Tianlong: Immortal Cultivator in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 220 There is no shortcut to success

Chapter 220 There is no shortcut to success
With the end, it was almost noon when they reached Linjiabao.

When he first entered the Lin Family Fort, Lin Sheng ran directly towards the inside, while Zhao Bi went back to the room to see how Zhao Linger is doing now?

Zhao Bi has always planned to wait until Linger's side is a little better before starting to leave here. Since Linger can't give the answer he wants, he still needs to hurry up and find a way to convert spiritual power.

When he first arrived in the room, Zhao Bi saw that Zhao Ling'er was chatting happily with Li Xiaoyao at this time, and the other party hadn't had any intention of meeting Lin Yueru's side yet.

Seeing Zhao Bi coming back, Li Xiaoyao immediately walked up and looked at Zhao Bi and said, "Brother Zhao, I heard that you went out to get rid of the demon early in the morning. What demon is it?"

"Brother, you're back! Is there anything wrong?" Zhao Linger also said.

"It's okay, it's just a little demon, the kind with no strength at all." Zhao Yu smiled and said.

"Excellent, Brother Zhao, next time there is such a good thing, you must call me together."

"Brother Xiaoyao, this kind of thing is very dangerous. Ling'er heard from grandma before that demons are much stronger than humans." Zhao Ling'er began to popularize the things she knew, and then told Li Xiaoyao who didn't know anything.

Zhao Bi went directly to the table and poured himself a glass of water, then picked it up and drank it.

When the two of them were chatting more excitingly, the Lord Lin Baozhu came over directly with Lin Yueru outside, because the door was not closed, and several people could be seen from a long distance away.

Seeing a few people approaching, the three of Zhao Bi walked out of the door to greet them.

For Zhao Bi's affairs, Lin Baozhu was sitting on the stone bench outside the door, and Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru behind him were still looking at each other with unkind eyes.

"This time, I really want to thank Mr. Zhao. Just now, Lin Sheng told me about the matter. I didn't expect Mr. Zhao to solve it so soon." Lord Lin Bao said with a smile, looking at the expression on his face. , the kind that is genuinely happy and not pretending.

"Small things are just a matter of little effort." Zhao Bi said flatly here.

Comparing Zhao Bi's image and Li Xiaoyao's appearance, Lin Yueru has always felt that someone like Zhao Bi is the first choice for her to choose a husband.

Regarding the intuition of a woman, Zhao Linger also saw the excitement in Lin Yueru's eyes. After a smile at the corner of her mouth, Zhao Linger didn't say anything.

"Master Lin Bao, this matter can be regarded as repaying the care of the Lin family for the past two days, but tomorrow, we may have to leave directly."

"So fast?" Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru said in surprise at the same time.

Even Lord Linbao's expression was not as good-looking as before, and he said directly, "Is it possible that our servants of Linjiabao can't do well, Mr. Zhao, just say it."

"Lord Linbao misunderstood, but we still have something to do and we have to leave. Besides, Linger's body has almost recovered, so we are really sorry to bother you any longer."

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhao is really polite. Lin is born to be hospitable, especially to be able to meet such a talented person as Mr. Zhao. Lin is here to show the friendship of the landlord." After Zhao Bi finished speaking, Lord Lin Bao said directly with a smile.

Originally, when he came here to Linjiabao, Zhao Yu planned to keep Li Xiaoyao here, and he took advantage of his fate, and Fairy Ah returned it to him, which is considered nothing indebted.

Seeing that there was no reaction from Zhao Bi's side, Fort Master Lin said again, "My daughter's side will hold a martial arts match tomorrow, why don't Mr. Zhao stay here for another day?"

"Lord Linbao is being polite. If that's the case, then we've been bothering you for two days." Zhao Yu smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Zhao is polite. This time, Mr. Zhao has done my Lin family a great favor by eliminating demons around my Linjiabao. If you say these things, Mr. Zhao will be more polite." Lord Linbao smiled directly. Said.

Looking at Lin Tiannan in front of him, Zhao Bi always felt some kind of conspiracy, maybe it was related to the fact that he had lived for a hundred years.

In my memory, I have no impression of this Lord Limburg at all, but as far as I feel now, the strength of this Lord Limburg is not weak, and even the monsters that have been established are not a problem at all in his hands.

But seeing Lord Linbao like this, Zhao Bi still had no choice but to agree.

Although Zhao Bi always felt that things were weird, but now that they have reached this point, it doesn't matter about other things.

After they left, Zhao Bi's expression immediately became calm, and everything seemed a little too reasonable.

Afterwards, Zhao Bi directly took out the bead he got. The cylinder was still black, and now it looked very ordinary, and it had nothing to do with the five spirit beads.

After taking the exam for a while, Zhao Bi took back the beads and continued to start his own life experience of salted fish.

At night, compared to today's night, it feels very close to them, and those stars feel like they are within reach.

"Brother Zhao, what are you thinking?" Li Xiaoyao also jumped on the roof and sat next to Zhao Bi at this time.

"Nothing, just to enjoy it?"

"I see that you are often like this. Since we met for half a month, you have been like this at night. Is there something on your mind? Tell me, maybe this hero can help you solve it. What?" Li Xiaoyao said with a smile.

Seeing Li Xiaoyao like this, Zhao Yu smiled, and then said, "There are too many things in this time, you don't know or understand, you can't even think about it, but what you can do is the things in front of you, and the things behind you. For the future, that can only be explained by time."

"Brother Zhao, what are you talking about here? I can't understand a word?"

"It doesn't matter what you don't understand, but I think your dream of being a hero will come true soon." Zhao Yu looked at Li Xiaoyao and smiled and said.

"Really? Is there any good way, please guide me quickly." Li Xiaoyao moved his face closer to Zhao Yanan and said directly.

"There is no shortcut to success. Don't think too much. If you want to become a hero, you'd better work hard." Zhao Bi stood up and said.

Compared with the current Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Bi didn't even think much about talking, not to mention she was too weak, Zhao Bi couldn't accept her personality.

For a person who likes to be quiet, Li Xiaoyao is a bit annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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