Chapter 231

Zhao Bi sat on the rock, and after a while, he began to recover slowly.

"Huh..." Zhao Bi let out a deep breath, then stood up and came directly to the general and the others in an instant.

Looking at Zhao Bi who suddenly appeared, the general said a little dissatisfied, "You still say you are a son-in-law? Where were you when Her Royal Highness was taken away?"

"Stop making sarcastic remarks here, aren't you the same?" Zhao Yu said with a smile, and then asked, "Who took it away?"

"It should be someone from Shushan. Their strength is very profound. Our side didn't even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes." When the general said this, he lowered his head. But he still recognized the opponent's strength.

"Okay, I get it, but now who can tell me where the Shu Mountain is?" Zhao Yu asked these people present curiously.

"Not many people know about Shushan, especially its location."

After listening to the general's words, Zhao Yu didn't want to stop anymore, and what he said was a bunch of useless.

"Anu, see if you can determine which direction Ling'er is in?" Zhao Bi said, looking directly at Anu next to him.

Zhao Bi had been talking here for a while, and Anu was still in a daze at this time, Zhao Bi went straight up and patted the other person on the shoulder and shouted, "Anu, what are you thinking?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I was thinking about Shushan, I still have a little impression, the key is that I can't remember clearly." Anu said directly.

"Now it's not for you to remember the matter of Shushan, you should hurry up and try to see if you can determine Ling'er's location."

"Okay, I'll try it now." Anu said directly.

Then I saw Anu's two hands crossing and shaking, and then a blue fairy-like light spot began to rotate irregularly around her hand.

Just looking at it like this, after a while, Anu opened his eyes and said to Zhao Bi, "This is the little elf between me and the princess. It can not only find people, but also chat."

"Don't talk so many useless things, just tell me how to use this thing." Zhao Yu didn't even have time to listen to this girl's explanation here.

"Just let it go." Anu said immediately.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Bi also started to follow what Anu said, and let out the spot of light that he had held in his hand just now, and then the spot of light turned into a blue butterfly that was always glowing and appeared.

But looking at his flying speed, Zhao Bi looked directly at Anu and said, "You are not here to tease me, are you? This speed is not as fast as walking, how can I find it?"

"Anu can only do this!" Anu said a little aggrieved.

"I'll go with you to save the princess." The general said directly.

"I said old man, you can just stay here by yourself." Zhao Bi was really speechless for these people, one after another was like this.

After watching the group of people, Zhao Bi quickly grabbed the butterfly, and then disappeared.

Zhao Bi moved directly in the direction of the spirit-seeking butterfly's flight, and released the little guy directly from time to time.

Then follow her direction.

After going back and forth like this several times, Zhao Bi didn't even know where he was, and the spirit-seeking butterfly just stopped in place and didn't move.

This place is completely the kind of place where the birds don't shit, Zhao Bi doesn't believe that Zhao Linger's problem is staying here.

But sometimes I can't help but question whether I believe it or not. Even if Zhao Bi knows that there is a weird situation here, he can't find any flaws at all.

After staying like this for a while, Zhao Bi just stood up, but when he saw a hare passing in front of him, it disappeared directly in place.


Zhao Yu said directly to himself with doubts.

The enchantment is maintained by spiritual power, Zhao Yu simply can't perceive it now, the feeling that his way of cultivation is completely useless here.

Just when Zhao Bi was about to turn around and leave, a man in Taoist robes with a long beard suddenly appeared in front of him.

"It's you, Shushan let you come here?" Zhao Bi asked directly.

"Little friend is still so interesting, this time it was indeed the head who asked me to come here." The visitor said.

Zhao Yu had met this person once before, outside the cave where Zhao Ling'er turned into a snake.

As for the coming of Shushan this time, Zhao Bi has already guessed, since they have already arrived here, it is impossible for Shushan not to know about it.

"Let's go, do you want to go in and have a look together?" the old Taoist said.

"Not to mention, the location of your Mt. Shu is really quite hidden, plus the enchantment, but why you choose this place makes people very curious." Zhao Yan said with a smile.

The old Taoist smiled, but didn't say anything, and then with a wave of his hand, a space door appeared in front of Zhao Yu that could pass through the next person, and it was completely impossible to see what was going on inside from the outside.

"Let's go, I'll go in and wait for you first." After the old Taoist finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Zhao Bi.

"It seems that there is nothing to worry about?" Zhao Yu laughed at himself and walked in directly.

The feeling of coming in is not as dizzy as Zhao Yu imagined, it is the same as walking normally.

After entering, when Zhao Bi opened his eyes, the scene in front of him was indeed dazzling.

The place in front of him is no longer the desolate place just now, but the aura here is very abundant, even Zhao Yu can feel this feeling.

Lowering his head, Zhao Bi looked at the blue stone slab he was standing on, and there was a long staircase in front of him, and he even had the illusion that he was directly in the sky.

Or it can be said that this has really reached the sky.

The mountains and stones suspended in mid-air are the demeanor that Shushan Xianshan should have.

There are many people in the whole Shu Mountain, so many that there are not a few people flying with swords in the sky.

"How is it? This is Mount Shu, does it give you a bright feeling?" The old Taoist priest who came in earlier just walked up to Zhao Yu and said with a smile.

"I still don't know what your name is?" Zhao Yu ignored his words and asked directly looking at the situation on the steps.

"There is no such thing as a name, you can call me Daoweng."

Hearing what the old Taoist said, Zhao Yu turned around and smiled directly at him, and then said, "Tell me, is there any of you in this suspended fairy mountain?"

"Yes, but you can't see it now." Daoweng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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