Tianlong: Immortal Cultivator in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 298 Establishment of the Demon Court

Chapter 298 Establishment of the Demon Court
It's just that the establishment of the demon court has already started, Di Jun is sitting in a high position, and the ten demon saints are responsible for receiving the invited personnel this time.

The demon court now looks quite grand, no matter who comes to see it, they will say so.

As the personnel entered the arena, there were still a lot of people invited this time, even the Taishang Laozi Yuanshi Tianzun still came to congratulate him.

It can be said that the grandeur of the establishment of the demon court is much greater than any other ceremony in the past.

"This monster court is really good!" Tong Tian couldn't help but said looking at such a lineup.

"There's nothing good about it, but it's just a group of wet-breeding guys." Yuan Shi looked at Di Jun who was sitting on it and said to Tong Tian with disdain.

These people never look straight at people.

But after all the invited people had arrived, Di Jun waved his hand directly, and the place became quiet immediately.

"Everyone, the demon court is established today, and I still thank you all for coming. In the future, the demon clan will realize that there will be no disputes in this prehistoric continent, so that all races can develop together, and the demon court welcomes all people with lofty ideals to come together. "

Di Jun talked high above, but there were already a lot of small moves outside.

"Senior brother, you said that Di Jun was invited to set up the demon court, but in the end he didn't invite our two brothers?" Jieyin, who was standing thousands of miles away, said to Zhunti who was next to him.

"It's nothing. In the future, there will be a more prosperous scene in our west than this." Zhunti said fiercely.

For these two guys, many people will ignore them directly, after all, they are just two sycophants.

In the Demon Court, Nuwa looked at the crowd without any attitude or thoughts.

But Nuwa, who is Hongjun's disciple, still has her own place in this demon court, sitting there just like Sanqing.

This time was not only the establishment of the Demon Court, but also the time when Di Jun began to confer his own title, but such a thing still needs a relatively high-ranking person to appear.

But at this moment, a row of large golden characters suddenly appeared on the demon court, "Acknowledge the position of Emperor Jun, the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Clan."

"The Dao ancestor has come forward to admit it!"

The moment they saw the words, everyone stood up directly. After all, Daozu's influence is still relatively large.

What Di Jun did just needs someone to admit it. Now that Daozu has already admitted it, the next thing will be much easier.

"Haha. Now that the Dao ancestor has recognized the title of Emperor Jun of the Monster Clan, from now on, Donghuang Taiyi will be the Monster Emperor, and the Monster Saints will be respectively"

This is something that has already been determined, and this is nothing more than going through the motions again.

"Prophet, today is the establishment of the Demon Court, why don't we go to such a lively event?" In the Prophet's Palace, the Demon God of Time sat on the steps and looked at Zhao Yu and said.

"What's there to go to, in the end it's just a dream." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"What is a dream?"

Zhao Bi looked at Time Demon God's thirst for knowledge, and really wanted to slap this guy out.

"How is the construction of the chaotic space going?" Zhao Bi said, looking at the Time Demon God.

"Prophet, it's really not easy over there. Besides, you just messed up things in the past, why let me go there?" Time Demon God said reluctantly.

"Time, I feel that I will be detached soon, so I can't do everything by myself!" Zhao Yan said.

"Prophet, what is detachment?" The Time Demon God asked curiously again. After all, for this guy, even a Hunyuan Golden Immortal hasn't gone up yet, so he really doesn't know.

"Do you know, I have traveled to the Chaos Sea many times over the past countless years, and I have been to all directions, but in the end I found that they are all the same, so I will try it in the Chaos Sea after transcending Hunyuan." Zhao Yu Said with some melancholy.

"Prophet, why do you insist on entering the sea of ​​chaos? Chaos is already big enough." Time Demon God said a little incomprehensibly.

"There are some things that must be done. For me now, maybe the Dao is guiding me to explore the Chaos Sea in the dark."

Seeing Zhao Bi's appearance, the Demon God of Time stood up and asked, "Prophet, how long will it take for you?"

"Don't worry, it may take two more time to measure the calamity." Zhao Yu said with a light smile.

But for them who have lived through dozens of calamities, the time for two calamities is not very long.

In the demon court.

At this moment, with the arrival of the ancestor witch of the Wu clan, all eyes turned towards them.

For these Twelve Ancestral Witches who are in a good mood now, it's just to celebrate the demon court who is also more happy.

"Di Jiang, it seems that the Emperor of Heaven didn't invite you here?" Shang Yang looked at Di Jiang and said directly.

"What you Yaoting said is not right. It is something worthy of celebration, and it is the same for our witch clan to come here. Why do you still say such things?" Zhu Rong said directly.

"We came here this time to congratulate the establishment of the Demon Court, and we have no other ideas." Di Jiang said with a smile.

"Shangyang, you go down first. Since Di Jiang and fellow Taoists are here, the emperor naturally welcomes him. I just plan to talk to fellow Taoist Di Jiang after this matter." Di Jun stood up and looked at Di Jiang with a slight smile. Said with a smile.

"The Witch Clan congratulates the establishment of the Demon Court, and specially presents the Houtian Supreme Treasure Slaying Demon Sword as a congratulatory gift." Zhu Jiuyin held a sword and directly said to the person next to him.

At this time, sending such a gift is simply slapping people like Yaozu in the face.

Donghuang Taiyi stood up directly, with a very unkind expression on his face. Even Di Jun had a stern expression on his face, but he still said to Donghuang, "Taiyi, do well, don't hurt the face of the monster clan."

"I didn't expect there to be a good show to watch!" Yuan Yuan couldn't help laughing when he saw the threatening scene.

"It's really interesting." Tong Tian also said.

Most of the people who come here are due to the fact that the Yaozu is relatively powerful, but it is still a relatively cool thing to see Di Jun being slapped in the face when the Yaoting was established.

"Since Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang came here, there is no need to give any gifts, but since he has already given them, the demon court will naturally return the gifts when he turns back." Di Jun said in a deep voice.

"Then our Wu Clan is looking forward to the gift from Fellow Daoist Di Jun." Di Jiang said without giving in.

Regardless of the fact that Houtu, who was standing at the end, had already discovered that something was wrong, why did my brothers come to provoke the demon court when they had nothing to do?
And these situations are very different from their usual performance?
(End of this chapter)

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