Tianlong: Immortal Cultivator in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 218 It's Okay, I Already Know It

Chapter 218 It's Okay, I Already Know It

Walking on this small road, Zhao Bi behaved very normally, no matter how luxurious the building was, it was nothing to Huawen.

When a few people reached a circular arch, Zhao Bi already felt that there were several people waiting for him in front of him, so he slowed down and walked at the back.

Sure enough, as soon as he came in, he saw a woman he was quite familiar with.

"It's you. Why are you here?" The two opened their mouths almost at the same time.

There were also three people standing there waiting for the three of them. One of them was Liu Jinyuan, and the other was the woman who almost killed Li Xiaoyao before. As for the other one, I already knew who it was.

The man standing in the middle has a beard and looks about 50 to [-] years old, but he still has a good temperament.

"Hehehe, do you know each other?" The middle-aged man said directly.

"Cousin, this is not the one you mentioned." Liu Jinyuan also whispered to the woman in red beside him.

"Isn't it just him, I didn't expect him to not die at all?"

"Aren't you very happy that I didn't die, and you're still making sarcastic remarks here." Li Xiaoyao said directly, also a little angrily.

Seeing the embarrassing atmosphere at the scene, Liu Jinyuan walked out directly, and said to several people, "I'm sorry, I don't know how many people on Xiaosheng's side had a little misunderstanding with my cousin before. I'm really sorry, just here Let me introduce you to a few."

Liu Jinyuan said directly, and Li Xiaoyao pinched his waist directly, as if saying that you are not easy to introduce anyone today?
Although Liu Jinyuan looked at Li Xiaoyao's appearance, he finally had no choice but to continue, "The one you already knew was my cousin Lin Yueru, and this is my uncle, who is also the owner of the Lin Family Fort."

After a brief introduction, Li Xiaoyao didn't express anything, but Zhao Linger said with a smile, "That's really disturbing you."

"Haha, there's nothing to disturb, don't bother, just treat it as your own home when you come to Linjiabao, there is no need to be polite at all." Lord Linbao said directly with a smile.

But among these few people, Zhao Bi at the back is the one who attracts the Lord Linbao the most. Although Zhao Bi doesn't say a word, his aura is indelible. In addition, what they didn't notice is Zhao Bi. The outer part of the black clothes is woven with gold thread, which means that such extravagant clothes will never be used in his Linjiabao.

After feeling Lord Linbao's gaze, Zhao Bi nodded knowingly, which was regarded as a greeting.

As for the scene, Lin Yueru and Li Xiaoyao were still looking at each other, their eyes seemed to be on fire.

"Okay, you guys don't stand like this anymore, you'd better come in and sit down and have a light meal." Lord Linbao said directly, then turned and walked towards the inside first.

There were quite a few maids standing around, but these were the only ones who actually sat down to eat.

After sitting down, Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru were still looking at each other with angry eyes, which immediately made the whole meal not so beautiful.

The reality is that a good meal was completely messed up by the two of them, just as they thought.

Zhao Bi sat there and looked at the two people who were not only arguing but also grabbing food on the table, then he stood up directly and said to Master Linbao, "We will go down first, you guys take it easy here." "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Bi directly pulled Zhao Linger and started to walk outside. Li Xiaoyao wanted to leave as well, but Lin Yueru on the opposite side immediately started to sneer.

"Brother, why don't we ask Brother Shang Xiaoyao to go with us?" Zhao Ling'er looked at Zhao Bi and asked directly.

"Don't be curious. You don't need to worry about this kind of thing. You will know it later."

After speaking, the two went back to the room directly, and after Zhao Linger was asked to rest, Zhao Bi sat on the stone bench outside and drank tea with a face full of worries.

For the experience of this period of time, Zhao Bi didn't know how to say such a thing. In this world, the one that can make him a little interested may be the side of Shushan, and the rest probably has nothing to make Zhao Bi. What could be more interesting.

As the days gradually got late, Zhao Yu stayed in this courtyard alone for an afternoon. During this period, the servants had been close to him several times just to add water. As for Li Xiaoyao's side, It's just the beginning of a more interesting journey.

The first meal was at Lord Limburg's side, and the rest were delivered directly to the room by his servants.

At night, after Zhao Bi put Ling'er to sleep, he walked out the door and saw Master Linbao sitting where he sat in the afternoon.

"I really didn't expect Lord Linbao to still have such a sense of elegance. It seems that he must have come to look for me?" Zhao Yu smiled and said, walked forward and sat opposite Lord Linbao.

"I'm getting old, and I can't sleep at night, so I want to talk to you."

"Come on, I don't think you are here for your daughter's marriage?" Zhao Bi said directly.

Master Lin Bao looked at Zhao Bi in front of him, and felt that the other party knew what he was thinking, and more importantly, he said it one step ahead.

Looking at himself, Lord Lin Bao felt that Zhao Bi was very mysterious, the kind he couldn't see through at all. In comparison, that Li Xiaoyao was a brat.

"This time, I wanted to talk about Yueru, but I didn't expect you to say it directly, little brother, hahaha." Lord Linbao laughed directly, without the embarrassment of being guessed at all.

"There is absolutely no need for your daughter's marriage. His marriage is here, and it cannot be forced or changed." Zhao Bi also began to imitate the words of other masters, so it seemed somewhat mysterious. .

After thinking about it for a while, Lord Linbao still said, "Let's not talk about it for now. A monster appeared near our Linjiabao. Up to now, more than a dozen people have disappeared, but we haven't seen it yet." What did you find out? I heard from Yueru that you are very capable, so you came here to ask for advice?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yu directly activated his perception, and everything within a radius of a hundred miles was in front of his eyes.

After a while, Zhao Yu smiled and said, "It's okay, I already know what's going on, and I'll set off here tomorrow to solve it directly."

Although Lord Limburg had some doubts about Huawen, he didn't say anything in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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