Chapter 106 Clues
In the end, the two didn't say anything, and honestly handed in 40 taels of silver, then opened a room, and went upstairs to copy the cheats.

Why 40 taels?Because there are two people, one person is 20 taels.

Wu Qiong sat back with a smile, and said, "I've invited you for this meal, if it's not enough for everyone, please order more!"

Then he turned back to Xiao Er and said, "Little Brother, please bring some jars of wine, the kind without medicine."

"Okay." Xiao Er tremblingly went to get the wine.

When the wine was served, Jie Se opened a jar and took a sip, his eyes lit up: "Good wine!"

"Oh? Then I have to try it." Wu Qiong poured a glass for himself and the driver, and then he asked Xiaobai and the other three, "Do you want to drink?"

Both Li Jianshi and Ye Qingxuan shook their heads and refused, while Miss Xiaobai silently pushed the cup to Wu Qiong.

Wu Qiong helped her fill it up, and just as he was about to speak, another cup was handed to him:

"Me too!"

Wu Qiong raised his head, Li Jianshi held up his cup, and his cherry lips were tightly pursed.

He chuckled lightly, and helped her refill it: "Shi'er, forget it if you can't drink it."

Li Jianshi's expression was a bit complicated: "It's okay, I used to. Forget it, let's not talk about it."

【The person who drank with you in the previous life was me.】

Wu Qiong smiled and said nothing, everyone has their own secrets, Shi'er didn't talk about it, and he didn't intend to ask, but just helped her fill up the wine.

Pushing the cup and placing it between the cups, half an hour has passed.

The torrential rain still hasn't stopped outside.

The few people who drank were still drunk, except Brother Xu, the coachman.

Oh, by the way, his name is Xu Qingyuan.

Wu Qiong withdrew his gaze from Xiao Bai Shi'er's face, turned the cup in his hand, and asked inadvertently, "Brother Xu, do you have something on your mind?"

Xu Qingyuan, who was drinking heavily, was taken aback, and smiled wryly, "Let Brother Wu see it."

"Yes, today is the anniversary of my wife's death." He said in a low voice, "Two years ago today, my daughter was abducted by human traffickers, and she has never been seen since. One year ago today, my wife was so distraught that she hanged herself at home." .today."

With a hand on his arm, he raised his head and saw a pair of deep eyes.

Wu Qiong said: "Brother Xu, don't do stupid things."

Xu Qingyuan shook his head: "Want to hear my story?"

Without waiting for a few people to answer, he drank another glass of wine and continued on his own: "Two years ago today, Zhuo Jing and I took our daughter to a temple fair. She wanted a sugar sweetheart, so I left them alone. I went to buy a candy man alone. But when I came back, only Zhuo Jing was sitting on the ground crying bitterly, I hurried over, and she told me that someone came and snatched her daughter away."

He poured another glass of wine: "The two of us searched all night, but we couldn't find my daughter. Later, I went to the car dealership under my hand to be a driver, so that I could go around looking for my daughter."

"But after searching for a long time, I have no news of my daughter at all. Zhuo Jing also doesn't think about eating and drinking every day, and gradually loses weight. On the day after my daughter disappeared for a full year, I returned home, Xiaoru, she...she."

He couldn't continue, and took a sip of wine: "I'm sorry for them, if I didn't buy sugar people at that time."

"It's useless to regret what has happened." Wu Qiong took a sip of his wine and said softly: "The important thing is what to do in the future."

"Yes, the important thing is the future." Xu Qingyuan's voice was calm, he looked at Wu Qiong fixedly, and said, "Brother Wu, if... I beg you, will you help me avenge me?"

Wu Qiong frowned: "Do you know where the trafficker is?"

"I just found out recently." Xu Qingyuan is still calm, but he can see a little nervousness in his eyes: "But I am just an ordinary person who has practiced superficial kung fu, and the opponent is powerful. I can't avenge Zhuo Jing, and I can't ask my daughter I wonder if Brother Wu can help me? If it works, my car dealership will be yours."

"If you find an enemy, I will help you." Wu Qiong looked at him firmly: "Keep the car dealership for yourself, there will be a lot of life waiting for you in the future."

"Brother Wu is right." Xu Qingyuan was silent for a while, then said with relief: "Your words are enough."

He was suddenly excited: "Come, come! Drink! I'll toast everyone!"

".it is good."

Half an hour later, the food was gone and the wine was dry.

Everyone went back to the room to get ready for bed.

Sitting by the window, Wu Qiong sighed quietly, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Then he pulled out the magic conch.

At Yinshi, there was a sudden knock on Wu Qiong's door.

Wu Qiong, who had been cooking conch porridge with Her Majesty for a long time, opened the door calmly.

Outside the door, Li Jianshi frowned, and said softly, "Brother Poor, Brother Xu was killed."

Wu Qiong looked calm, and walked towards Xu Qingyuan's room.Li Jianshi silently followed behind him.

In the house, rebooting Ye Qingxuan, Su Mubai, the proprietress of the inn, and the waiter had already arrived.

"Brother Wu." The rebooting look sad: "Brother Xu."

"Brother Xu was killed?" Wu Qiong said in a low voice.

Jie Se was stunned, and nodded: "Amitabha, brother Xu... was killed. Except for a sword wound in his chest, he had no other wounds. Besides, he was still holding a piece of paper tightly in his hand. strip."

He handed the note to Wu Qiong.

Wu Qiong silently took the note and opened it.

A few words were scrawled on it:
"Eight, nine, ten, eleven."

Wu Qiong finally couldn't bear it anymore, his voice trembling: "Brother Xu, do you want to know the answer to that question until you die? But I really don't know, but don't worry, I will find the murderer and avenge you. "

There is no need for a flash of lightning, and there is no need to bet on Grandpa. The answer to this riddle is as if it is written on the face of the riddle.

He turned his head and said to the proprietress: "Madam proprietress, please call all the people in the inn. The torrential rain has not stopped tonight, and the murderer is among these people in the inn."

The proprietress frowned tightly, and nodded when she heard the words: "I understand. Xiao Wang, go and call everyone in the inn, and wait for Mr. Wu's orders."

"Yes! Lady Boss!" The waiter ran away in a hurry.

After a while, people came one after another. Most of them were yawning and complaining at first, but when they saw the corpse on the ground, their expressions changed, they stopped talking, and stood aside silently, waiting for Wu Qiong to speak.

"Is everyone here?" Wu Qiong turned his back to the crowd, and there was no ups and downs in his voice.

The shop waiter nodded and bowed his waist and said: "Everyone in the shop is here, young master, please tell me."

"Originally, after we had finished eating and drinking, we would happily go to Dingzhou tomorrow morning. But why, why." He turned around suddenly, his eyes were blank: "Who will tell me, Brother Xu, why did he die? Woolen cloth?"

Everyone just felt suffocated, as if they couldn't breathe.

Fortunately, this feeling came and went quickly, otherwise, many people would have died of suffocation.

Seeing that no one answered, Wu Qiong looked at the waiter in the shop with a terrified expression: "Second brother, who was the first to find Brother Xu's body?"

"Amitabha." Jie Se clasped his hands together, with a sad expression on his face: "It was the poor monk who discovered that Old Brother Xu was dead."

 Heavy heart

(End of this chapter)

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