My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 102 3 Jiang's reflections. . .

Chapter 102 Sanjiang's reflections. . .

Alas, I just said a few days ago that when I went to Sanjiang, I wanted to write about the interesting things I encountered at work, but I didn’t expect it to come so soon.

I knew that the previous article of apology and explanation was put here.

In short, first of all, I would like to thank the readers and my editor-in-chief, Ink Mo, and the editor-in-chief ZENK.

Master Shui Mo is very kind, he gave me all kinds of good suggestions, and saved me from many detours. After all, I am a pure newcomer.

Speaking of this, I feel depressed. After changing the list today, I turned my phone and found that Sanjiang’s recommendation was a new book by an old author. God is pitiful, this is the first online novel in my life!
Forget it, let's talk about the interesting things at work.

I studied software engineering in college, and my first job as an intern was a popular programmer.

I remember when I first arrived at the company, the boss who took me said that the company had accepted an order. Although the other party gave me a lot of money, it was not too difficult and asked me to follow the project.

I naively believed it, and the result was that the project lasted for 58 days. I worked overtime every night until I got off work at 58 o'clock in the morning, and I went to work normally at [-] o'clock in the morning. It lasted for [-] days without a break.

After the project ended, the leader asked me to become a full-time employee. The internship period in that company was three months to one year. It seemed that I was doing well, and I became a regular employee within two months.

However I declined because I didn't want to die too early.

Then, because I liked cutting and cutting videos when I was in college, my cousin introduced me to work in the post-production of film and television in the company opened by his classmate.

Here is a piece of advice to everyone, you must not go to the company of an acquaintance, including the company introduced by an acquaintance!This is a matter of experience.

Anyway, I was cheated miserably in that company, but I am such an easy-going person, and I still worked there for a long time. Anyway, the salary has not been raised, and it is fixed at 1500.
Then I resigned. I remember it was a New Year’s Eve. The night before the end of the holiday, the boss called me and told me to go out for a drink. I didn’t want to go. She said she had gone downstairs to my house. There was no way, so I went.

Then she poured me a meal of chicken soup and asked me to work hard with her. On the surface, I agree, but in my heart I also have some expectations for the future. I can only say that I am too young.

When I went to work the next day, I held a meeting as usual, and the boss said that I would raise my salary. I was very happy.Then the boss said that it is still 1500 per month, but 200 will be deducted, and you will get an extra 600 once every three months.
I bought a watch last year!At that time, I directly said that I quit.You may not believe it, but she is still calling me a white-eyed wolf in Moments. . .

The latter job is a three-character national online education platform. I am responsible for taking promotional photos and videos for teachers and educational institutions.

There is an interesting fact that I was not a good student in high school, and the dean always looked at me with squinted eyes.

As a result, I once went to take a promotional photo for a high school, and the dean who was already the vice principal was really affectionate to me. Teacher Wang Chuan called me long and short, and even handed me cigarettes. . .He asked me if I met, I said no, but I was actually very happy.You used to look at me with squinted eyes every day, but now you greet me and pass cigarettes to me, haha~
It suddenly occurred to me that novels really come from life. Wouldn't it be another plot to put this matter in an urban novel?

After that, I still resigned. The first reason is that the company is a bit bureaucratic, and the work is finished at 5 o'clock every day. The head office insists on holding a video conference with each branch at 8 o'clock. The branch company still needs to make a summary of the meeting, and now it's 10:11.

Working overtime is actually nothing, but I don't advocate useless overtime.It just so happened that a friend from that company asked me to open a studio together to make corporate videos and weddings, so I resigned.

Here are some interesting things that happened to this company.

Once a real estate agent asked us to shoot a promotional video of the property. During the chat, the boss had an idea, asking if he could let an employee stand on the roof of the building, jump down with his hands open, and let him fly in the air for a while. . .

I was stupefied at the time, and replied, "Then do you want to add wings to him?"

In fact, it was ironic. Who knew that the boss was surprised: "Can you add wings? Then add it!"

Of course, in fact, these can also be done. For special effects, it depends on whether the money is in place. In the end, he only gave five digits, which are still below the beginning 5.

I told him that our level is limited and we can't do it, and I will introduce him to a great company.

Then I gave him the contact information of a friend who is an awesome video company in Shanghai.

Then I don't care.

Who knew that at noon the next day, my friend called and said, "Brother, the person you introduced must be sick!"

I said what's wrong.

He said that the requirements were quite high, and when he said the price was unreasonable, he then scolded him for taking black-hearted money and asking such a high price for a broken video. . .

I have encountered this kind of thing several times. A company that buys wine asked me to make a promotional video. I was not satisfied with the demo. I said I am not satisfied and change it until you are satisfied.

He said that what he wants is the picture at the entrance of their company, which changes throughout the year.

I thought about it at the time, boss, you only gave me a one-month shooting and production cycle, how come the four seasons of the year?
He said, add special effects!
I ask cautiously, what is your budget?
He said that the money is not bad, you can do whatever you want!

Then I reported a number, and it turned out that the film had not been changed, and he said he was very satisfied. . .

I used to write novels to pass my spare time, but as a result, I never touched the game again. I went to work during the day and coded at night, and at three o’clock every day, I lost several strands of hair.

Then for the wedding celebration, the work starts one day in advance. The hotel is usually allowed to enter the venue after 10:5 p.m. After 1:[-] or [-]:[-], pack up the equipment and go back to the company, hold a meeting, and go home to sleep at [-]:[-] pm.

Because of the delay in my coding time, I haven't done much work in the past two months, and I had a fight with my partner.

The studio is probably going to be disbanded.Originally, I was writing for fun, but I didn't expect my grades to be good, so I had some plans to work full-time.

Originally, I have always been cautious, unless I have two books with good grades, otherwise I will not be full-time, but after all, the plan cannot keep up with the changes. . .

If you continue like this, your body may collapse.

Anyway, the separation of the family is definitely necessary. The main thing is to see how the grades are on the shelf. If the grades are good, I will probably be full-time. If the grades are not good, I will find a job that does not work overtime but does not pay well Done.After all, we are a small third-tier city, and I am lonely without a girlfriend, and I can’t starve to death, right~
In fact, after seeing this, readers and gentlemen should have seen it, not bad!The front is actually all my foreshadowing!The purpose is to give everyone a lot of support when it is put on the shelves!

If the listing reaches
Cough, this is only said in the testimonials on the shelf, so let's save it for then.

I remember all the rewards from all the big guys here. Although I haven’t made any promises to add more rewards, but you can rest assured, Brother Feng cough, I have a steelyard in my heart, try my best, I will try my best to save the manuscript and add it later.At present, there are at least 5 updates on the day of the shelves, and the rest depends on my manuscript storage. At my speed of three hours and one chapter, hehe. . .The future is gloomy.

In short, that's all the nonsense, everyone, let's see you on the shelves.

(End of this chapter)

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