Chapter 149
Outside the city, Murong Shengxue was seeing Wu Qiong and his party off.

"Brother Wu, I will send you here." Murong Shengxue cupped his hands and said.

"That's enough, Brother Murong, please go back." Wu Qiong said with a smile.

Having just developed the other party into an offline, the "salesman" Wu Qiong is in a good mood at this moment.

"Then we will meet again by fate. I hope we will still be friends next time we meet." Murong Shengxue said seriously.

Wu Qiong nodded: "The road is far away, see you by fate."

Murong Shengxue left, but he wasn't the only one who left.

"Amitabha, Wu Shaoxia, poor monk and others are going back to report." Master Xuanji said with a smile: "When there is news, our temple will notify Shaoxia."

Wu Qiong understood that what he was talking about was about Xuantianzong: "I hope that I will not wait until the day when I receive news from the master."

If that day really comes, Li Jianshi really has nothing but him.

Xuanji smiled without saying a word, since he turned to Master Zixu and asked: "Master Daoist, we have the same journey home, are we going together?"

"No, no, no." Zixu shook his head and joked, "Taiqing and Shaolin are enemies, what does it look like if we go together all the way? It's not good to be seen by others."

"You are too clear and cunning, and the poor monk doesn't want to be tricked by you halfway." Master Xuanji laughed and cursed, bowed slightly to the crowd, turned and left with Master Xuanhua.

Just two steps away, he turned around and said, "Senior nephew, why are you still standing there?"

Jie Se's expression is serious: "Uncle Xuanji, Uncle Xuanhua, this disciple intends to continue to walk with Brother Wu, maybe he will find a chance and build a heart smoothly. Therefore, I will not go back to Shaolin with you, please explain the situation for my nephew and master , thank you two uncles."

Master Xuanhua smiled and said: "If you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. You will have to come back sooner or later. Well, since you have made a decision, I will go back and tell you that I will be with your master."

"Thank you uncle, I knew that uncle loved me the most." Jie Se breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I don't have to go back to the vegetable garden to shovel shit!

Seeing the two bald heads leaving, Master Zi Xu also began to say goodbye: "This matter is over, and the two of them will go back to the mountain. After being out for a few days, Pindao has already begun to miss the fiery atmosphere of the door. , and the cross talk between the brothers of the poor Daoist in Taiqing City will continue, so the two of them will bid farewell."

He continued: "As for Master Nephew Qingxuan, you are already innate, so Pindao doesn't ask you to go back with him. If you get tired at any time, remember that the Taiqing Sect will always be your strong backing."

Ye Qingxuan said respectfully: "Yes, uncle. Nephew understands."

Wu Qiong clasped his hands and said, "Two priests, walk slowly."

Master Zixu glanced at Wu Qiong, with a mysterious smile: "Also welcome Wu benefactor to come to Taiqing as a guest when he is free, and I, Taiqing, will welcome you."

The second half of the sentence was said through gritted teeth. At the beginning, he saw Zhang Yu's farewell at the foot of Taiqing Mountain clearly. When Wu Qiong comes next time, let him taste the iron fist that Taiqing disciples love!

Wu Qiong smiled and nodded yes, when the two priests drifted away, Li Jianshi pursed his lips and walked forward.

"Brother Poor, I also want to go back to the teacher's gate."

She wants to go back and inform her master, be careful of Shaolin Taiqing, and check her presence in the door by the way, in case some people think about things they shouldn't think about.

She opened her arms and said with a smile: "Hug me before parting, isn't it too much?"

Wu Qiong nodded, Li Jianshi stepped forward and hugged Su Mubai who was standing in front of Wu Qiong.

Li Jianshi: "."

Wu Qiong: "."

Ye Qingxuan on rebooting. Oh, rebooting drew a line on the ground again, and the two of them were standing outside the line, pretending that they were a piece of rock.

The little white girl hugged Li Jianshi tightly, put her thin lips close to her ear, and said softly: "Go home obediently, you loser."

Li Jianshi's complexion remained unchanged, and he showed a big smile to Wu Qiong, then hugged Su Mubai tightly, turned his head and said softly, "The day I come back will be the day when you fail completely."

"Heh." The little white girl squinted her beautiful eyes slightly, and said expressionlessly: "Do you want me to help deal with Xuantianzong's problem. As long as... you withdraw from the competition."

"Stop dreaming." Li Jianshi gritted his teeth and said, "It's not yet known who will die. Besides, don't forget, Brother Poor is on good terms with Shaolin Taiqing now, you are a demon after all."

The two let go of their hands, but the distance between them was less than a punch. If the chest was bigger, they might have hit each other.

Well, it's over.

The little white girl said indifferently: "From now on, the agreement is void."

Li Jianshi's dark eyes were deep: "From today onwards, you and I will each rely on our own abilities."

The "Ningzhou Agreement", which lasted for several months, and "Several Opinions on How to Carve up Wu Qiong", will be officially torn up today.

"What are you two talking about?" Wu Qiong came over, put his arms around the slender waists of the two girls, and asked curiously, "Let me have fun together."

The bodies of the two girls suddenly tensed up, and both of them froze in place.At this time, one of them had a pretty face slightly red, and the other had delicate ears that were blushing.

If there is only one person here, it's okay to go further with Wu Qiong, rather it's what they like to see.

But being with each other is different.

Wu Qiong's sinful dog paws rubbed back and forth on the slender waists of the two girls, and an imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He found that he had found the weakness of the other party. If only one woman was here, he would be the passive party, but if two girls were there, it would be his turn to stand up as a serf and sing!hey hey hey
"Xiaobai, Shi'er, I have a very bold idea, do you two agree?" Wu Qiong said softly.

Neither girl spoke.

"Since you don't talk, I'll take it as if you all agree." Wu Qiong chuckled: "Why don't we find a bedroom and have a hand-to-hand fight between the three of us? I'm talking about the one with no clothes on."

Shi'er's face and Xiaobai's ears became more and more rosy, and when the atmosphere was slowly turning pink, Her Majesty's troublesome voice came from the magical conch in Wu Qiong's arms: "Add one, I'm not very good at playing. "

Wu Qiong: "."

Su Mubai: "."

Li Jianshi: "."

The atmosphere is gone!

"Anyway, anyway, I'll come back to you after I've dealt with the matter! I'm leaving first!" Li Jianshi took a step back, stammered, then turned around and ran away.

Wu Qiong looked at her leaving back with deep eyes.

【Shi'er, if it's the day when I forcibly take you away from Xuantianzong, I hope you won't hate me. 】

Suddenly, a pretty expressionless face blocked his sight, and it turned out that it was the little white girl who stood on tiptoe and forcibly made eye contact with him.

"Your eyes can only look at me."

At least for now
She pressed the back of Wu Qiong's head with one hand, and kissed him hard on the lips.

When he showed his weak side just now, the future master of the Demon Sect will never allow it!
For a long time, the lips are divided.

The little white girl said calmly, "Do you remember?"

Wu Qiong ignored the beating heart, licked his lips, and said with an inch: "Next time, please stick your tongue in, or it won't feel very strong."

He has already caught the opponent's weakness, and now he has gained a lot of courage.

Su Mubai: "."

At this time, rebooting said: "Brother Wu, are you finished yet?"

Wu Qiong said angrily: "You don't know how to see for yourself!"

"Sorry, to avoid blindness, the two poor monks have closed their five senses."

In this way, you will not be blinded by flash bombs, and you will not have to smell the sour smell of love.

The rebooting duo really put their efforts together.

Wu Qiong: ".It's over."

Ye Qingxuan opened his closed eyes, and asked with a smile: "Brother Wu, where are we going next, shall we deliver the letter?"

"Of course I will. The next step is to go to Yunxiaomen." Wu Qiong replied.

"Yunxiaomen is in Yunzhou, we have to go through the boundary of Ningzhou." Jie Se said.

"That's not just right." Wu Qiong smiled: "The base camp of the Xieji Sect is in Ningzhou, so it's just a good time to go for a stroll. And I heard Shi'er talk about the Yaowang Valley before, so I also want to see what's going on there now. That's it."

At the same time, in Jingzhou Imperial City.

Her Majesty put down the conch in her hand. She was a little dissatisfied with this thing. She could only hear the sound but not see the picture. Are those guys in the Ministry of Industry just eating dry food!
She raised her head, looked at Lu Wudao and others who were staring wide-eyed in front of her, frowned and scolded: "What are you looking at! Let the fart go!"

Lu Wudao lowered his head and reported as if nothing had happened: "Your Majesty, except for the disciples who don't want to leave at Yaowang Valley, everyone else has already arrived in the imperial city. It's just..."

"Say." Her Majesty said concisely.

"According to the report from Zhaixing Tower, there seems to be something wrong with Ningzhou." Lu Wudao frowned.

Her Majesty raised her chin, signaling him to continue.

Lu Wudao said solemnly: "Ningzhou City is said to have become a ghost town."

 Second update. . .

  More than 30 degrees, so hot. . . . .

  I got up early this morning and started the interview. I was too tired, so I washed up and went to sleep.There will be an interview tomorrow morning. If I come back early in the afternoon, I will try my best to code out three chapters and send them out.

(End of this chapter)

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