Chapter 167
The mysterious man looked at Zhao Bi still looking nervous, so he said directly, "Don't worry, I don't have any thoughts about you, and I won't do you any harm."

Even if the other party said so, wouldn't it be nice if it was that simple sometimes?

After the masked man finished speaking, he turned around and started walking forward, and when he was walking, he motioned for Zhao Bi to follow him directly.

Looking at the masked man walking in front, Zhao Yu wanted to know what was going on, so he started to follow directly.

The two of them walked like this along the way. On the way, Zhao Bi asked directly, "How far is it?"

"Happy, we'll be there soon."

"You seem to have said this more than a dozen times, but it's already out of the scope of the Song Dynasty, right?" Zhao Yu finally couldn't help but said directly.

"I'm not talking about you! How did you cultivate your mentality to this level? You've already become like this in such a short time." Shen Biren also directly began to complain.

The two of them did not ride horses, nor did they fly directly, but simply walked, but they had been walking for two or three days, and Zhao Yu was still worried that the people in the palace would worry about this matter.

"Find a place to stop on the other side, and I will write a letter for someone to send back." Zhao Bi said.

"Okay, no problem, I think you won't have so many troubles this way, you're the only nagging along the way." The masked man said directly.

Wrinkle looked at the masked man next to him who was about the same height as him and asked, "What's your name, at least let me know this?"

"This is possible, my name is Wei Xiao." The masked man said directly.

"I've never heard of it!" Zhao Bi said to himself with some doubts.

After arriving in the town, this place is no longer within the territory of Song Dynasty, so Zhao Bi directly found a businessman who was doing business with Song Dynasty, and asked him to send his letter back, and someone from the palace would give him benefits of.

For a businessman, it is a useless existence, and after hearing that there is money, he happily accepted this task.

In addition, these businessmen are not stupid, and if they can have some relationship with Mu Wangfu in the future, it will not be much better for their own business.

"Okay, the matter is considered finished now, it's time to go." Masked man Wei Xiao said.

"What's the hurry, there's still more time."

Now they are basically walking in the direction of the setting sun, because Zhao Yu, who has already brought the letter back, no longer has that anxious state of mind on the road, anyway, you can walk this way anyway.

After the two had been together for another seven or eight days, the masked man finally spoke first and said, "Okay, it's here."

"Aren't you mistaken, is this kind of place?" Zhao Yu looked at this place, and it was like a barren mountain and wild forest. The big tree covering the sky and the sun was at least a hundred meters high.

According to Zhao Bi's understanding, this place is more like a virgin forest, and there is not even any sign of habitation.

"Yes, it's here. Don't underestimate this place, it took me decades of hard work to find it." Wei Xiao said with a smile.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhao Bi really didn't know how to express his current thoughts.

"Let's go, follow up." After Wei Xiao finished speaking, he flew up directly, this time he did not walk on the ground, but directly advanced from above the forest.

Following the masked man in front, Zhao Bi flew for a stick of incense, and seeing the scene in front of him, even though he thought he was well-informed, he couldn't help being surprised.

The scene in front of me is exactly the same as the two worlds just now. There are not only small bridges and flowing water, waterfalls, mountain springs, and mountains full of flowers, but even the eyes are attracted to this side at a glance.

After falling, the masked man looked at Zhao Bi and said, "Isn't it nice here?"

Seeing the complacent look of the other party, Zhao Yu smiled and said, "How did you find this place like Peach Blossom Spring?"

"This is a secret, let's go, let's take you there to meet some people first."

Hearing what the masked man said, Zhao Bi became serious. This is the most important purpose of this trip.

The whole place occupies a relatively large area, surrounded by tall trees, leaving only the one in the middle, which is about half the area of ​​Bianjing City, three square kilometers.

After walking for a while, Zhao Yu saw more than a dozen buildings with relatively exquisite buildings surrounded by flowers, surrounded by small bridges and flowing water in the middle, making life very comfortable.

Before, Zhao Yu thought that staying in Shenhezhuang was still a very good living environment, but for an ideal residence here, he couldn't find any shortcomings.

"Yo, Xiaoyaozi, you brought a newcomer here again?" Before he got there, the voice came directly, and no one even saw where it was?

"I said, so you are Xiaoyaozi? Then why do you say your name is Wei Xiao?" Zhao Bi said.

"My original name is Wei Xiao, but Xiaoyaozi is also me." Xiaoyaozi said with a smile.

After a while, under the leadership of Xiaoyaozi, Zhao Yu finally saw a lot of people who were still alive here, but they were basically playing Go or watching from the sidelines. He looked at the two people who came over.

"Hey, I said you can't welcome our new handsome guy?" Xiaoyaozi shouted towards them.

After hearing the voice, the few people over there turned their gazes to Zhao Bi's side.

"I said Xiaoyaozi, what kind of old monster did you bring over this time?" One of the old men with white hair but in good spirits said directly.

"I said, old man, you don't want to be yourself, so others will treat you like this, okay?" Zhao Yu said directly angrily.

"He has character, well said, this old man Gu should scold him like that, hahaha." Several other old men also laughed.

"Okay, everyone, stop making trouble. Let me introduce, this is Zhao Bi, who is now the prince of the Song Dynasty, and also a man who has great power in the Central Plains like the emperor. The most important thing is that he is only 27 years old this year. I have already reached the state of waiting for me before." Xiaoyaozi said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, a group of old men immediately surrounded Zhao Bi and began to look at him, as if they had encountered a treasure.

Among them was an old man who directly squeezed Zhao Bi's shoulder, and said, "You are indeed very young."

"It's still like this, Liu Cheng'an, it's useless for you to say that you are a genius in cultivation, look at him!" It was an old man with disheveled hair who spoke.

"Stop chatting, come and eat quickly!"

Zhao Bi followed the voice and looked over, but what he saw was...
"Don't think about it, that's not your concubine, this is my wife" Xiaoyaozi said directly when he saw what Zhao Bi was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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