Chapter 212 Wine Sword Immortal

Zhao Bi is a man who prefers to be quiet, maybe this has something to do with his life of living quietly for hundreds of years.

He is in a state of indifference to everything he sees, and even has any thoughts.

As soon as she got back to the inn, Zhao Linger saw Zhao Bi came back and immediately got up and went to her side, then asked with a smile, "Why have you been out for so long?"

"It's a little delayed." Zhao Bi replied with a smile.

At this time, the aunt who was still making rice in there just now came out directly, and when she saw the situation of that person, she immediately pulled Li Xiaoyao and asked in a low voice, "Who is this person?"

"Didn't I tell you that they came here together, and this person is Ling'er's husband." Li Xiaoyao said, but now her aunt's expression is a little ugly.

I thought this guy brought back a beautiful woman to be his wife, but the next moment he already has a husband.

"Both, it's time to prepare dinner, so let's sit down quickly!" Although my aunt was a little disappointed in her heart, she still smiled and said to Zhao Bi, after all, this was her savior.

Hearing the voice, Zhao Yu also walked over and nodded to his aunt, which was regarded as a salute to the host.

After sitting down, Zhao Linger sat directly next to Zhao Bi, but every time she looked at Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Linger always had a familiar feeling, but she didn't know how to express this feeling.

Looking at the big meal on the table, Zhao Yu smiled and said to Zhao Linger, "Let's eat quickly, I guess you won't be able to eat like this on the island."

"En." Zhao Ling'er also replied directly.

During the whole meal, several people didn't say anything, mainly because they were not familiar with it, and it was unnecessary.

"We'll stay here for a few days. In the next few days, I think we'll bother the two of you." Zhao Bi said directly to his aunt and Li Xiaoyao.

"What's the trouble? As long as you're happy, you can stay here forever." Auntie didn't speak yet.Li Xiaoyao spoke directly from here.

In the small town of Yuhang, if we talk about life, it is indeed relatively comfortable. The key is that there are no special worries. If there are no special things, Zhao Bi really wants to live this idyllic life.

"Thank you Brother Li for taking it." Zhao Bi smiled and said.

Throughout the afternoon, for the few people who had nothing to do at all, Li Xiaoyao took the initiative to act as a tour guide and introduced the situation in Yuhang Town. Although Yuhang Town is not big, the key is life. It can be regarded as having everything that one expects to find, and everyone's body shows more of a simple and simple atmosphere.

Among the three, Linger was the most curious. Looking at this colorful world, she even forgot herself, and was immersed in such an environment.

On the street, Zhao Linger was walking with a boat of candied haws in his hand. At this time, Zhao Bi saw a few people in red robes that he saw at noon, and they were still looking at Zhao Linger and pointing.

"Ling'er, let's go back." Zhao Bi said flatly.

Although there is nothing to worry about these people, Zhao Bi, but the strength of this world has not been accurately measured by him.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

"It's going to be windy here, let's go back quickly, and brother will cook something delicious for you later." Zhao Bi smiled and said.

"Brother, do you know how to cook?" Zhao Linger blinked her big eyes, then looked straight at Zhao Bi and said.

"What's the problem with you girl?" Seeing Zhao Ling'er's appearance, Zhao Bi knocked on the other's head directly and said.

After walking a certain distance, when Zhao Bi saw that a few people didn't follow, he couldn't help becoming vigilant in his heart. Now the situation of the whole Yuhang Town is under his observation, and the few people probably looked like they were going to the toilet. Zhao Bi We all know here.

As soon as he returned to the inn, Li Xiaoyao looked at the only guest in the inn, and immediately stepped forward and shouted, "Master?"

Zhao Bi looked at this sloppy-dressed existence, and the gourd in his hand never left his hand and mouth. Looking at this guy's appearance, he knew that the gourd would definitely not contain water.

"You're finally back, boy! I don't have any wine in this gourd, hurry up and fill me some."

For a person who runs an inn, there must be a lot of drinks, but at this time Li Xiaoyao said directly, "Master, can you say this every time you come?"

After finishing speaking, he walked up to Zhao Bi and introduced him directly, "Brother Zhao, this is my master. He said he is a wine sword fairy, but I think this is an old alcoholic."

"Not in a hurry!" Jiu Jianxian yelled while watching Li Xiaoyao still chatting.

"Come on. Come on." Li Xiaoyao cast a glance at him, then directly picked up the jug in his hand and walked towards it.

"Ling'er, you go back to your room first!" Zhao Bi looked at Zhao Ling'er and said directly.

Zhao Ling'er was still dazed and didn't say anything yet, but looking at Zhao Bi's eyes and keeping her eyes on Jiu Jianxian, she said directly, "Remember to call me down when you are eating."

Zhao Bi smiled, then rubbed his hair and said, "Don't worry."

After Ling'er left, there were only two people left in the entire inn, and the two men were still looking at each other. Although they didn't say anything, the atmosphere could still be felt.

"Would you like to chat in another place?" Zhao Bi smiled and said.

"Okay, but it can't be too far away. If I, an old alcoholic, don't have alcohol, I will feel very uncomfortable." Jiu Jianxian also said.

Although Jiu Jianxian looked sloppy, he should look like a man in his forties with a smell of alcohol, but in Zhao Bi's view, his strength also belonged to a relatively absolute existence.

Just as Zhao Bi was sizing up this wine sword fairy, the other party also changed his lazy look just now, and then looked at Zhao Bi.

"Let's go, the lakeside is a very nice place." Zhao Bi smiled and said.

"It's indeed a very good place." After Jiu Jianxian finished speaking, he disappeared directly, and the side that followed Zhao Bi also disappeared from the field of vision here.

The inn is not very far from the lake, at most two or three miles away.

As soon as Jiu Jianxian arrived at the lake, he had already seen Zhao Bi standing in front of him, which was obviously a step ahead of him.

(End of this chapter)

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