My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 205 Li Zicheng, You Have Been Exposed

Chapter 205 Li Zicheng, You Have Been Exposed
What's the situation?Is there a certificate here?

What the hell is "Blue Falling Yellow Spring"? !
Why not just call it "Tianluodiwang"? !

Oh, if it's called that, it's plagiarism.

Wu Qiong frowned. No matter how you look at the name of "Biluo Huangquan" in the second grade, it is funny.

But the city of Los Angeles is too famous, this is the ancient capital in the history books of the previous life!
Although there is Luozhou in this world, there is no Luocheng.

And the wording, official seal and work photo
Could it be that the aura of his original world has recovered?

The person I felt just now is actually a staff member of the relevant state department?Because he disappeared inexplicably, so he was sent to investigate himself, and then found out this world?

Or. Is this a person from a parallel world similar to Earth?
Wu Qiong frowned and thought for a moment, then threw his work card into the shrine.

[Don't think about these things now, just write them down for now, and let's talk about them when we get any clues. 】

"Brother Wu, what's the matter?" After walking back, Jie Se asked.

"It's okay, I just felt that someone was looking at me over there, so I went to have a look." Wu Qiong smiled and said, "But I didn't find anything."

"Amitabha, Wu Shaoxia, don't be nervous. We have a large number of people in this operation, and we will not put Li Benefactor in danger. You can rest assured." Abbot Xuankong laughed.

"Okay." Wu Qiong replied with a smile.

He got a message from the other party's words, that is, the other party didn't realize that there was someone there at all.

Looking around again, the bosses talked and laughed happily as usual.

That is to say, none of the dozen or so bigwigs from the "Taoism in the Natural Realm" noticed that person?

But I will never be wrong!

Then why is only oneself aware of it?

It can't be an illusion, because there is indeed a work permit there, and there are also a pair of shoe prints on the ground.

Visually, it is a size 42 foot, and the shoe print should be a small brand of sneakers.

"Brother Wu, let's go. Why are you in a daze?" Jie Se asked doubtfully.

"Come on, come on." Wu Qiong followed with a smile.

We will talk about this matter later, the matter of Xuan Tianzong is more important.

Anyway, since the other party's target is themselves, they will come to them sooner or later.

Wu Qiong consciously scanned the work permit in the shrine.

【Zhang Lingyu, I remember you! 】

At the same time, within the Xuantian Sect.

Li Zichang is reporting the situation of the opposition to the suzerain.

He was Ye Yuxi's secret pawn sent to the opposition.

"So they really plan to betray Da Zhou?" Ye Yuxi, who had just returned a few days ago, drank tea calmly.

"Yes, what are the plans of the suzerain and the young suzerain?" Li Zicheng asked respectfully.

"Since nearly 20 years ago, I have been too lazy to take care of the affairs of the clan." Ye Yuxi turned her head and asked the girl in palace costume: "Shi'er, what do you think?"

"If we want to wipe them all out, the vitality of the sect will be seriously injured. At that time, Shaolin Taiqing and other sects will be able to take advantage of it. Let me think about it." Li Jianshi closed his eyes and meditated.

When she parted with poor brother before, she had already noticed the flirtatious flirtation between Abbot Xuankong and Master Ziyang.

It stands to reason that Shaolin Taiqing should be hostile.
Then, if they join forces regardless of previous suspicions, they must deal with an enemy who is much stronger than their single sect.So who is this enemy?
Don't think about it, it must be the number one sect in the world, Xuantian Sect.

So she wanted to fight against the arrogance of the opposition, but also not to injure the vitality of the clan due to infighting. What should I do?

"Young Sect Master, I have an immature suggestion." Li Zicheng said cautiously, "Why don't you seek Da Zhou's help?"

The opposition faction wants to collude with Qin State to overthrow Ye Yuxi, which is a proper act of treason to say the least!
What's more, he, Li Zicheng, also has a secret that no one knows.

"No, Xuantian Sect is the number one sect in the world, and countless sects are watching us. If we act like this, our reputation as the number one sect in the world will be damaged." Li Jianshi said in a deep voice.

The key is that woman!If she wants to compete with herself for the poor brother, then it's good that she doesn't trip her up, so why not help herself?

Besides, if he asks the imperial court for help, wouldn't he owe her a big favor, how can he fight her poor brother with confidence in the future?
"I have a solution now." Li Jianshi said: "Elder Li, this time you are in charge of connecting with Qin State. You know the strength and route of the person who came here, right?"

"Sovereign Master Young Sect Master, Nie Fangyuan, the master of Yingyang Villa, came here this time. He is in the realm of 'Acquired Great Perfection'. Except for an elder surnamed Li who is in the Xiantian realm, the rest are all 'enlightened' The number of experts in the environment is unknown, but it will not exceed 30." Li Zicheng replied respectfully.

"If that's the case, it's easy to handle." Li Jianshi's mouth curled up, his eyes full of murderous intent: "I have a way to get rid of the fire. Just send a few innate elders to intercept them on the road, and then send someone to pretend to be them. "

"Elder Li, you are the person in charge of contacting the other party. Only you in the sect know their appearance and behavior. If you say that they are from Yingyang Villa, then they are from Yingyang Villa, right?"

In this way, he directly cut off the opposition from the root.Afterwards, when the other party arrives, it means that he has no intention of marrying, and he is stating his interests. Presumably, most of the opposition will return to his side.

Brother Poor once said that you can't have everyone on your side.But it is only necessary to unite the majority and attack the few.In Xuantianzong, no one would oppose him.

As for the small group, it's the chicken that made an example to others.

Li Zicheng was slightly silent.

Why does the young suzerain act in the same way as the abbot?What a coincidence!

But that's good too, in this way, even if the visitor is seen through, he has reasons not to be suspected.

"Yes, this subordinate will do it now! I wonder if the suzerain and the young suzerain have other orders?" Li Zicheng asked.

"Not for the time being, thanks to Elder Li." Li Jianshi smiled sweetly.

"The subordinate will leave." Li Zicheng bowed, turned and left.

After he left, Li Jianshi's sweet smile suddenly disappeared.

Ye Yuxi glanced at her beloved apprentice who seemed to have practiced the face-changing magic skill with interest, and said with a smile: "To be honest, Master, I really didn't realize that Elder Li is actually a member of the imperial court. Shi'er, how did you find out?"

"As long as it is fake, there will always be flaws." Li Jianshi said calmly.

In fact, it is very simple, in her previous life, Xuantianzong did not have Li Zicheng.

So Li Jianshi in this life has been asking his master to spy on this person, and finally let him show his feet.

"Since we already knew that he was from the imperial court, why didn't we get rid of him?" Ye Yuxi was puzzled.

Li Jianshi gave his master a blank look. This master is good everywhere, but he is too lazy.It's fine to be lazy, but she is so lazy that she doesn't even bother to think about this kind of thing, she has to ask herself everything.

So she said angrily: "If we get rid of him, the imperial court will definitely send new spies. Rather than that, it's better to keep him under our noses.

Besides, the really important things are only known to you and me, and he is just passing on dispensable information.If he exposes his identity on the opposition side, we can throw the blame at the court. "

As for whether Empress Da Zhou would secretly make trouble after knowing about Xuantianzong, she believed not.

Not to mention that she is on Da Zhou's side, if she makes such a big stumbling block to let the poor brother know
Hehe, then his opponent will be one less.

Still at the same time, in the secret room of a certain elder's residence.

Two key figures in the opposition are talking here.

"Li Zicheng has already come out from Ye Yuxi's side. I'm afraid he never thought that he had been exposed."

"Let them dance around for another two days, Yingyang Villa? Oh, our back is not Yingyang Villa."

 Before I knew it, there were two hundred chapters!
  I never thought I could write so much!

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(End of this chapter)

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