My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 110 How to pretend not to compete?Let's explain~

Chapter 110 How to pretend not to compete?Let's explain~
"No wonder you Taiqing faction are so rich, I finally understand why." On the square of the main hall of the Taiqing faction, Wu Qiong sighed.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said: "Brother Wu, don't talk nonsense, we also cultivated it ourselves. Moreover, the wound medicine of our Taiqing sect has always sold well, and there is no other competitor in the market except Shaolin Temple."

"It shouldn't be, brother Dao." Wu Qiong said with a look of surprise: "I always thought that no matter what happened to you, you were the kind of a worldly expert who was always calm and gentle, but I didn't expect you to be like that. I'm just as vulgar. Tell me, who are you, and where did you hide Brother Qingxuan!"

"Brother Wu, don't make fun of the poor Taoist." Ye Qingxuan shook his head and smiled wryly: "The poor Taoist doesn't like these things, but as the future head teacher, even if the poor Taoist doesn't like these things, he still has to understand them."

Wu Qiong nodded: "It turns out that Taoism also plays with internal decisions."

"Pindao doesn't like it either." Ye Qingxuan said gently: "But the master said that as his apprentice, Pindao can't just ask but not give, so Pindao has to be the next head teacher."

He sighed, and said in a low voice: "It shouldn't be a poor person. There is a junior sister in the door who is much better than the poor person, but she... alas."

"Oh? There are actually disciples in the Taiqing School who are better than Dao brothers? Then I really want to see and see." Wu Qiong suddenly became interested.

As soon as the words fell, Li Jianshi's voice was gentle: "Brother poor, what do you want to see?"

"Of course." Wu Qiong turned his head, and what caught his eyes was a pair of extremely dark eyes without any emotion at all, so he was quick to think:

"Of course forget it! How could the Taiqing Sect have a better disciple than Brother Dao! I guess it's just Brother Dao being self-effacing!"

Although I don't know why Shi'er suddenly turned black, Wu Qiong wisely gave up his curiosity due to his strong desire to survive.

"How could Pindao deceive Brother Wu? If you are curious, Pindao can introduce that junior sister to you later." Ye Qingxuan said softly.

The murderous intent was suddenly strong!
Under increasing pressure, Wu Qiong squinted his eyes and said, "Brother Dao, you want me to die!"

"Uh..." Ye Qingxuan looked at the two girls on the left and the right behind Wu Qiong, as if suddenly awakened, and said apologetically, "Is it the poor or not, then let's forget about it."

Seeing that Wu Qiong was about to escape, he had an idea and said, "I've always heard that the chivalrous women in the Jianghu are all as beautiful as gods, but what I've seen along the way is not the case. Taoist, you Is Junior Sister pretty?"

Ye Qingxuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and hesitated: "It should be quite beautiful."

"Oh? Could it be that she is the Taiqing flower of your Taiqing sect?" Jie Lu continued to induce.

"This poor man doesn't know." Ye Qingxuan didn't know what kind of medicine he sold in the gourd.

"It should be so." Jie Se nodded, and then saw: "Brother Wu once said in a chat that he had never seen a beautiful Taoist nun, and he heard that your junior sister is the 'Flower of Taiqing', so he wanted to come to him It should be of interest."

"." Wu Qiong was sweating profusely, expressionless: "Master, you."

[I didn't expect, I didn't expect that you, a monk with thick eyebrows and big eyes, have such a vicious heart! 】

Jie Se smiled slightly, curiously said: "Brother Wu, what do you want to say? Could it be that one beautiful nun is not enough, how many more do you want to meet?"

[If you want to open the harem, you must bear its weight.Amitabha, this is the price you have to pay, Brother Wu! 】

At the critical juncture, Su Mubai spoke.

She said flatly, "That Taoist nun, what's her name?"

Ye Qingxuan was about to answer, but was interrupted by Li Jianshi.

Her eyes were flickering, murderous, and she sneered, "Wait, you should ask that. Daoist Ye, what is the name of your beautiful junior sister?"

The word "beautiful" emphasizes the tone.

"Beautiful." He thought for a moment, and then replied, "The junior sister of the poor is named Zhao Xiling."

"I see." Li Jianshi seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then smiled like a flower: "Since even a person as indifferent as Daoist Ye said that she is beautiful, it is normal for Brother Poor to want to see her. elder brother?"

Wu Qiong shook his head crazily: "Nothing! Don't listen to the nonsense about rebooting!"

"I believe in Brother Poor." The killing intent on Li Jianshi and Su Mubai dissipated.

Feeling the murderous aura behind his back slowly dissipating, Wu Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, gave Jie Se a vicious look, gritted his teeth and said, "Master, monks don't lie, be careful that you won't be able to achieve the golden body of Buddha in the future."

[You bald donkey be careful!Don't let the handle fall into my hands, or I will make you look good! 】

"Amitabha." Jie Se smiled like a Kasyapa, his thoughts were clear at this time, and he felt that his cultivation had taken a step further: "The poor monk is a monk. If he slipped his words for a while, I think the Buddha will forgive the poor monk. .”

[Buddha has no desires, no desires, what handle can he have in your hands?Brother Wu, you think too much. 】

"Hehe." Wu Qiong laughed dryly and began to change the subject: "Brother Dao, I heard Ziyang Zhenren say that outsiders can also participate in this competition. I wonder if it is true?"

"I only found out about this matter after I asked my junior brother." Ye Qingxuan nodded, and then looked curious: "Could it be that Brother Wu wants to participate in person? This... I'm afraid there is something wrong."

It's not appropriate for you to bully a group of acquired people, right?
"Then what should I do? I'll be bored as an audience all the time." Wu Qiong scratched his head.

This place belonged to the Taiqing faction, if he made trouble here, he would be slapped to death by Master Ziyang.But he finally stepped into Xiantian, if he didn't participate in the competition, how would he pretend to be this forceful?so difficult.

"This..." Ye Qingxuan came to his mind: "Pindao has an idea, but I don't know if Brother Wu is willing or not."

Wu Qiong's eyes lit up: "Oh? Brother Dao, please come quickly."

Ye Qingxuan asked: "I don't know if Brother Wu would condescend to give an explanation?"

"How do you say that?" Wu Qiong asked curiously.

Do martial art contests need commentary these days?Then do you want to set up two cameras for a live broadcast?
"It's like this." Ye Qingxuan explained: "This is the first time that our sect is open to the outside world, and many pilgrims from nearby come here admiringly. But some of the pilgrims don't know martial arts or only know some superficial kung fu. We are afraid that they will see it. They don’t understand, so they need commentators to help them explain the game.”

He continued: "And this matter needs someone as powerful as Brother Wu to do it well. I don't know what Brother Wu wants?"

"It's easy to say, but" Wu Qiong frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

"Brother Wu may wish to express his scruples." Ye Qingxuan thoughtfully said.

"It's nothing." Wu Qiong scratched his chin: "How about the appearance fee?"

"." Ye Qingxuan said with a wry smile: "This poor man really didn't think about it. But if brother Wu needs it, then five taels of silver will be fine."

It was actually ten taels, but he understood Wu Qiong's character and knew that he was about to speak.

Sure enough, Wu Qiong immediately spoke up: "Brother Dao, five taels is too low! The minimum is ten taels, otherwise we won't talk about it!"

 beg!All kinds of requests!Do not send red envelopes, thank you readers for your kindness!
(End of this chapter)

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