Chapter 228
Faced with such a situation, Zhao Bi naturally had no reason to refuse. Although the two had nothing to say, Zhao Bi also felt that this was very good. Fortunately, Zhao Linger was accompanied by Anu.

As the day progressed, Zhao Ling'er not only didn't eat, she didn't even take a sip of water as she walked forward, her whole body was already staggering.

As soon as she arrived at a village, Zhao Ling'er couldn't hold on any longer and just passed out on the ground.

Zhao Bi took the two of them to find an inn to live in. The village still looks quite strange, not to mention a bit desolate, and even many houses are no longer inhabited.

There is no pedestrian traffic on this street, and there are only a few shops that are open for business.

There is only one shopkeeper left in this inn. Zhao Yu didn't want to be troublesome, so he asked the shopkeeper to open two rooms.

When she was about to go upstairs with Ling'er in her arms, the shopkeeper said directly, "Don't go out at night, it's not safe outside."

Zhao Bi ignored it and continued to walk upstairs. The shopkeeper could only shake his head helplessly when he saw it.

After arriving at the room, it looked like no one had cleaned it at all. The table was covered with dust, so it was good to clean it up.

"It's so weird here, isn't there a ghost?" Anu looked at the situation outside through the window and said directly.

"What are you thinking? Hurry up and take care of your princess. I'll go out and see what's going on here." Zhao Bi said directly.

"Are you going out? Did the shopkeeper just say that it's dangerous at night?"

"It's okay." Zhao Yu said directly and perfunctorily.

For Zhao Bi, he is still not troublesome at all, but the situation outside makes him a little uneasy. It seems that the situation in this town is indeed a bit different.

As night fell, the shopkeeper hurriedly sealed the door of his store with a door panel, and as for himself, he hid in the room and dared not come out.

Zhao Bi sat on the roof and looked at the foggy and dark street. It was daytime just now, but it turned into night in just a short while.

Lying on the roof, I couldn't see any stars. Zhao Bi, who was just about to go back, suddenly heard a movement, and it was still densely packed.

Following the perception, Zhao Bi found that the streets are full of people and the shops are open, which is completely opposite to the situation during the day.

Afterwards, Zhao Bi jumped down directly, but there was indeed nothing on the street, and it was still the same as before.

"You don't need to look for it. This is a ghost market. You can't see anyone." When Zhao Bi was thinking, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

This really made Zhao Bi jump, and turned to look at the beggar lying on the ground drinking, Zhao Bi asked, "How do you know this?"

"I've been here for decades, and I'm pretty clear about things here." After the old beggar finished speaking, he arched his body against the wall, and then sat there looking at Zhao Bi as he said.

"What happened here? Is it possible that you have been allowing this situation to develop?"

"Young man, it's not that no one is in charge of this place, but it's that they can't manage it. It's fine like this." The old beggar said with a smile.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with Zhao Bi anyway. After smiling at the old beggar, he went back to the room directly.

“What a fun little guy”

Zhao Bi's front foot was just walking, and the old beggar who was still dressed in sloppy just stood up directly, and his temperament was still very good. ,

In one night, nothing special happened. This is a ghost market, which Zhao Yu didn't expect. The key is that why these people who stay here during the day stay here is still more curious.

When he woke up in the morning, Zhao Bi first opened the window and looked at the situation outside, and after confirming that he had recovered, he began to arrange his clothes and walked out of the room.

The weirdness here is far more than what Zhao Bi perceives, and there are more unknown things behind it.

In the morning, Zhao Ling'er was much better, and her complexion had recovered, but she still didn't want to talk to Zhao Bi.

After eating, the three continued on their way to Nanzhao.

"Princess, walk slowly, Anu can't even keep up with you." Anu said lazily behind Zhao Linger.

Zhao Linger was still silent and walked forward.

At this moment, Anu's fingers jumped up, and Anu smiled and said to himself, "It's Tang Yu Xiaobao."

Looking at the expression on his face, Zhao Bi said directly: "They are not far ahead, so there is no need to look for them anymore."

"How do you know?" Anu looked at Zhao Bi curiously and said.

"Look with your eyes." Zhao Bi said, pointing forward.

Following the direction Zhao Bi said, Anu really saw Tang Yu at a glance.

"Princess, Tang Yu Xiaobao is here to pick us up." Anu said happily.

"Tang Yu Xiaobao?"

"Oh, that's right, the princess probably doesn't know her." Anu said with a little embarrassment.

On this mountain road, Tang Yu was standing on a big rock and looking towards Zhao Bi, but he was not alone, there were more than a dozen people behind him, and there was a carriage.

Tang Yu turned around and said respectfully to the middle-aged man in front of him, "Father, Anu and the princess are already here."

"Okay, everything is ready, I will leave directly later." The middle-aged man said.

Zhao Bi has already sensed the existence of this group of people, and now that he is here, it means that the next itinerary will be much simpler, and he does not need to live like the present.

As they got closer, they could now clearly see the existence of Tang Yu and those people. It was not only Tang Yu who could be seen, but also other people.

"Master? Why is he here?" Anu said to himself worriedly.

"Are they from Nanzhao?" Zhao Linger suddenly said towards Anu.

"Yes princess, the one at the front is Tang Yu Xiaobao, and the middle-aged man in the middle is my master and our general in Nanzhao." Anu introduced.

"Got it, let's go." Zhao Linger said to the crowd first.

When they first arrived at the crowd, the general and Tang Yu Xiaobao's group stood together in an orderly manner, then knelt down and respectfully shouted, "Meet Your Highness the Princess."

"Get up, everyone." Zhao Linger said to everyone with a smile.

"That's right, the princess really has nothing."

"Anu, is this how the master taught you?" The general knelt down and scolded Anu directly.

Looking at the general's eyes, Anu pouted, walked to the side and knelt on the ground and shouted to Zhao Linger, "Meet the princess."

As for Zhao Bi's side, these people have completely ignored them, and of course he doesn't mind.

(End of this chapter)

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