Chapter 264 Heaven's Punishment
Although Chong Lou is a militant, he is also very smart.

Zhao Bi's side is different. Seeing that his ultimate attack has not come down after so long, he thought that his attack had made a mistake.

But at this moment, a strong sense of coercion came directly from the top of his head.

At this time, not only Zhao Bi, but even Chong Lou began to look up.

"I'm stupid, Zhao Yu, I'm not finished with you." Luo Ran yelled directly and loudly.

The scene in front of him did not dare to convince Zhao Bi that this thing was a spell he used.

There seems to be nothing wrong with calling this thing Mieshi, right?
The dense stars above the head fell directly towards the two of them, and the flame tails they brought up were estimated to be more than ten miles long.

It would be easier to talk about one, but this thing is no longer one or two.

"Zhao Bi, you guys are going to die together?" Zhonglou Xianza no longer showed any excitement, and this battle has just begun.

"The ghost wants to die with you?" Zhao Bi shouted directly.

Mainly because he himself didn't know this happened?
I created this trick in Tianlong World, but I didn't have the opportunity to experiment at that time, so it was different.It's almost here.

"Luo Ran, hurry up and think of a way?" Zhao Bi said anxiously.

"I have a crazy idea," Luo Ran said angrily.

As the meteorite was about to hit the ground, the coercion on the ground directly pressed Mozun and Zhao Bi to the ground, unable to move.

Not only that, the entire ground has begun to crack, but it still hasn't fallen.

It is already difficult for the two of them to lift their heads up now, and their entire bodies are sunk in the soil.

But what happened next left them stunned.

"Boom" There was a thunderous sound in the sky, and then all the meteorites disappeared, but Zhao Bi, who was summoning meteorites, was suddenly hit hard.

With the disappearance of the meteorite, the original coercion is no longer there, but Zhao Bi is still lying in the mud, spitting blood in his mouth, and only a cold sentence comes from his mind: "There will be another time, and it will be wiped out in ashes."

This voice directly traumatized Zhao Bi's mind, which was different from Nuwa's attack at that time, this time it was a serious injury in a complete form.

When Zhao Bi got up slowly, his whole body seemed to have begun to lose control, and he sat on the ground with a pale face.

The heavy building is relatively better, and basically there is no injury.

"It seems that you have been punished by heaven?" Chong Lou said calmly.

"You knew something like this would happen?" Zhao Bi said weakly.

"You have already reconciled like this, and you still need to know?" Chong Lou smiled, and then sat directly next to Zhao Bi and said.

Zhao Bi didn't speak, and the whole person lay directly on the ground.

"You are really strong, so strong that even Tian Dao has to make a move!"

Hearing Chonglou's emotion, Zhao Yu was even more speechless, and slowly took out the fragments he got before from his arms and threw them directly towards Chonglou, saying, "This is yours, I lost."

After Chong Lou received it, he looked at Zhao Bi, he was a little dazed at first, and then said a little melancholy, "According to this, you really lost."

In fact, Zhonglou knew that if Zhao Bi hadn't been punished by heaven for using this trick, it would be hard to say whether he won or lost.

Even so, Chonglou still took the pieces that Zhao Bi gave him.

Looking at Zhao Bi who was lying on the ground, Chong Lou said, "How is the injury?"

"Shouldn't you be able to use spiritual power in a short time?" Zhao Yu said with a bitter smile.

"The way of heaven has not been wiped out, you are relatively lucky."

Seeing Chonglou's smiling face, Zhao Bi closed his eyes directly, because he didn't want to chat with this guy anymore.

Half an hour passed, Zhao Yu was still lying down, but Chonglou said, "The battlefield of gods and demons can't stay for long, let's go quickly."

"Look at me, can I move now?" Zhao Bi was speechless.

"Okay, this time I asked you to come here, so let me take you back." Chong Lou said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This time Zhao Bi was injured, not only herself was injured, but even Luo Ran was seriously injured. She mainly blocked the first wave of Tiandao's attack for Zhao Bi, otherwise Zhao Bi would have died a long time ago.

It's not that Tiandao doesn't want to obliterate Zhao Bi, the main reason is that Zhao Bi and Luo Ran are one and cannot be erased at all.

But this thing is not an arrogant capital, and serious injuries are also the due result.

Chong Lou directly put Zhao Bi on his shoulders, and was about to take Zhao Bi back to Nanzhao, but at this time Zhao Bi said, "Can you get a better posture?"

"Two big men, why do you care about such things?" Chonglou smiled and flew away.

After the two left, the battlefield of gods and demons seemed to be alive, and the scars on the ground were healing rapidly. Not only that, even the broken flowers and trees quickly became the same as when they first came. look.

But this scene was not seen by Zhao Bi, otherwise he would have been very surprised.

After returning to Nanzhao, it was already late at night.

Chonglou put Zhao Bi on the bed, and then said, "It seems to you that you can't use the magic energy, so I'll come back after a while."

"Well, you said that you are quite boring over there alone, so just stay here for a while."

"Do you want me to be your bodyguard for a while?" Chonglou said directly with the corner of his mouth raised.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Zhao Bi didn't speak and seemed to be asleep, Chong Lou smiled, then turned and left.

The injury this time was indeed more serious. Zhao Yu's body was already like a sieve, unable to hold spiritual power at all, even if it was absorbed, it would disappear in an instant.

When he woke up in the morning, Zhao Bi could barely get out of bed, but his face was still terribly pale. This was also the worst injury he had suffered in his life.

Now that Luo Ran is not by his side, Zhao Bi is left alone and doesn't know how to operate it.

Staggering to the restaurant, Zhao Bi entered the door and started to maintain the appearance that he had nothing to do, and even asked the servants to go out while eating.

There is no way, I don't know what will happen now, what if it happens again, with my current state, an ordinary person can kill me directly.

For the next few days, Zhao Bi maintained what he used to be every day, basking in the sun every day, and would not do anything extra.

For outsiders, they are used to Zhao Bi's appearance, so no one doubted anything in a short time.

After a few days of recovery, although Zhao Yu's complexion has improved a lot now, the spiritual power in his body is still unable to be absorbed. This thing is no longer something that can be solved by worrying about it. Why not have a good time.

(End of this chapter)

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