Chapter 184
"That little girl Shi Yue said it." Miao Wang didn't care, "Her master was beheaded by this king for treason, it's not surprising that she would say that."

"How will the father deal with her?" Du Yuesheng helped him fill up the wine and asked as if he didn't care.

"Although her master rebelled, it has nothing to do with her. As long as she is obedient in the future, she will still be the saint of Miaojiang, the future priest." King Miao said casually.

"Father, my son will retire first." Du Yuesheng stood up and said respectfully.

"Well, take a good rest and remember to bring my granddaughter here as soon as possible." King Miao said warmly.

"Yes, my son will leave." Du Yuesheng saluted, then turned and left.

Behind him, King Miao looked at his daughter's back for a long time and sighed softly.

Du Yuesheng returned to the bedroom, but did not see Ximenji.

She called a maid and asked, "Where is the son-in-law?"

The maid said respectfully: "Princess, the son-in-law left a letter and left. As for where he went, I don't know."

"A letter? Bring the letter." Du Yuesheng said eagerly.

After receiving the letter, she couldn't wait to open it, and saw that it read:
【Asheng, I really can't worry about Xiu'er, and I'm still from Zhou, Zhou Miao is about to start a war, I really can't let go of Da Zhou and Yunxiaomen for my husband.As my husband was caught in a dilemma, I had no choice but to leave without saying goodbye, leaving only a letter.

If there is an afterlife, let's continue the relationship between husband and wife in this life.

Simon stays. 】

After reading the letter, Du Yuesheng slowly closed his eyes, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and murmured: "Are you still unable to let go of your past identity?"

She said to the maids around: "You all go down, I want to be alone."

"Yes, Your Highness." All the maids bowed to leave.

After they all left, Du Yuesheng opened his eyes and frowned.

【I don’t know if brother Aji is in danger. Father, you won’t hurt his life. No, I have to find a way. 】

The moment she saw the contents of the letter, she knew it was a forgery.

Because Ximenji can only call her Sheng'er, and her daughter's nickname is Axiu, not Xiu'er.

Ximenji was taken away by King Miao's men, or he was already dead.

Du Yuesheng gritted his teeth. Now he can't reveal that he has found out that the letter is fake. He wants to find a chance to find out whether Brother Aji is still alive. If he is still alive, he will find a way to rescue him and escape back to Dazhou.

If he is dead, I will bring up Axiu with his share of hard work, and then go to accompany him!
At the same time, King Miao was there.

"You said the princess didn't doubt the authenticity of the letter?" King Miao walked back and forth a few steps, and ordered: "Keep going back and watching, if she has any abnormalities, come and report to the king at any time."

"Yes, Your Majesty." A female voice replied, listening to the voice, this person is the maid of Du Yuesheng.

"Okay, let's go down." Miao Wang waved her hand and told her to leave.

After she left, King Miao looked deeply and said to himself: "A Sheng, don't blame the father. Who made you my daughter."

In the middle of the night, in the palace dungeon.

"Oh, I regret not listening to Brother Wu's words." Ximenji shook his head and sighed, his hands locked by iron chains.

He shouted: "Is anyone there! If there is something, can you just make a noise? I'm afraid of the dark!"

"Instead of yelling, it's better to save your energy and wait for the opportunity to escape." A figure walked over carrying a food box.

"You are." Seeing the person coming, Ximenji's face changed drastically: "What are you doing here!"

It was this maid who drugged him when he was unprepared, and then arrested Du Yuesheng and brought him here when he was looking for King Miao.

The person who came was the maid who had been placed next to Du Yuesheng who had reported to King Miao earlier.

"If the son-in-law wants to contact Zhou Guo, you can give me a token that can prove your identity, and I will send someone to deliver it on your behalf." The maid said as she put down the food box.

Ximen sneered: "Why should I trust you?"

"The son-in-law has no other choice." The maid calmly said: "The reason why this servant plotted against the son-in-law is because I am a maid in the palace, and I am just an order from the king, so I will carry it out.

But to convey the news for you, it is because Her Royal Highness the Princess has saved the slaves 18 years ago, and the kindness of dripping water should be repaid by the spring, let alone the great kindness of saving lives. "

As a little maid, your three views are so upright! Ximen sighed, he has no other choice now.

"Please contact a young master surnamed Wu from Yunxiaomen, and say, 'I can't take you to drink flower wine'."

"Okay, so what news do you want to pass on to him?" the maid asked.

Ximenji closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said seriously: "Just tell him. Please take good care of Axiu and don't come to Miaojiang."

You can't harm others because of your own willfulness.

"Your servant understands, son-in-law, please take care." The maid nodded and turned to leave the dungeon.

"Ah..." Ximenji in the darkness only sighed.

Back at the residence, the maid wrote the words Ximenji wanted her to convey on a small piece of paper, and then tied it on the golden eagle's leg in a ball, and let it fly into the sky: "Diao'er, everything depends on you."

The golden eagle didn't cry, but circled twice, and then flew towards the northeast rapidly.

"Sister Ah Lu, what are you doing?" Another maid came in and asked.

"It's nothing, I let the golden eagle go out to let the wind out, and I will let it go out to look for food at this time every day." Ah Lu explained.

"I see. By the way, Your Majesty asked you to go there." The maid said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Ah Lu nodded, turned and left the beast house.

Behind her, the maid had deep eyes.

【Sister Alu, I hope you don't do stupid things.】

In the main hall, King Miao asked, "What did Ximenji say?"

"Report to Your Majesty." Ah Lu knelt on the ground and reported with a normal expression: "The slave has gained the trust of the son-in-law, and he begged the slave to contact Young Master Wu of Yunxiao Gate for him, so that Young Master Wu should not come to Miaojiang."

She's telling the truth.

"That's right, it's the same as what this king knows." Miao Wang smiled and said, "In this way, if you send a message to that kid Wu Qiong, tell him that Ximenji invited him to come to rescue, and then prepare a copy of the Miaojiang palace and dungeon. Send the topographic map together."

He grinned: "This king wants to give that kid a surprise."

Ah Lu put her head on the ground: "Yes, Your Majesty."

In the middle of the night, Ah Lu had just released the second golden eagle.

Suddenly, a faint female voice sounded from behind: "Ah Lu, what are you doing?"

Ah Lu's petite body froze, she turned around slowly, and said in a low voice, "Your Highness."

Du Yuesheng folded his arms and leaned against the wall: "So you were sent by my father to monitor me?"

Her face was hidden in the shadows, Midori couldn't see her expression.


"Then my husband is also your hand?"


"Is he dead?"


"Where is he being held?"

"Slaves can't say that."

"Well, then I won't kill you." Du Yuesheng turned and left: "You can kill yourself."


The animal house returned to calm, but there was a petite corpse with black blood on the corner of its mouth.

A quarter of an hour later, in the palace.

Du Yuesheng kicked open the door of King Miao's bedroom.

He shouted in a low voice, "Where is Ximenji!"

King Miao, who was reading a book at the table, kept his expression unchanged, and said calmly, "You know all about it? It seems that Ah Lu was exposed, and it turns out that a maid can't do anything."

"She's already dead." Du Yuesheng said impatiently, "Where is Ximenji!"

"Oh, just wait another three days. It's a pity." Miao Wang shook his head and sighed, and appeared behind her in an instant, knocking her out from the back of his neck.

"Come here." King Miao sat back at the table, pointed to Du Yuesheng who had fallen on the ground, and said to the guards who came in: "Send the princess back to the room, and send someone to watch her for twelve hours a day. She killed herself."

The guard Shan Qi knelt down: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

King Miao rubbed his eyebrows, and murmured: "Three days, three more days will be fine."

At the same time, somewhere in the mountain behind Yunxiaomen.

The three of Wu Qiong were gnawing on roasted bird wings around the campfire.

"Brother Wu, you are right! The meat of this big carving is indeed firm and elastic, so delicious!" Jie Se spat out a bone, wiped his shiny lips, and sighed.

"Otherwise? I said something delicious, it's really delicious!" Wu Qiong buried his head in his mouth, and raised his head to reply.

"The taste is really good, and brother Wu's sword spirit is amazing." Ye Qingxuan took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth gracefully, and said with a frown: "But the things said in those two notes are contradictory. Brother Wu, what shall we do?"

 Nearly 9000 words have been updated, and there should be three chapters tomorrow if there is no accident.

  So, ask for a monthly pass!I just need to be in the top five martial arts at the end of the month!

  (Just glanced at it, the monthly ticket list of the martial arts category is the lowest in all the categories of Dian Niang, this request is not too much, readers, gentlemen!)

(End of this chapter)

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