Chapter 156
The Liao army camp is not as good as imagined. Yelu Hongji never thought that the Song army would resist to the death. He spent so much money to buy the deputy general Han Feng, but in the end he would be the one who caused him the most losses. guy.

Everyone in the tent of the Liao army looked lifeless, without the arrogance and domineering of the past.

"Speak up? Why don't you talk?" Yelu Hongji scolded angrily.

For this group of people, even he, the emperor of the Liao Kingdom, felt that this was simply useless at this time.

Seeing that no one was talking below, Yelu Hongji said directly, "Xiao Chongyuan, tell me, don't you usually talk the most?"

As a minister of the Liao Kingdom, Xiao Chongyuan is usually very good at following others, but what can he say at this time?

After Xiao Chongyuan heard that Yelu Hongji had begun to call his name, he had no choice but to face his scalp and say, "Your Majesty, it's better to withdraw our troops now. Now our army has lost half of its soldiers, and this time the new The food and grass have not been delivered for a long time, and the soldiers are already a little uneasy."

"Withdraw troops?" Yelu Hongji didn't believe what he heard, and asked a special question.

"Yes, Your Majesty" Xiao Chongyuan looked at Yelu Hongji as if he was more interested, and immediately began to say with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, Yelu Hongji, who was still smiling a little, became furious immediately, and directly smashed the teacup in his hand on Xiao Chongyuan's head.

Even so, feeling the emperor's anger, even though his head was still bleeding, Xiao Chongyuan still didn't dare to snort.

"You trash, let you be a minister, do you know how to say such a thing? Didn't liking that you are withdrawing the army let the blood of 25 good men in Liao be shed?" Yelu Hongji cursed directly, but now He is still relatively clear about the situation.

Yelu Hongji is also very troubled to have turned his side into this in just one day, and now he has no other choice but to go all the way to the black.

But it is still troublesome for Yelu to bombard what he wants to say. Now there are more and more voices in the barracks, and even the prestige of himself as the emperor has begun to decline a little.

Faced with such a situation, it is obviously not appropriate to send troops directly now, and it may be counterproductive at that time, but now is indeed the best time.

"Your Majesty, I think it's better to cultivate for two days before getting used to attacking. At present, there are not many soldiers at Yanmen Pass, and even their left general is dead. Once again, Yanmen Pass is already in our pocket." It's gone." A man in armor under Yelu Hongji said.

Yelu Bombard was quite satisfied with such an answer. There were not many people left on the other side, so Yanmen Pass was just in his pocket.

"Report, to report to Your Majesty, the subordinates have discovered that troops and horses are being replaced on the wall of Yanmen Pass. It is suspected that the reinforcements of the Song army have arrived." Yelu Hongji, who was still happy just now, almost didn't come up in one breath.

Seeing the spies approaching, Yelu Hongji immediately started to shout and said, "Someone prepare the horse, I want to go and see the situation."

Seeing that Yelu Hongji had completely lost his image, the remaining ministers hurried out of the tent one by one and wanted to go with them.

Yelu Hongji, who got on his horse, started to lead a group of people towards Yanmen Pass at the first time, and even galloped all the way on the road, and the ministers who followed did not know how far apart they were.

When he was about to arrive, Yelu Hongji found that there were still thousands of people carrying corpses under the city wall, basically all of them belonged to the Liao army, but it was the Song army who carried the corpses.

Seeing this situation, Yelu Hongji looked at the people on the city wall. Under the light of the torches, he could clearly see these people. You definitely didn’t experience today’s fight. He saw that the Song army had come to help, but he didn’t know How many people there are depends on at least 1 horses on the city wall.

Yelu Hongji was so angry that he had no way to say anything directly, and then he said, "Someone bring me the bow and arrow, I really want to shoot these Song dogs outside the city to death."

"Your Majesty can't! If you do this, it will have a great impact on our Liao army." Yelu Hongji was about to draw the bow and a Liao general behind him immediately stopped this.

Didn't Yelu Hongji know about these things?He knew, but now he was very angry. After the general below blocked him, he had no choice but to put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and said, "Go back to the camp."

At this time, on the wall of Yanmen Pass, Qi Jun looked at Hu Ze and said, "General, how do you know that Emperor Liao will come to check?"

"It's not easy. With so many spies outside, do you think they are a display? When they know that there is a large-scale defense change here, they can think that the reinforcements have arrived, but after today's big battle, the Liao army is now also He didn't dare to act rashly, so he had to come and see by himself." Hu Ze said with a smile.

After returning to the camp, Yelu Hongji went into a state of madness and smashed everything in the tent, even so, he still didn't vent his anger.

Yanmen Pass was originally easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it was almost within easy reach, and now it has become like this again.

But now he doesn't even know how many soldiers and horses the other party has come, which makes Yelu Hongji dare not gamble with this family fortune anymore.

Not only did Yelu Hongji have such an idea, even the generals below began to consider other plans, to find out the character of his own emperor, if it was really hard steel, there was really nothing to do.

This change of defense at Yanmen Pass can be said to be the most correct thing at the moment. The Liao army is currently managing two battles with Li, and the people who have already done it have died. It is impossible to attack Yanmen Pass again in a short time.

The most important thing now is to seize the time to transport the body of General Zuo Chen Cheng back. The express delivery has already begun at eight hundred miles here. Yanmen Pass can finally rest for two days. This is also good for the current soldiers. Get used to this life and death environment.

Most of the people who came to the battlefield were the first time, and their psychological endurance was not very good. Even so, there were still many soldiers who were psychologically frustrated, and many of them were mentally disturbed, not just the Song Army. , There are also a lot of Liao army, which is the most common thing for war.

Two days after the Liao army attacked, there was still no movement. This surprised Hu Ze, but now they can no longer guess what the Liao army is thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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