Tianlong: Immortal Cultivator in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 198 A new round of beggar gang meeting

Chapter 198 The New Round of the Beggar Gang Conference
Xiao Longnv looked at Yang Guo in front, thinking about what Yang Guo said about Zhao Bi during the day, she already knew that it would not be so simple, but now the other party dared to go.

When he was a few hundred meters away from the mansion where Zhao Yu lived, Yang Guo suddenly felt a strong pressure, and then a figure appeared directly, and before Yang Guo could react, he was struck out by the opponent's palm. A distance of more than ten meters.

I came here in a low mood, but I started to get hurt before I even saw the house.

Yang Guo, who fell on the ground, vomited blood, looked up at the person who fell in front of him, only heard the coachman say, "My master is here, no one is allowed to vacate within [-] meters."

Hearing the coachman's cold voice, Yang Guo was now also in a daze. Although he was injured now, everything was still acceptable.

"I said big brother, I didn't know your master lived here, it was purely a misunderstanding." Yang Guo said with a smile.

There is no other way, the main reason is that I am not an opponent at all, and I even feel that I cannot take a round in the opponent's hands.

The coachman still looked at Yang Guo coldly, and then said in a deep voice, "I remember you, you appeared during the day, get out now, or you will die."

When the death word came out, Yang Guo already felt that his junior was still breaking out in a cold sweat.

After standing up, Yang Guo didn't delve into this matter any further, he staggered and started walking towards the distance, but he was still thinking about how to get around this guy.

Just when Yang Guo walked out of the coachman's sight, the coachman looked at the tree in the distance, and the cold voice came out again and said, "How long do you have to hide?"

Not long after the coachman's voice fell, Xiao Longnv flew down from the tree, looked at the coachman and said respectfully, "Thank you for your mercy just now."

"Heh!" The coachman sneered, stared at Xiaolongnv, and said, "A quasi-first-rate and a first-rate little doll dare to act presumptuously here, so get out of here, and if there is another time, die!"

The last word has already started to echo in the air, there is no figure of the coachman in front of Xiao Longnv at this moment.

After feeling the surroundings for a while, Xiao Longnv frowned, and then walked towards the direction Yang Guo left.

Zhao Bi didn't know these things at all, anyway, now that the coachman was outside, he didn't need to worry about anyone disturbing him.

The next day

Zhao Bi, who stayed in the palace all morning, looked at Wang Yuyan who was sitting next to him and said, "Let's go, now we can watch the fun."

With the departure of the black carriage, Zhao Bi was really revealed in front of people.

The destination this time is the Beggar Clan Assembly not far from Guo Mansion, which is considered one of the rare grand events in this world.

The streets are already full of people coming and going, let alone the location near the beggar gang meeting.

At the Beggars' Clan Assembly, everyone is constantly busy. Now the Beggars' Clan has become the largest gang on the surface, and there are many people in the entire martial arts world who want to take this position .

Not only from the Central Plains, but also from Mongolia, under the leadership of Jinlun, many people came.

Due to the grand meeting of the beggar gang, no one expelled these people, on the contrary, like everyone else, they all entertained them.

"Brother Jing, everything is ready now, let's start now." Huang Rong's side was not the same as usual today, and they were dressed more grandly.

On the other hand, Guo Jing's side is still the same as usual.

"Everyone, since the place is ready, let's start from here." Guo Jing looked at the people in this room and said the same.

"Dad, I'm going too."

"Fu'er, you're still injured, you shouldn't move around, you just stay here and wait." Before Guo Jing said anything, Huang Rong looked directly at Guo Fu, who was now pale.

"Mom, I'm fine, just let me go."

"Master, don't worry, sister Fu will be handed over to us." Xiao Wu hurriedly expressed his sincerity.

Looking at the current situation, Guo Jing also said, "Since Fu'er wants to go, let's go together, there is nothing wrong anyway."

"That's right, Mrs. Guo, we still have so many people here." Others also started talking.

Now, except for Wu Santong who can't go, basically everyone has started to go here.

Even Yideng, who they had always thought would not go, walked in that direction.

When he arrived at the meeting place, Guo Jing saw a person who surprised him at a glance, and immediately stepped forward to see the person who came, cupped his hands and said, "Captain Li, I didn't expect you to come here, it's really an honor. "

"Haha, I've been idle for a long time. I also want to come over here to have fun. I hope Guo Daxia and Huang Gangzhu don't mind." Li Ke came here in casual clothes this time, but he was still looking at the people who came in while talking. The direction of the crowd.

"Captain Li, you're being polite. It's an honor for our Beggar Clan to have you here. Please sit inside." Huang Rong smiled and extended her hand to invite.

For Li Ke, he doesn't want to go in now, mainly because the people who want to wait have not come yet. Although he doesn't know if he will come, but thinking that he will come to Xiangyang at this time, he should come too.

Seeing everyone's expressions now, Li Ke slightly smiled and then started to go inside.

Walking inside, there are already many people staying here, including the Mongolian Golden Wheel.

There is a round platform in the middle of this side. As for the people watching the battle, they sit directly around the front, and those people near the gate are all standing there and waiting.

There are only a few hundred people inside, which is not particularly large, but it can't stand the fact that there are more people in the outer beggar gang.

After everyone was seated, Guo Jing and Huang Rong sat at the top. After all, they were the real hosts.

As for his children or relatives, they all have their own status, which is quite reasonable in terms of etiquette.

Looking at the already lively scene, the little dragon girl who was sitting not far away looked at Yang Guo who was still coughing and clutching his chest, but she still didn't say anything.

Although he came back with Yang Guo yesterday, he didn't let the other party know what he was following.

For a face-saving person, this kind of thing is simply fatal.

So even if Yang Guo has been injured now, he still behaves quite normally on the surface.

Feeling that Xiaolongnv was observing him, Yang Guo looked at her with a little embarrassment and smiled.

As time passed, it was almost a stick of incense now, when the meeting of the beggar gang was just about to start, a member of the beggar gang ran in directly to Huang Rong and said, "Master Huang, there is a black carriage outside. Come here, bring our invitation letter, do you know if you will be allowed in or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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