Chapter 209 Getting Married
Zhao Bi looked at the old man with a painful expression in front of him, still feeling a little helpless in his heart, and then went straight up and put his hand on her back, and then began to heal the wound directly by using his internal force.

After a while, the old man began to calm down, looked at Zhao Bi with a smile and said, "Now I have a wish, I hope you can wear this suit and marry Ling'er."

Zhao Bi, who originally wanted to refuse, looked at the situation of the old man in front of him, and said helplessly, "Okay."

In this way, a very simple wedding was held directly. There were only three people on the scene, an old man witnessed the marriage, and the two got married. For such a thing, Zhao Linger seemed to agree very much, and showed no resistance at all.

But when he was paying respects to Zhao Linger, Zhao Bi suddenly felt that there was something more on his mind, and a trace of feeling directly connected to Zhao Linger.

At this time, Zhao Ling'er also looked directly at Zhao Bi, and the two looked at each other for a while and then smiled.

For Zhao Bi, he already felt that this matter might not be that simple, so is this the old man who deceived himself?
Just after the two bowed to each other, the old man looked at Zhao Bi with a smile and said, "Now that you are husband and wife, there are some things that I hope you, the husband, can handle.

Ling'er is the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom. I hope you can take her back. She still has her own mission. "

After listening to the old man's words, Zhao Bi froze in place, and even didn't hear what the two of them were saying.

In Zhao Bi's thinking, the name Zhao Ling'er combined with Xianling Island is already a little familiar, and now there is another Nanzhao princess. Isn't this the world of fairy swords?

Although I have a little impression of Fang Shijie, many things have long been forgotten, and there is no advantage at all!

"What are you thinking about?" Ling'er looked at Zhao Bi who had already started to be in a daze and asked directly.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something!" Zhao Bi just brushed off the matter.

"Someone has come to Fairy Island." The old man said directly, but his face was full of serious expressions.

The enchantment elders on Xianling Island are quite familiar with it. I am afraid that even a mosquito will know about it, let alone someone coming in now.

Although Zhao Bi has forgotten most of the things about this world, he still knows about this. The one who comes up this time should be the future hero.

But looking at the old man's expression, Zhao Bi still said, "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with me here."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yu also sat down directly, and then waited for the male protagonist in this world, wanting to see what kind of existence it was.

Half an hour later, the three of them finally saw someone coming, a very young man who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, he was dirty but handsome, but he had no strength at all.

After Li Xiaoyao saw the people sitting by Zhao Bi's side, he ran over immediately, then saw the old man kneeling on the ground and said, "My name is Li Xiaoyao. I took the liberty to come here this time. Ask for the fairy medicine to save your life."

Looking at this man who spoke more directly, Zhao Yu couldn't help laughing, but he was still thinking in his heart, "Why didn't you come here earlier?"

The old man closed his eyes silently, then opened his eyes and looked at Li Xiaoyao in front of him, only to see her fingers move slightly, and after a while, he sighed and said, "There are indeed immortal medicines here, I can give them to you." , when the time comes, you just take them out.”

After finishing speaking, the old man still couldn't help shaking, but he murmured, "Another variable!"

But now that she has tied Zhao Linger and Zhao Bi together, it will be up to them to see what will happen.

After hearing the old man's words, Li Xiaoyao kowtowed to thank him immediately, and when he stood up, the first thing he saw was Zhao Linger's side, and he couldn't even move his eyes anymore.

"Ahem." Zhao Bi coughed twice, but did not speak.

Hearing the voice, Li Xiaoyao came back to his senses, looked at Zhao Bi and nodded with a smile.

The old man took out a small box from his bosom, and said, "This is the elixir you were talking about, and I will give it to you, which can be regarded as compensation."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao was stunned and didn't understand at all, but Zhao Yu smiled with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Take good care of Ling'er in the future, and I'll leave her to you." After the old man finished speaking, he sat there and closed his eyes.

Zhao Yu didn't even need to investigate anything, he already knew that the old man was dead.

After waiting for a while, Ling'er saw that her grandma still didn't respond, so she called out "Grandma."

Seeing that there was still no reaction, when he was about to go up, Zhao Bi said directly and calmly, "Let her go like this."

It's not that Ling'er doesn't understand anything. When she heard this, she couldn't help but shed tears, but she didn't cry out. She just stood there and watched.

Li Xiaoyao was stunned, what's the situation, he just came here, could it be that something bad happened to him?

Then Zhao Bi stood up directly, walked to the old man's side, and then put his hand on the other's shoulder, and then a white flame rose, without even two breaths, the old man directly turned into a handful of dust Suspended in front of Zhao Bi.

Looking at the situation in front of her, Zhao Ling'er directly took out a clay pot and put it in front of Zhao Bi with tears in her eyes.

Throughout the whole process, Li Xiaoyao stood by and watched without saying a word, even feeling like he couldn't get in.

"Take it well, and bury her in Nanzhao at that time." Zhao Bi said, and then stroked Ling'er's hair to comfort her.

Hearing this, Ling'er turned around and walked towards the inside of the house. Now there are only two people left outside, Zhao Bi and Li Xiaoyao.

"What's the situation?" Li Xiaoyao said cautiously.

"It's none of your business, it's just that it's time." After Zhao Yu wanted to talk for a while, he seemed to think of something, and then said, "How did you find this place?"

"Oh, this, that's what. I started from us and ended up here."

Li Xiaoyao's words directly made Zhao Bi feel like wanting to kill him. It's no different from saying nothing?

"Can I go?" Li Xiaoyao said.

"Wait, wait for Ling'er to fix it, we will go out with you."

Zhao Bi said directly without even thinking, the key is that you are gone, how do we get out?
(End of this chapter)

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