My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 229 I have no complaints or regrets in this life

Chapter 229 I have no complaints or regrets in this life

In the middle of the night, at midnight, under the bridge.

Zhen Youqian, dressed in a ripped beggar's attire, hugged his shoulders and huddled under the bridge tremblingly:

"Hiss—it's so cold."

Wu Qiong and others sat around the fire and said, "This is the life of a beggar, Master Zhen."

While talking, he tore off a roasted chicken leg and gnawed:

“It’s so cool to eat roast chicken in cold weather!”

Zhen You swallowed dryly, and said cautiously: "Can I share with the old man?"

"Hehe." Wu Qiong gave him a look, and then stuffed a bun into his hand: "This is yours."

Zhen Youqian squeezed hard the cornbread in his hand, which was hard from the cold, and asked doubtfully, "Can this stuff be eaten?"

an hour later
"It's so fragrant!"

"Is it delicious? Haven't you eaten it? You're still very hungry!" Wu Qiong taunted and handed over a handful of snow: "You're thirsty, drink some."

"Can you drink this too?" Zhen Youqian was disgusted.

Wu Qiong sneered: "Do you think a beggar can earn more than [-] taels of silver a month? It's not bad if you can barely survive."

It's not the professional beggar in the previous life.

Zhen You was taken aback, and smiled wryly, "The hero is right."

He picked up the snow and stuffed it into his mouth, showing a smile: "It's so sweet!"

"Benefactor Zhen, the poor monk has one thing that I don't understand." Jie Se put down the chicken bone and wiped his mouth and asked, "You don't look like a treacherous and evil person in the eyes of the poor monk, who would find a killer to kill you?"

"Oh, this is also normal." Zhen Youqian sighed: "I have taken over the family business for more than forty years. I am used to killing people in the business field, so I offended many people. It is normal for someone to find a killer to kill me."

He stretched out his hand to catch a snowflake: "This old man loves snow the most in his life, because I met my wife when it was snowing. I also hate snow the most. It was also snowing heavily on the day Xiaomei passed away."

Wu Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you have a story? You might as well tell it and listen to it."

Zhen You smiled bitterly: "Is there any wine?"

Wu Qiong threw him a jug of wine: "Enough!"

"That year my husband was only twenty, and Xiaomei was only seventeen." Zhen You took a sip of his wine and continued, "That winter, it was snowing heavily, so this old man went out to appreciate the plum blossoms."

"Xiaomei's family is not well off, and that day she was setting up a stall on the street selling steamed stuffed buns.

At first I didn't think she was outstanding, she was just an ordinary girl from a poor family.But when I came back from plum viewing, I saw that she gave all the unsold buns to beggars on the street.There is no discrimination or sympathy in her eyes, only enthusiasm for life and encouragement to beggars.

To be honest, I was really moved at that moment. "

"So when you marry her in, your family members don't agree, but the two of you have already conceived, and she suffered a miscarriage in fear, and as a result, she became the root cause of the disease, and then passed away from the disease?" Brainstorming said.

"Although I didn't win, it's not far away." Zhen Youqian's smile was full of memories: "Speaking of which, I also want to thank that beggar. Xiaomei gave the buns to the old beggar, but the old man blackmailed her, saying that she gave the buns to the old beggar. I fell down and broke my leg."

"The government judged her to be fully responsible. The reason is that if she was not out of guilt, she would not have given the buns to the beggar, so she must have done it."

"Xiaomei couldn't do it, so she had to work hard to lose money. But how could her family have any money? Her mother died young, and her younger brother died young, and she was the only one living with her old father who was suffering from illness. After learning about this, her old father was furious, and it ended like this I went. I bought her back when she sold her body to bury her father."

"I married her after that."

"Wait a minute" Wu Qiong interrupted him: "Let's not say that this is completely different from the master's guess, there is nothing similar at all.

It's the only son of your big family. Will your parents agree with you to marry a poor girl who sold herself to bury her father? "

"Xu Daxia, just like you said, I am a single heir for three generations, so what if they don't agree." Zhen Youqian smiled softly: "Besides, Xiaomei is gentle and virtuous, diligent and thrifty in managing the family. Then guess what? Kiss me back! I complained at the time that I didn’t know who was their real one.”

He wiped the corners of his eyes, and continued: "Later, Xiaomei became pregnant, and our family lived happily."

"As it should be"

"In May of that year, the enemies of my parents came to my door and killed my parents. I led people to resist desperately, and finally drove them away.

But Xiaomei was frightened by this and had a miscarriage. "

"She was not in good health, and she was even more depressed after that. As a result, she left me half a year later."

He stretched out his hand and looked up at the snowflakes in the sky: "That day was also heavy snow."

"Later...later, I got my revenge, but my father, mother, and Xiaomei...they never came back."

Wu Qiong was silent for a while, and then said: "So you never leave any room for business, and you always kill your competitors."

"Not bad." Zhen Youqian replied.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, when will the injustice be repaid?" Ye Qingxuan sighed.

Wu Qiong took a sip of his wine, shook his head and said: "It's fine if you want to be kind and enmity, and don't care when he repays his grievances."

Ye Qingxuan frowned slightly: "Poverty Dao just doesn't understand, sometimes it's okay for everyone to take a step back."

"Ha, then I'm going to talk to you carefully." Wu Qiong said seriously: "There used to be a storyteller surnamed Guo who said it well. If you don't understand the situation, you must be magnanimous. You have to leave this kind of person." Stay away from him, he will hurt you even if he is struck by lightning."

Wu Qiong took a sip of wine and continued: "Others told you to be generous, saying that you have gone too far. But who is going too far?
If you don't know the reason of the matter, don't gossip around. You will never know how much it hurts until the needle sticks in your body.You haven't experienced other people's pain, so why do you ask them to be magnanimous? "

"Maybe you have your own way of dealing with it. But all living beings have their own characteristics. You are not him, and you have never experienced his things. How can you make others deal with it like you do?
Just stand by and say: He is also at fault, he should not have done this.

What virtue and ability do you have, what experience do you have, and what standards do you have to say these words? "

"It's like that prostitute Li Zongrui, did your master tell you to let him go?"

Ye Qingxuan remained silent for a while, then sighed: "I have been taught."

Zhen Yougan praised: "Xu Daxia is right. Someone asked you to kill me, maybe it was because I also killed his family. So there is nothing to say. Tomorrow morning, I will give you my life."

"No regrets?"

"No regrets."

"No regrets?"


"it is good."

Zhen Yougan drank the last sip of wine in the jug, and sighed: "Wine is fine wine, but it's a pity that there is no moonlight to accompany it."

Wu Qiong smiled and said, "It's a pity."

Zhen Yougan nodded: "Yes, it's a pity."

The next day, He Xiaonian woke up from his lethargy.

Her last memory is that she was forced to drink a jug of fine wine by the drunk Angkor, and then she fell unconscious.

She struggled to get up, but suddenly her face changed, and she was tied up!And this place is obviously a strange place!

She quietly squinted her eyes and looked around, only to see Xu Wanxiu lying beside her, and she also squinted her eyes to look around while being tied up.

Their eyes met, the two of them met each other, and they both closed their eyes and pretended not to wake up.

At this time, a person pushed the door in and said with a smile, "Don't pretend to be asleep when you wake up."

The two girls opened their eyes and glared at the person in front of them.

He Xiaonian gritted his teeth and said, "Zhen Yougan, it's you!"

Master Zhen moved a chair, and the old god sat on the ground in front of the two of them: "Isn't it just me, Master?"

He Xiaonian said angrily, "What do you mean!"

"It's nothing interesting, it's just that I don't want to die, sir." Zhen Youqian said leisurely: "I can only say that you young people have high martial arts skills, but you are too naive. Who wants to die if they can live?"

He Xiaonian panicked and said, "What did you do to them?!"

Brother Ang, you must not have any accidents!

"It's nothing, they are all masters, secret medicine and other things don't work. The old man just got them drunk, and then asked his subordinates to take them to the wild to deal with them." Zhen You said with a smile: "As for you two? The old man’s brothel has semicolons all over Dazhou, you can go wherever you want.”

"You! You're dreaming! Sister Bu will avenge us if she finds out!" He Xiaonian gestured to Xu Wanxiu with his hands tied behind his back, delaying time.

"Muhahahaha! This old man has a little friendship with the city lord of Ningzhou. On this one-third of an acre of land, this old man can do whatever he wants. Er."

He lowered his head, looked at the dagger stuck in his chest, and murmured, "Oops. I forgot to search."

Then he died in a fit of anger.

Xu Wanxiu pulled out her dagger and cut the rope for He Xiaonian: "Sister Anian, what should we do now?"

"Go out of the city!" He Xiaonian rubbed his wrists, gritted his teeth and said, "I hope there is still time to save Brother Wu and the others!"

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the room was kicked open, and Wu Qiong's voice came in: "Xiao Nian! Wanxiu! Are you two okay!"

"Brother Wu!" The two little girls flew over and tugged at his arms, one left and one right, and said in surprise, "Are you still alive?!"

"Nonsense, how could the crickets hurt us!" Wu Qiong looked at Zhen Yougan who was lying on the ground lifeless, his eyes flashed with a sigh, and he said with a smile: "It's good that you are all right, Xuanji and the others have brought you The people from the government are here, let's go out."


Half an hour later, Wu Qiong and his party stood not far from Zhen's mansion, watching the officials who came in and out to carry the treasure in silence.

"How are they two?" Li Jianshi asked.

"The two of them are exhausted and resting in the hotel room." Wu Qiong replied.

"Brother Wu, is this really okay?" After a long silence, Jie Lu asked slowly.

He and Ye Qingxuan had already learned the truth from Wu Qiong.

Wu Qiong sighed, "Perhaps this is the best ending for him."

"Qiang, this reminds me, no, this reminds me of the order we received as killers for the first time after we returned from Qin Kingdom four years ago." Bai Xuanji sighed.

Wu Qiong remained silent, stretched out his hand to catch a snowflake, and was lost in thought.

Time went back to the early morning of the previous day.

At this time, the two little girls were already drunk, and Wu Qiong and Zhen Youqian were standing on the bridge.

"Why are you doing this?" Wu Qiong said calmly.

Zhen You was taken aback, and smiled wryly: "You know all about it?"

"Understood." Wu Qiong replied: "You are terminally ill and will die soon. You made the order to assassinate you yourself."

"That's right." Zhen Yougan stood upright in the snow and said calmly, "I've been beautiful all my life, but I was alone when I died. Although I also wanted to see Xiaomei soon, I was still a little unwilling. There are still many things in this world that I have never seen before." Tried it."

"Unless you live forever, this is inevitable. If there is no regret in life, it is not called life." Wu Qiong replied indifferently.

"Ha, that makes sense." Zhen You said with a dry smile, "I wanted to invite some of you to let me experience the feeling of being full of children and grandchildren, but some of them are not ordinary people, and I really can't bear that embarrassment."

Wu Qiong smiled and said, "Did you see it?"

Zhen You sighed dryly: "Ha, the old man has been in business for most of his life, how could he not see it. Mr. Xu, your name is also fake, right?"

"That's right, my real name is not Xu Xian." Wu Qiong said lightly: "My real name is Wu Mingqiong. The world-famous 'Jian Yu Xiaoxiang' is me, and the number one 'Jian Zun' on the family teacher list is Wuming. That monk is the direct descendant of the abbot of Shaolin. Disciple, the Taoist priest is the direct disciple of the head teacher of the Taiqing Sect, and the three girls are the direct disciple of the suzerain of the Xuantian Sect, the current suzerain of the Xieji Sect, and our Majesty the Great Zhou."

Zhen You was taken aback, shook his head and said: "The old man only guessed that some of you are not young, but you never thought that you are so big."

Wu Qiong smiled without saying a word.

Zhen Youqian asked again: "I have lived for more than 60 years, and I have only heard people talk about Jianghu Jianghu every day, but what is this Jianghu like?"

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes." Wu Qiong said leisurely: "Isn't your business field also a rivers and lakes?"

Zhen You laughed loudly: "It makes sense! It makes sense!"

"Wu Daxia, this old man has one last wish, I wonder if you can agree to it."

"please say."

Zhen Youqian caught a snowflake and said with a smile: "I want to experience the arena of your martial arts people."

"Our rivers and lakes?"

"That's right." Master Zhen nodded and said, "If those two little girls know the truth, I'm afraid they won't be able to do it. So I want to invite you to play a play with me."

"." Wu Qiong: "Yes."

Zhen Youqian: "This old man has one more wish, to ask the hero to bury me and my wife together after my death."

Wu Qiong: "Don't push yourself too far."

Zhen Youqian: "If you agree, then the old man's ten thousand family wealth will be all yours."

"." Wu Qiong: "Yes."

With his wish fulfilled, Zhen Youqian stood up in the snow and laughed loudly:

"Ha! The yin and yang are separated by two lives, and I miss my beautiful wife in the middle of the night. The autumn flowers are withered and the autumn is gone. I fear that the weather will be cold and I will lack winter clothes."

"Xiaomei, I'm here to accompany you."

 Ten years have passed between life and death, but Xiaomei and I have been separated by Yin and Yang for 40 years.

  BY Zhen Youqian

  Although it is two chapters, but with a total of [-] words, it should be regarded as three chapters.I'm not happy that this plot is not written all at once
(End of this chapter)

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