ding Chunqiu, just about to drink a cup of tea, when Meier who was not far away directly yelled, "Princess, you can't drink tea during pregnancy."

After finishing speaking, Meier brought a pot of water without tea.

Ding Chunqiu looked at the opponent's skillful movements and knew that this was definitely not the first time he was like this.

"How is it? This princess is doing very well, right?" Ding Chunqiu said directly with a smile after Meier left.

"What does grandpa say? It's just that sometimes it's really good, but sometimes it feels uncomfortable. Maybe this is the royal family!"

"Yuyan, you still haven't understood the difference between you. A few days ago, I went to the palace to see those concubines. After all, they are still inferior to you. Sometimes you also need to understand what that kid Mu Wang means to the royal family." , now that you have entered the imperial gate, sometimes you have to bear the loneliness." Ding Chunqiu said with a smile.

Given that Wang Yuyan is smart, why doesn't she know the current situation?Ding Chunqiu's words were just to persuade, worried about what Wang Yuyan would think, after all staying in this palace for a long time is also a very uncomfortable thing.

"Grandpa, don't worry, when choosing His Highness, Yuyan is already ready." Wang Yuyan said with a chuckle.

Wang Yuyan, who had just finished talking about this topic, suddenly said, "Grandpa, do you know where mother has been these two days?"

Hearing this, Ding Chunqiu almost spit out the water in his mouth, he really didn't know how to answer this topic, could he tell Yuyan that his mother ran out to find his little man?

"Your mother has something to do during this period, so he went back to Mantuo Villa, and he must be back after a while." Ding Chunqiu said awkwardly.

"Is that so?" Wang Yuyan said in a low voice, then looked at Ding Chunqiu and said, "What is Mother doing back to Mantuo Villa?"

"This grandpa doesn't know very well, maybe that concubine knows about it." Ding Chunqiu knew that it was impossible for Wang Yuyan to ask Wu Mingyuan about this matter, so it was good to simply push this matter on her head. .

"Okay, I get it. Grandpa, if you have nothing to do, you can come to me often. Your Highness is not awake now, and Yuyan is so boring by herself." Wang Yuyan said with a smile.

The palace has an inner courtyard and an outer courtyard. The inner courtyard is basically where the female relatives live, and the outer courtyard is where Ding Chunqiu and the others live. The overall distance between them is not very close, so Wang Yuyan said that.

"Haha..., if you have nothing to do, you can come to Grandpa anytime, and I can tell you about the Western Regions." Ding Chunqiu said with a big laugh.

For him, it is estimated that only the affairs of the Western Regions can be said, and even he himself knows that it is not a glorious thing.

"Okay, that's what Grandpa decided, um... I'll come to you tomorrow." Wang Yuyan said with a smile, and then got up and left directly.

(End of this chapter)

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