Chapter 288 Thick Soil
Nvwa brought the thick soil to the gate of the Prophet's space in an instant, but at this time, the thick soil could not see the existence of the prophet's space at all.

When she started to ask questions the day after tomorrow, Nu Wa directly held the pendant on her neck that Zhao Bi gave her.

With the input of power, the space enchantment of the Prophet also appeared inside. This space does not belong to any place at present, but exists in the long river of time.

Even the thick soil that has reached the peak of Da Luo Jinxian can't see the existence here.

The moment the Prophet's Dimension appeared, Houtu felt that he had already begun to be surprised. After all, no one would have thought that there would be such a cave in such a desolate and devoid of aura.

But this is just more surprising why the prophet stayed in this place.

But when the door opened, Hou Tu who walked in showed the same expression as Nuwa when she came here.

"Is this the Prophet's Mansion?" Houtu asked curiously.

"Yes, it's just that I can't imagine how long this space will become so fragrant." Nuwa said with a smile.

"This is the smell of laurel," Houtu reminded directly.

"No wonder the smell is a bit familiar!"

Nuwa looked at Houtu while talking, and then said, "Would you like to take a look at this world first, I think there will be many things that will surprise you."

"Okay, then there will be Lao Nvwa, fellow Taoist." Houtu said with a salute.

As he walked towards the inside, Houtu looked at Nuwa and said, "Friend Nuwa, there seem to be many demon clans here? And these"

"These are the ones who have robbed hundreds of clans. Except for the dragon clan, all other clans have them." Nuwa said.

"I didn't expect that there are still people from the Hundred Clans. It's really surprising, isn't it?"

"You are surprised now, how surprised you will be later, there will be many things that you can't think of in the prophet space." Nuwa said with a smile.

As he walked forward, all kinds of things in the Prophet's space, even all kinds of spiritual treasures, were basically scattered in every corner.

The thing that was given to Hongjun at the beginning was just one that I randomly found in the corner of this space.

None of the hundreds of clans staying here will touch these things, and they won't even allow outsiders to touch them.

Houtu originally thought that he knew a lot, but when he got here, he realized that he seemed to know nothing.

First of all, the power of the law of time on the outer barrier, and it still belongs to the law of time of the great way, which cannot even be touched by people like them, but the entire periphery of the barrier here is like this.

The barrier on the inner layer uses the power of the law of space, which is even more rare and pitiful. Even the power of space of his elder brother Di Jiang seems to be incomparable here.

"Do you know what the biggest function here is?" Nuwa asked.

"This place is far beyond what I know!" Hou Tu said with an awkward smile.

"Actually, it's normal. I've stayed here for 10 years to understand something. The biggest benefit of being here is that there will be no extra calamity."

Nuwa's voice directly shocked Houtu. Everyone knows what the calamity is. Basically, except for the saints, no one can avoid it. Totally amazed.

"Okay, let's go up, you probably just want to meet the Prophet, so let's go there." Nuwa said with a smile.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Nvwa." Hou Tu directly bowed and said respectfully.

Stepping on the suspended steps, I am afraid that Houtu himself knows the anxiety in his heart. After all, if he wants to meet an existence that the Taoist ancestors will treat him with courtesy, he will be a ghost if he is not nervous.

In order to be able to come here this time before, Houtu's current image can be regarded as the world's top appearance, coupled with his cute appearance, Zhao Yu had already discovered it long ago.

Since they have something to look for themselves, there is no harm in meeting them.

"Isn't this Nuwa?" The Time Demon God suddenly came to Nuwa from nowhere and shouted.

"Master Time, where is that guy?" Nuwa asked.

"Haha, if you can say that, you are probably the only one in this world even in the chaos." The Time Demon God laughed and said, but when he saw that there were still people behind Nuwa, the Time Demon God thought for a while Said, "The Prophet is up there, go over by yourselves."

"Did you do something wrong?" Nu Wa looked at the Time Demon God, covered her mouth and laughed.

"How is it possible, I will have no problems."

"Forget it, I was still thinking about seeing if I could help you? Since it doesn't look like it, it's okay." Nuwa said, her eyes were still looking at the Time Demon God.

"Okay, let me say." The Time Demon God said with a grievance on his face, "The prophet asked me to plant the flat peach mother plant, but there is still no movement from that thing, which makes me more embarrassed."

"So that's what happened, Fellow Daoist Nvwa, the little gourd I gave you contains three-color magic water, which has a miraculous effect on innate spiritual roots, so you can try it." Houtu said directly after listening to their words.

"This is really great, hurry up." Time Demon God said a little excitedly.

After Nuwa took out the small gourd, she opened the lid and poured out two pieces of divine water, but the Time Demon God said directly, "Pour more, it's too little."

"Master Time, this is enough, one drop is enough, you can go and try it." Nuwa said contemptuously.

"OK then."

Watching the Time Demon God leave, Nuwa smiled slightly, and then said to Houtu, "Let's go."

"Master Prophet." Houtu who just came in saluted Hua Wen directly when he saw Hua Wen lying on the recliner.

"Get up and sit down," Zhao Bi said, and with a wave of his hand, two more futons appeared beside the two of them.

"When did you go to the Lunar Star, and you can still take the laurel branch?" Nuwa said.

"Let's talk about this kind of thing later, there are other people here who should pay attention to their image." Zhao Bi said, looking at Nuwa speechlessly.

"Master Prophet, this time I really took the liberty to bother you, I want to ask."

"Don't ask, you don't have a soul but a body, so you can't practice like them, but you are both descendants of Pangu, so you also have your own chances and encounters." Zhao Yu interrupted Houtu's words and said directly.

"I hope the Prophet will clarify the confusion." Houtu sat there with his head lowered and asked Zhao Bi.

Looking at such a slightly cute girl, Zhao Bi really wanted to say something for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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