Chapter 183
After the two children left, Zhao Bi and Wang Yuyan still walked on the path of the palace, the only difference is that the people in the palace are all extremely busy now.

There is still about half an hour before the dinner party starts, and it is completely unnecessary for Zhao Bi to go so early.

While walking, just arrived at a gazebo, Zhao Yu raised his head to look at the full moon in the sky, and couldn't help saying with emotion in his heart, "I don't know what the world is like over there?"

"Maybe it's more beautiful, or maybe it's cruel, but it's definitely because I won't be with you anymore." Wang Yuyan looked at Zhao Yu and said with a smile.

Although the words are more pleasant to say, they still sound sad.

The two sat in the gazebo, Zhao Yu hugged Wang Yuyan's shoulders, and the two leaned on each other to look at the full moon above their heads. Regarding the future, no one knew what kind of things would happen.

After sitting for a while, Xiao Ya ran out and looked at the two of them. Xiao Ya looked at them with contempt, and then said, "Father, Queen, Mother and Concubine, Uncle Huang wants you to go there now!"

"You girl, where's your brother?" Zhao Bi looked at the little girl with a smile in his eyes and said.

For the little girl, Zhao Bi always has a mentality of indebtedness in his heart, and can only rely on his future life to be satisfied.

After standing up, Zhao Bi rubbed the little girl's head, and said, "Let's go, little girl."

After walking less than two steps, Xiaoya suddenly said sadly, "Father, I want to go back and see my mother."

"Okay, in two days, my father will accompany you to take a look." Zhao Yu said calmly.

After all, it is true that Zhao Bi has never been to Lingjiu Palace. Although many disciples of Lingjiu Palace are now asking about Tianzong, most of them are in pairs with the disciples of the sect, but there are still some who stay in Lingjiu Palace. On the Eagle Palace side.

With Wen Tianzong as the backer, the current Vulture Palace can be regarded as impressive, but it is no longer as beautiful as it used to be.

The Vulture Palace is no longer accepting disciples, and there are only about [-] girls left there. It's just been so many years, and Hua Wen hasn't paid any more attention to it.

When Xiaoya heard that Zhao Bi was willing to accompany her back home, she was also a little happy in her heart. Xiaoya knew something about her mother's situation.

Hearing that Zhao Bi is willing to go back, it means that his father still has his mother in his heart.

"How about concubine mother accompany you at that time, let your brother go with you too." Wang Yuyan was also thinking about it.

Over the years, although Xiaoya is very grateful to Wang Yuyan for being kind to her, but it is not her own, and there is still some estrangement in her heart. Wang Yuyan also knows this.

The three of them arrived at the location of the court banquet within the words of the three people. At this time, there were already dancers performing in the middle, and the atmosphere of the scene was also very good.

Maid Zhao sat on the first seat, watching the situation below, and from time to time he laughed heartily.

After everyone saw Zhao Bi coming, all the ministers also got up directly. This time, all the ministers who came could bring their families, and many of them brought their wives or children.

Seeing everyone getting up, Zhao Yu also smiled and said, "Eat and drink well, everyone, don't care about your status, please sit down."

"Father, Prince Mu is so handsome, my daughter wants to marry him."

A female voice came directly from the court banquet, and the voice was relatively loud.

Everyone's eyes were directly attracted, but her father directly put on a painful expression at this time, covering his face with his hands to express that he did not want to speak.

Regarding what the girl said, no woman at the scene wanted to say it, but in the end they just didn't say it.

For such a thing, Zhao Yu just smiled, but the little girl next to him immediately said, "Father, you are really good now! You have been confessed in the middle."

"Haha..., there's still a lot you don't know." Just after Zhao Bi finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something.

Then he directly waved his hand to indicate that an internal prisoner not far away came over and asked, "Which one is General Peng at the scene?"

Seeing that Zhao Bi actually talked to him, the inner supervisor immediately said excitedly, "My lord, the third person in the second row from the left is General Peng."

"Okay, I know."

When the inner eunuch retired, he was still agitated. If he told others the news that King Mu talked to him today, they would definitely be surprised.

Before Zhao Bi walked to his seat, he said to Wang Yuyan, "Take the little girl to sit down first, and I'll talk to General Peng."

Of course Wang Yuyan knew what Zhao Bi was going to say, she just smiled and walked forward.

When Zhao Bi came next to these officials, the surrounding officials immediately stood up and looked at Zhao Bi respectfully, including the family members.

"General Peng, may I ask you to tell me something?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

Peng Huan also brought his wife and second daughter with him this time, but the picture of a female man is really good.

"My lord, please speak, but if you have an order, don't dare to refuse."

Seeing Peng Huan's serious look, Zhao Bi laughed directly, and then said, "General Peng, you don't need to be too polite. This time, you mainly want to be a matchmaker, but your second daughter doesn't know what General Peng thinks?"

Hearing this, not only Peng Huan was stunned for a moment, but even the two family members and some officials beside him were stunned for a moment.

I don't know who has such a great ability to let the current King Mu act as a matchmaker?

The point is, is the second daughter of the Peng family a woman?
Peng Fang looked blank, and when he was about to say something, Peng Huan quickly covered his mouth, and then happily said to Zhao Bi, "I, Peng Huan, don't have any opinion on this matter. I will pay the gift money from Peng's family."

Seeing Peng Huan like this, for some reason, Zhao Yu felt that he was going to mourn for the fourteenth brother.

But Zhao Bi still smiled and said, "This time I'm making a matchmaking match for my fourteenth younger brother, Zhao Si, so it depends on the Peng family's opinion."

Hearing this, Mrs. Peng immediately became excited, and immediately shouted, "Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord, I don't have any complaints from the Peng family."

Peng Huan was even more exaggerated, saying directly, "I can take it home tomorrow, and the Peng family has no objection."

Peng Fang managed to break free from his father, then looked directly at Zhao Bi and said, "Only that kid, Miss Ben..."

"My dear mother! Don't talk." Peng Huan hurriedly covered her mouth, looked at Zhao Bi with a smile and said, "My little girl is nervous, don't blame me, my lord."

Looking at the family, Zhao Yu smiled and left directly. Anyway, the matter has been settled.

"Father, why don't you let me tell?" Peng Fang roared angrily after breaking away.

"You son of a bitch, do you know who King Mu is? He has already said in person what you disagree with, and besides, isn't Zhao Si a good person?" Mrs. Peng also hurriedly said.

(End of this chapter)

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