My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 217 "XX Second Collaboration"

Chapter 217 "XX Second Collaboration"

"You doubt her." Xiao Bai said in a deep voice.

"That's right. Don't you think it's strange?" Li Jianshi calmly analyzed: "I always thought that you left the mountain early because of the changes caused by my return. I believe you think so too."

"Not bad." Su Mubai agreed.

"Then here comes the question." Li Jianshi said Wu Qiong's catchphrase: "Why is Bai Xuanji so strong?"

"I didn't pay much attention to it in my previous life. I only remember that she became the Emperor of the Great Zhou after a long time. And she didn't do much after that."

At that time, all her attention was on Su Mubai.

"Same." Su Mubai said indifferently.

At that time, she was focused on avenging Wu Qiong, and she didn't care about Bai Xuanji at all.

"So." Li Jianshi asked: "Why is she so strong?"

"She is less than 21 years old this year, but she has stepped into the 'Taoism of Nature' many years ago. I have never heard of such a thing in my previous life."

And she is only 20 years old, why are her breasts so big? !
Obviously she is already a giant meow with a child face, but she is even older than me!This is unreasonable!
"So now there are two possibilities." Li Jianshi put her breasts aside for a while, hugged her with one hand, and supported her chin with the other.

This is also Wu Qiong's habitual action.

"First, Bai Xuanji had such strength in her previous life, but she has been hiding it all the time, so you and I didn't pay attention to her."

"The second thing is that she, like you and me, is a reborn person."

Su Mubai's eyes flickered slightly: "Based."

"Do you know what happened to poor brother in the previous life?" Li Jianshi said an irrelevant topic.

"I don't know, but now I know." Su Mubai replied.

"Well, he is the 'Jianyu Xiaoxiang' who disappeared after Qin State robbed her in the previous life." Li Jianshi nodded, and then said: "Now when we were in the imperial city, we knew that Bai Xuanji was the mysterious owner of the Star-chasing Tower, and the star-chasing Lou was founded by poor brother and her together."

"But do you remember when the Zhaixing Building appeared in the previous life?"

Su Mubai frowned slightly: "After Wu Qiong passed away."

"This is my guess. The poor brother and Bai Xuanji had known each other for a long time in the previous life, but after robbing the marriage, they parted ways for some reason. After that, Bai Xuanji remained silent until" she gritted her teeth slightly: "The poor brother passed away."

"After the poor brother passed away, she founded the Zhaixing Tower, and then waited for an opportunity to seize power and ascend to the throne. So what is her purpose?"

"Revenge for Wu Qiong." Su Mubai replied.

"That's right, to avenge the poor brother." Li Jianshi said softly: "Then who is the target of her revenge? Is it you, is it me, or does she treat both of you as enemies?

Let me tell you one thing, the reason why I was able to block you in the last time we died together in the previous life was all told by Zhaxinglou. "

"Really." Su Mubai was noncommittal: "Zhaixinglou also told me where you were."

"Both lose, and the fisherman gains." Li Jianshi rubbed her chin with her fingers subconsciously: "Then it's very clear, Bai Xuanji is just like you and me, she has also returned.

But she must have come back after you and me, so which time did she go back?Let me say something first, I was back when I was three years old. "

"Same." Although he didn't intend to hack her to death anymore, Xiaobai felt uncomfortable if he said one more word.

"Then there are two possibilities. First, because she died later than you and me, so she came back later; second, she also returned to about three years old.

I prefer the first one. "

Xiaobai crossed his arms and leaned against the wooden wall: "Continue."

It's a bit strange to say, this feeling is similar to the previous life.

In her previous life, she didn't pay much attention to things that needed to be thought about, and left those things to Wu Qiong.

Tsk, this guy must have deliberately imitated Wu Qiong, Xiaobai was upset.

Of course, it didn't show on the face.

Li Jianshi observed her for a long while, and saw that she was still expressionless, so she continued: "As I guessed at the beginning, what happened to her in the previous life after the poor brother robbed her, so they parted ways.

Then as long as she doesn't do anything in this life, she will be the same as the previous life.What did she do after the robbery, so what happened in the previous life didn't happen, so the two of them didn't break contact.

Of course, this does not mean that she is back to childhood.But the most basic logic, a person who started to practice at the age of 16, no matter what, it is impossible to cultivate to the "Taoism of nature" within four years, so she has returned to her childhood just like you and me. "

"So, what do you want to say." Xiao Bai said flatly.

"Let's join forces!" Li Jianshi crossed his hands and fingers on his chin.

"It's up to you?" Xiaobai gave her an incomprehensible look for her to understand.

I understand everything I understand.

Li Jianshi blushed because she was angry.

She gritted her teeth and said, "What do you mean!"

"It's nothing." The little white girl said coldly: "Just grab what you want."

"." Shi'er suddenly became weak: "You shouldn't enter the magic gate, but should be a bandit."

"Let's get down to business." Li Jianshi cheered up: "Bai Xuanji has the advantage now, even if you want to force her, it's useless."

"After all, her current strength is much stronger than you and me."

Even if Xiaobai and Xuanji are both in the "natural realm of Taoism", but one has been in this realm for several years, and the other has just stepped into it.

If we use a more obvious metaphor, if the combat power is below [-], it is the acquired state, the innate state is one hundred to two hundred, and the "Tao follows the natural state" is five hundred to two thousand.

Xiaobai was silent for a while, and then said, "How to cooperate."

You must know that both of them unilaterally tore up the "Ningzhou Agreement".

Just like Lao Chuan, after signing the agreement, he regretted it when he returned.

In this way, there is no way for the two parties to cooperate sincerely.

Shi'er said decisively: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, as long as you and I don't trip each other up. Later, when we need to help each other, we can pull each other down without violating the principle."

After all, the two of them are not so naive to cooperate sincerely.

"Yes." Xiaobai nodded.

"Then I need you to do me a little favor right now." Shi'er smiled like a flower and said, "Give me a trick, and help me return to the 'Taoism of Nature' as soon as possible."


So, this is all the communication between the two of them this morning.

"XX Second Collaboration" officially begins!
"Okay, poor brother, don't stand here and get in the way." Li Jianshi pushed Wu Qiong's back with both hands and pushed him away.

Afterwards, she held "The World" in her hand, with a high fighting spirit: "Come, let me see how much progress you have made in the past ten years."

Since her rebirth, she has used the experience of her previous life as the basis, and used the Xuantian Sect's exercises as the basis to completely strengthen her foundation.

Now she is fifty times stronger than herself in the same realm in her previous life!
She believed that Su Mubai, who was no match for her, was the same.

So this can be regarded as the bottom line, if Su Mubai does not meet his expectations, then he will take the opportunity to eliminate her after he "follows the natural realm of Taoism"!

As for "XX Second Collaboration". Ha!Isn't the agreement to be torn up?
"Yes." Su Mubai clenched his fists slowly, and his aura gradually increased: "I also want to see how you have grown."

The words are exhausted, and the fighting spirit rises.

Su Mubai's eyes were cold, and he punched out a punch that condensed the power of seven successes!
cooperate?joke!This is a great opportunity, if you, Li Jianshi, are really allowed to reach the "Taoism of nature", then you who do good deeds for free will still be considered the master of the magic sect!
Li Jianshi gritted his silver teeth slightly, and suddenly stabbed out with a sword that condensed his whole life's skill!
Taking advantage of Su Mubai's lack of seriousness, she wants to finish her here!
So the "XX Second Collaboration", which was signed less than a day ago, was declared a failure!

Seeing that the moves of the two sides were about to touch each other, a loud shout sounded:
"do not want!"

Wu Qiang inserted between the two of them and spread his hands.

【coming!Make it or break it! 】

His idea was good, but he overlooked one very important thing.

That Mr. Shen's martial arts is much better than those two girls.

And what he faced were two peerless masters who were stronger than himself.
 Belgium and Panama are currently 0:0.
  I predict that Belgium may defeat Panama in the second half of this game and win by a big score.

  Or be held by Panama until the final draw.

  Or a small win by one or two goals.

  Or if you can't attack for a long time, Panama steals a small 0:1 loss.

  I'm sure I guessed right! !
(End of this chapter)

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