My wife is the reborn boss

123. Final X Challenge

123. Final X Challenge
Just as a few people were talking, the auditorium was already full.

And Master Ziyang stood on the high platform, and was about to speak.

"Yeah." He pondered for a few seconds and said, "Everyone eat and drink well, eat well and drink well, that's all."

"." The audience was silent.

A group of elders standing behind him stared fiercely at his back.

He turned his neck unnaturally, and said to Zhao Xiling and Ximenji in the field: "In short, if you two compete with style, you two will have a good style. Well, the winner can make a request, and that's it. Let's start."

An elder behind him sighed and stood up: "The final of the 'Taiqing No. [-] Martial Arts Association' has officially begun!"

Don't mention the three brothers who talked about cross talk in the commentary, just talk about the two in the battle.

Zhao Xiling drew his sword out of its sheath and waited intently.

Ximenji took a deep breath, lightning flashed faintly all over his body, and disappeared in place instantly!
In the next moment, he appeared within ten feet behind Zhao Xiling!
With the long sword in hand, Ximenji thrust out several swords in an instant.Because the speed is too fast, in the eyes of outsiders, it is just a sword stab!
Just when the long sword was about to pierce Zhao Xiling's back shoulder, Zhao Xiling held the sword behind him and drew a semicircle obliquely!
Ding Ding Ding!
Three extremely fast soft beeps!
Zhao Xiling's long sword was pushed back by Ximenji's strength, she turned around and stabbed Ximenji's chest with her sword!

The long sword passed through the chest!It caused an exclamation!but!What passes through is only the afterimage left by Ximenji!His real body had jumped into the air at some point, with the long sword in his hand pointing at the sky, and he performed the "quick as lightning" move!As if turning into a thunderbolt, he struck down in the air!

Zhao Xiling was neither happy nor sad, a yin and yang fish appeared under his feet!
When Ximenji's thunder came, she...
Moved two steps to the side.

A loud bang!
Ximenji just made a big hole in the ground!
Zhao Xiling shielded his face with both hands, stepped back out of the range of the smoke, and looked at the center with a calm expression.

The breeze blew slowly, the smoke dispersed, and Ximenji's figure slowly appeared.

He was bound in place by two chains, one black and one white, unable to move.

"Admit defeat." Zhao Xiling said coldly, "You can't break free."

Those locked by her "Yin-Yang Lock" have not yet managed to break free.

Of course, only in the acquired realm.

"That's right." Ximen smiled and said, "I can't break free. But"

The iron sand in the ground around him flew up and condensed into several flying swords.

"I haven't lost yet! Take it! 'Kongfei.'"

"'Sword of Iron Sand'! It's 'Sword of Iron Sand'!" Wu Qiong in the commentary seat suddenly shouted excitedly.

The corner of Ximenji's mouth twitched slightly, and continued: "'Kong Feijue'"

"Ximenji used the 'sword of iron sand' to take Zhao Xiling straight in the face! But Zhao Xiling is not afraid, blah blah blah." Wu Qiong continued to explain passionately.

"'Sword of iron sand'! Ah bah! 'Flying in the air'!" Ximenji, who was being carried away, pulled back at the last moment, and several flying swords made of iron sand in the air pierced through the air, and went straight to Zhao Xiling's face. !

"The five 'swords of iron sand' went straight to Zhao Xiling! But she was not afraid, she stood still and didn't move! Huh? She was pierced by a flying sword! But why is there no blood? It turned out that what remained in place was a yin and yang body Clone! Her body appeared in front of Ximenji! But Ximen is very confident, he still has 'Lei Qie', 'Chidori', 'Lightning', 'Super Electromagnetic Gun' and other unusable tricks! It is still unknown who will win! Ah? "Wu Qiong's explanation came to an abrupt end.

It was because Zhao Xiling's long sword was already on Ximenji's neck.

"I lost." Ximenji smiled wryly and readily admitted defeat.

"It's not good, Brother Ximen, where's your unique move? What about your sword and sword? You won't be attracted to him, will you? Be careful, I'll tell my sister-in-law!" Wu Qiong uttered nonsense.

Ximenji pursed his lips as if he didn't hear it, if he beat Wu Qiong well, he would have gone up and beat him long ago.

"Acceptance." Zhao Xiling retracted his sword and turned around, not looking at him.

Ximenji walked up to the commentary stand silently, planning to go back after a while.

Her wife and daughter are not here today.

"Brother Ximen, you are too weak! Didn't you understand anything from the previous duel with me?" Wu Qiong was heartbroken.

The heartbroken reason is that he bet on Ximenji to win the final with Ziyang Zhenren yesterday, three taels of silver.

"Hehe, after losing to Brother Wu, I have learned a lot, and I have learned something. Not long ago, I won the honorary title of top ten masters in Anzhou City." Ximen Geek said.

Being defeated by Wu Qiong with one move, he didn't know what to comprehend.

"Top ten masters in Anzhou City?" Li Jianshi asked doubtfully: "Our Xuantian Sect is in Anzhou. To be honest, with the strength of Mr. Ximen."

I'm afraid they didn't hire a navy?

Ximenji smiled slightly: "I'm talking about Anzhou City, not Anzhou."

"." Li Jianshi was powerless to refute.

Seeing that Shi'er suffered a small verbal loss, Wu Qiong couldn't sit still: "Brother Ximen can get into the top ten masters of Anzhou City, and the last top ten masters in the Tianbang is a congenital. But your top martial arts The tenth place in strength may already be a master of "Taoism of Nature". Isn't there a standard for the list? Da Zhou's list is too unreliable."

"Qiang, it's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs." The magic conch said, "There are so many incognito masters in the world, maybe you can find a random village, and the number one master in the village is 'Taoism of Nature'. "

For example, in Xizhao Village, there is a man named He Jinxi who is number two on the list.

"Master is about to speak." Ye Qingxuan, who always had a gentle face, made the final summary.

So the eyes of several people moved to the competition arena.

"Xiao Ling'er, if you have any request, just ask. As long as you can do it, the old master will help you." Ziyang real person smiled, and Zhao Xiling helped him win a lot of money.

Except for a passerby surnamed Wu.

That's right, someone Wu only bet three taels of silver to win Ximenji, but gave out 100 taels of silver to win Zhao Xiling.

They are all asking for money from Xiao Bai Shi'er.

The soft rice is so delicious!
"I don't have anything else to ask for." Zhao Xiling said with a firm expression, "I just want to have a fair fight with someone, and I hope Master will make it happen."

"You want to challenge Xiao Xuanzi, don't you know that you are so cautious?" Master Ziyang said with a smile.

He still likes the situation where two apprentices make up a pair.

Although the head teacher cannot marry a wife, what is the difference between being a Taoist couple for a lifetime and getting married?Doesn't he, Sikong Tiezhu, visit brothels every day?
This is called policy at the top and countermeasures at the bottom.

However, Zhao Xiling ruthlessly rejected him.

"No, the person I want to challenge is." She bit her lips lightly, making up her mind: "Senior Sister Zhang."

Master Ziyang's smile froze, and then he asked curiously: "Little Linger, why are you challenging her?"

Her strength is not at the same level as yours.

"Return to Master." Zhao Xiling pursed her lips and said, "I usually work hard to cultivate, but Senior Sister Zhang doesn't care much about cultivation, but all the masters and uncles say that she is better than me. But we have never competed, so The apprentice is not convinced."

Master Ziyang looked at her for a long while, then took out his cigarette pouch, lit it up and started to smoke: "Since you have already made up your mind, well, then let you compete with her."

Sometimes, you only know how terrible talent is if you really work hard.

"Little Feather?" Master Ziyang asked.

No one answered.

"Little Feather!" Master Ziyang raised his voice.

Still no answer.

He looked around and suddenly realized that someone didn't seem to be there.

"Where is Xiaoyuer?" Master Ziyang asked a certain elder in a low voice.

The elder had an ugly expression: "I asked my disciple to look for it. The disciple said that she was telling fortunes outside the martial arts arena, but she fell asleep after doing the counting."

Master Ziyang: "."

 Maybe the readers in the group know that I will be very busy recently, so I coded this chapter secretly.The missing chapter will be released before it hits shelves, probably on Thursday.

(End of this chapter)

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