My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 154 Who Lies?

Chapter 154 Who Lies?
"Shopkeeper, you said this is the cook in your shop?" Wu Qiong asked curiously.

"Yes." The shopkeeper said with a sad face, "He disappeared the day before yesterday. Xiaoer and I searched for a whole day yesterday but couldn't find him. I didn't expect that."

"Don't be in a hurry to be sad, shopkeeper. I'll tell you some unfortunate news." Wu Qiong sighed, "I'm afraid it was your waiter who died yesterday. You cook peeled his face and pretended to be the waiter. Of course, now he dead too."

"Ah?" The shopkeeper opened his mouth, unable to say a word for a long time.

This information is a bit large.

"Don't be surprised first." Wu Qiong asked: "The shopkeeper went out in the middle of the night, what did he do?"

"Oh, this young man misunderstood." The shopkeeper said with a wry smile: "I don't live in the store, but at home. Today, the mother-in-law at home messed up, and I was kicked out, so I had to stay in the store for a night. I met you here."

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, which is understandable." Wu Qiong looked at him sympathetically, and then continued: "Then let's talk about the remaining three. Have you left the room within three hours?"

Gong Yangyu shook his head: "I never left the room."

"You're lying." Mao Alan retorted, "I get up in the middle of the night, but I'm afraid of the dark, so I went to Brother Ke to accompany me."

She blushed a little: "When we came back later, we happened to see you going upstairs. That was two and a half hours ago."

Gong Yangyu gave her a deep look, but didn't speak.

"You read it wrong." Her elder brother Ke Bei smiled and said, "When we came back, we didn't see anyone."

Mao Alan pursed his lips, and suddenly said: "Brother Ke, Ke Bei, is from Youming Peak, one of the Eight Demon Sects!"

Jealousy makes people ugly.

Ke Bei glanced at Wu Qiong imperceptibly, and explained: "Yes, I am from Youming Peak, but I am not a murderer. I have never killed anyone in my life."

Those who were killed did not treat them as human beings.

Wu Qiong asked curiously, "Didn't everyone in your Demon Sect dare to do anything but good things? You haven't killed anyone?"

"The Demon Sect also wants to live under the sun." Ke Bei said sincerely: "To tell you the truth, when I was a child, my dream was to become a judge when I grew up, so I learned a lot of crime-solving skills from my father since I was a child."

He sighed, and continued: "To be honest, I am the young master of Youming Peak. This time I came to Ningzhou City to investigate the abnormal situation in Ningzhou City."

Jie Se frowned and said: "Are you a demon to investigate the abnormal situation in Ningzhou City?"

"Master, you are discriminatory!" Ke Bei said righteously: "What's wrong with the Demon Sect! Our Youming Peak has long since stopped doing the business of killing people and stealing goods! We have now opened a private investigation agency, and ordinary people will come to investigate anything they want to investigate. Find us!"

He was suddenly lost: "It's a pity that what I have done so far is only to help rich businessmen find cats and dogs, and help their wives investigate the trivial matters of finding their concubine."

"When I came to Ningzhou City this time, I was afraid of being splashed with dirty water from Ningzhou City on our Youming Peak. I couldn't help it because of such a big case. Please forgive me."

Wu Qiong was speechless: "If you don't take a promising career in the Demon Sect, you come here to be some kind of detective. You Nether Peak are really strange."

"No." Ke Bei retorted: "We practice honestly. We did bad things in the past only because we were suppressed by the righteous way. We had no money or resources, so we had to rob houses as a last resort. Now doing private investigations is both fun and helpful. Why do we need to do things that are reviled when we make money inside the door? We also want to live in the sun!"

Wu Qiong squinted: "Then what did you find out?"

"It really is." Ke Bei came to the spirit: "According to my investigation, the waiter in this inn is a member of Wan Guimen!"

"Wan Gui Sect? The Wan Gui Sect that belongs to the Eight Demon Sects with you?" Wu Qiong asked, "Which store is it?"

"The real waiter whose face was peeled off." Ke Bei said: "There is only one truth, this fake waiter killed the real waiter, and then pretended to be him! But what is the purpose of this guy doing this, I haven't found out yet , he is dead."

"Then here comes the problem again." Wu Qiong glanced at the shopkeeper and asked, "Does the shopkeeper know about this? And where did the fake waiter come from? He is the cook in the shopkeeper's shop."

Before the shopkeeper could speak, Jin Youyi spoke up.

He also glanced at Wu Qiong without any trace, and said to everyone: "To tell the truth, I'm actually from the Zhaixing Tower."

"Zhaixinglou?" The shopkeeper frowned and said, "Zhaixinglou has always been mysterious, what do you have to do with this matter?"

"The stronghold of Ningzhou City in the Zhaixing Tower has lost contact." Jin Youyi stared at the shopkeeper closely: "You cook is mine, and I know he killed the waiter. He sent a letter saying that Ningzhou City has changed. So I was sent by the landlord to investigate the truth. I communicated with him before, and he seemed to be afraid of the shopkeeper, but at that time we were afraid that other people would be there, so we discussed it in detail tomorrow, but I didn’t expect it.”

Wu Qiong also looked at the shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, you"

"You guessed right, the old man is a member of Wan Guimen." The shopkeeper smiled: "We Wan Guimen also want to live in the sun, who would like to be a mouse in a stinky ditch and be beaten by everyone for the rest of his life? I opened a restaurant honestly, I never thought that this kind of thing would happen to me."

He said: "I didn't kill this cook. If I wanted to kill him, I would have done it long ago. Besides, even if I planned to kill him today, you wouldn't know."

Ye Qingxuan sighed: "Indeed, senior is an innate master, if you want to kill him, there are not many here who can stop you."

Wu Qiong scanned around and said with a smile: "I can see that everyone is a hidden expert. We are not good people, so don't hide it, let's talk about it."

Hu Renshan sighed: "Oh, let me explain clearly. My two brothers are from Lihun Valley, and this time I came to investigate the affairs of Ningzhou City."

"Emotions are a big meeting of demons." Wu Qiong looked at Bolu: "Could it be possible that this uncle is from the Blood Demon Pavilion?"

"No." Polou shook his head.

"That's good."

"I'm from Soul Eater Castle."


"Eight sects of the evil sect, Su Nv Dao, Senluo Palace, Xuesha Pavilion, Lihun Valley, Youming Peak, Soul Eater Castle, Wanguimen, the two old brothers Hu are from Lihun Valley, and Brother Ke is from Lihun Valley." From Youming Peak, Uncle Bo is from Soul Eater Fort, the shopkeeper is from Wanguimen, and Xiaobai, she is from Xiejizong." Wu Qiong sighed: "Sen Luo Palace can't come, and there is no one in Su Nv Dao. , Brother Fu is from the Blood Fiend Pavilion?"

"No." Fu Er denied, "I'm also from Wan Gui Sect."

"I don't belong to Youming Peak either." Mao Alan bit his lip lightly: "I come from Su Nu Dao."

"It's no wonder that all the gods of death are gathered together. It turns out that everyone is a demon sect, so let me ask directly." Wu Qiong leaned forward: "Everyone gathered in Ningzhou City, are you here to target the evil sect?"

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

 My cousin introduced her classmate to me, but unfortunately she is only 17 years old, so she really can't do it.

  I still have integrity!

(End of this chapter)

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