Tianlong: Immortal Cultivator in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 255 Nuwa's Spiritual Consciousness

Chapter 255 Nuwa's Spiritual Consciousness
Looking at the house with several holes in it, and looking at Zhao Bi's situation, even if Zhao Yan wanted to say something, he still didn't say it in the end.

"Brother, are you okay?" Zhao Ling'er looked at Zhao Bi's ragged appearance, and asked directly.

"It's okay, what can it do?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

In this world, when you know that your strength has not reached the upper limit, but under the current situation, what this world can bring you is nothing more than the use of skilled spiritual power.

Looking at Zhao Yan and the others, Zhao Yu smiled and said, "I'm really sorry for disturbing everyone again this time."

"Haha, it doesn't matter, as long as the son-in-law is fine." Zhao Yan said directly with a big laugh.

"By the way, Ling'er, how about the clothes I asked you to arrange for me to sit on?" Zhao Yan suddenly remembered this matter and asked directly.

For a Zhao Bi who is already accustomed to wearing one kind of clothes, the other ones are really a bit unaccustomed.

"Don't worry, I've already made a few pieces, and they will probably be delivered tomorrow." Zhao Linger looked at Zhao Bi and said.

Now the palace, especially Zhao Yan's side, is very indulgent towards Zhao Bi and doesn't have too many demands. Even if there is such a big commotion, they just laugh it off.

After everyone left, Zhao Yu looked at Luo Ran, and said angrily, "Look, it's all because of you, you made this nice house into this."

"Still talking about me? If you didn't talk nonsense about me, would I do this?" Luo Ran said unceremoniously.

"How about that, didn't you say that Nuwa still has a little consciousness in this world? Shall we go and see it tomorrow?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"No, if you want to go, go yourself, I don't want to see that old woman." Luo Ran said directly with disdain.

"Look at what you said, if you don't go, it's meaningless for me to go alone."

Looking at Zhao Bi's appearance, Luo Ran was a little speechless.

"Zhao Bi, you're still sleeping, why don't you get up quickly!"

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yu slightly opened his eyes and said to Luo Ran floating above his head.

"Didn't you say you were going to see that old woman?"

"I said Luo Ran, how many days ago did this happen, and it's been a month now, what's the rush?" Zhao Yu said hazyly.

"I don't care, get up quickly." Luo Ran said while grabbing Zhao Bi's hair.

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Yu sat up helplessly and looked at Luo Ran and said directly.

"I have a hunch that something bad will happen, I'm going to ask that old woman what's going on." Luo Ran said directly.

"Is there such a thing?" Hua Wen suddenly became energetic and said at this moment.

Luo Ran didn't want to say anything more, so she crossed her hands, and after a while, a black bead emerged directly from Zhao Bi's body, the only difference was that the bead began to emit a slightly red light.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yu asked curiously.

"Where do I know, that's why I said to ask."

Looking at Luo Ran's appearance, Zhao Yu felt that this did not seem to be a fake, so he quickly put on his clothes and stood up.

Following the perception of the position of the statue of Nuwa, Zhao Bi came here directly with Luo in an instant,

It seems that it is already one of the most perfect places in Nanzhao. The calm picture, coupled with the mountains and rivers in the distance, this place is a place to relax.

With the breeze blowing, countless waves began to ripple on the lake in front of him.

"The one in the middle should be the statue of Nuwa, right?" Zhao Yu looked at Luo Ran and said.

"What kind of Nuwa statue doesn't look like it at all, and I don't know whose it is?" Luo Ran said contemptuously.

Seeing that Zhao Bi was still staring at the statue of Nuwa, Luo Ran smiled and asked, "Zhao Bi, what do you want to know most if you meet Nuwa here?"

"I want to know." Zhao Bi began to ponder.

"Come on. Don't you want to know who she is?"

"That's right? Who did this Nuwa have a child with? Didn't I really think of this?"

But just as Zhao Bi said this, a powerful force directly knocked him hundreds of meters away.

Zhao Bi slammed into a gully hundreds of meters long along the ground, and it seemed that the power was already great.

Zhao Yu didn't even notice when and where the attack appeared. All of this seemed to appear out of thin air.

This blow directly caused Zhao Bi to be seriously injured, even to the point where he vomited blood directly.

But Luo Ran in the distance flew directly above Zhao Bi and started laughing non-stop.

"Hahaha, let you often say, people are angry now."

"Luo Ran, did you know that such a situation would happen?" Zhao Bi said while sitting in the deep pit with a speechless face.

Although he is seriously injured now, for Zhao Bi, it is nothing more than something that can be alleviated soon.

"Tell me about you, I've already told you, this old Nuwa has a trace of spiritual knowledge in this world, why don't you listen? Haha" Luo Ran continued to gloat at this time.

Zhao Bi ignored this boring guy and started sitting cross-legged on the spot.

As the spiritual power began to gather, a blue spiritual power vortex appeared all over Zhao Bi's body, the kind that even ordinary people could almost see.

Half an hour later, Zhao Bi stood up. At this time, it looked almost the same as when he came, but the injuries on the details of the body still hadn't had time to repair.

Zhao Bi walked to the lake again, instead of doing what he did the first time, this time Zhao Bi directly bowed respectfully to the statue of Nuwa, and then said, "Thank you, Saint Nuwa, for your mercy."


As soon as Zhao Bi's voice fell, within a short while, the voice seemed to come directly from the sky.

This time, Zhao Bi was even more sure that this Nuwa really seemed to have spiritual consciousness in it.

"Little guy, I didn't expect you to have such a source of blessing, and you could get it. I don't know how many people in countless eras wanted to know his whereabouts, but in the end no one found it. I didn't expect it to be here?" Nuwa The hollow voice came out directly and said.

Zhao Bi had already doubted Luo Ran's origin before, but listening to Nu Wa's words, Luo Ran's origin seemed to be a big one.

Looking at Luo Ran's appearance, Zhao Yu really couldn't think of any more reliable background for this incomprehensible little girl.

"Luo Ran, aren't you worried that she will leak your news?" Zhao Bi tilted his head and looked at Luo Ran and said.

"What are you worried about? Nuwa's spiritual sense can't leave this world anymore, so don't worry." Luo Ran said with a smile.

Looking at the statue of Nuwa, Zhao Bi was still thinking about something, but for a while, he really didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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