My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 231 The Qu Wuming in Sheng Yeyun's Eyes

Chapter 231 The Qu Wuming in Sheng Yeyun's Eyes

"It was one evening, and Yu Xi and I had just bought a cottage. On the way down the mountain, we suddenly felt the high energy ahead. Yu Xi was courageous and curious, so she urged me to go and have a look. I couldn't persuade her, so I had to accompany her there." Sheng Yeyun said calmly: "It seems that a big battle just took place at the foot of the mountain ahead, and Qu Wuming is standing there."

"Oh?" Wu Qiong came alive: "What does he look like?"

Is it possible that he is really similar to me?

"The looks are similar, but the temperament is different." Sheng Yeyun replied: "Ah Qiong, you are optimistic by nature. Although he is also cheerful, there is always a sadness between his brows."

Um?Wu Qiong frowned, like Li Tanhua?
"Then he is also wearing a green shirt?"

Sheng Yeyun shook his head: "No, he was wearing black clothes."

"Yu Xi later asked him why he kept wearing black clothes. He said. He said that black is resistant to dirt, and white clothes have to be changed every day, which is very annoying."

"That's an excuse." Wu Qiong said powerlessly: "'Heaven and Man's Unity' can already be spotless, how could he wear black clothes for this reason?!"

"We also know that there is probably something he doesn't want to say." Sheng Yeyun analyzed: "Maybe even his name is fake."

"How to say?"

Sister Sheng frowned slightly: "At that time, Yuxi asked what his name was. He said."

"He said: 'When I come, I have no trace, and when I go, I have no name. Just call me Qu Wuming.'"

"So 'Jianzun' real name is not Qu Wuming? Then what does he mean by that? Could it be that..." Satisfied the great curiosity of rebooting, I couldn't help bursting out: "He and the first ancestor of our temple Bodhidharma Like the patriarch, from another realm?"

"What the hell are the other realms?!" Wu Qiong sighed bitterly.

"Huh? Didn't my master say that when we went back to the temple? Thousands of years ago, the first ancestor Bodhidharma came out of the [Buddhist realm], traveled [the world] for more than [-] years, and finally drew a circle on Mount Shaoshi to establish Shaolin Temple.

Maybe 'Jian Zun' came from other realms like the first ancestor. "

Wu Qiong couldn't help but hugged his head. He was obviously planning a martial arts game. Flying to the sky and hiding from the ground and black holes were nothing more than that, and he could use high martial arts to comfort himself.

But what the hell is the boundary?He can't remember when there was such a setting!

Obviously, the background setting for Bodhidharma is a sentence introduced on the background of Shaolin Temple on the game's official website!

【Shaolin Temple was created by Bodhidharma thousands of years ago. 】

Just this sentence no more!

Now you are adding settings to me without authorization?
Wu Qiong expressed that he was very sad.

'Poor brother, what's wrong? ’ Li Jianshi said via voice transmission.

Wu Qiong went back via voice transmission: "Shi'er, have you heard of any other realms in your previous life?" '

'It seems that this matter has been mentioned in the secret record that only the suzerain can read, but the book is vague, and I don't know the details.As for the previous life, I have never met people from the so-called other realms. ' Shi'er replied.

"It's possible that the master also vaguely mentioned the origin of the founder of the mountain. It seems to say that 'the ancestor is an extraordinary person, from the sky beyond the sky'. Pindao has always thought that this is a deification of the legend of the ancestor." Ye Qingxuan said: "Brother, you still know what?"

Jie Se scratched his bald head: "That's all the poor monk knows, if there is more, I will ask the master when I go back to the monastery."

But he doesn't want to go back because he doesn't want to shovel shit.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later." Wu Qiong waved his hand weakly, and continued to ask Sheng Yeyun: "Sister Sheng, what's next? Master never mentioned the past, I want to know more about him."

The life and death of the real Qu Wuming is uncertain, which is like a stick in his throat.

"Yeah." Sheng Yeyun nodded, and continued: "Yuxi was out of temper, and seeing that there seemed to be a big battle there, she saw that Lie Xinxi was going to challenge Qu Wuming.

As a result, Qu Wuming didn't make a move at all, and Yu Xi lost. "

"Could it be that the 'Jian Zun' is too imposing and the master cannot move?" Li Jianshi guessed.

"That's not the case." Sheng Yeyun shook his head: "Qu Wuming looks mediocre, as if he has no skill at all. But Yu Xi stood there with her sword out of its sheath, sweating, and after a while, she gave up. .”

"I asked her later, and she said that her instinct told herself that if she attacked, she would definitely die. She chose to follow her heart."

Counseling is cowardly, and the words are so fresh and refined
Wu Qiong curled his lips secretly, and then returned to his smile: "And then?"

A loyal listener means that no matter whether you have listened or not, you must give feedback to the other party so that the other party thinks that you have listened carefully.In this way, the other party will have the desire to continue talking.

Wu Qiong is well versed in this way, so many friends in previous lives would complain to him when they encountered relationship problems. This is how the title "Emotional Master" came about.

Although the time he was single was equal to his age when he traveled.

Sheng Yeyun let out a "hmm" and continued: "Yuxi was young and frivolous at the time, and he was not convinced by this, so he dragged me to rely on Qu Wuming, and we followed him wherever he went.

Finally he couldn't take it anymore, so he agreed to go with us. "

"In this way, Yuxi challenges him every day and loses every day. I can see that Qu Wuming wants to hurt Yuxi's self-confidence. After all, no matter who it is, every time the opponent fails to make a move, he can beat you, and you can't see it at all. If there is no hope, anyone will give up after a long time.”

"Yu Xi was indeed about to give up. Later, the cheerful smile she had been hanging on her face disappeared, and the light in her eyes gradually dimmed. She challenged every day as a habit, and then lost. Originally, the story should end here. It's over."

Sheng Yeyun sighed: "Ke Qu Wuming is a good person. He couldn't bear Yuxi to be so decadent. One day after the competition, he comforted Yuxi and said that if Yuxi could make him use a trick during the competition, If he loses, then he can agree to Yuxi on one condition.

I can see that he actually doesn't want anything to do with us. "

"But he didn't know that he had become Yu Xi's demon. After hearing his words, Yu Xi came back to life. It was another challenge every day, and he also communicated with me how to force him to take action. Sometimes even He would also participate in the discussion, and even give us two pointers on martial arts.

Even the joint attack method of me and Yuxi was created by him, and it was originally a three-person attack method.He also promised Yu Xi that when we reached the Xiantian Realm, he would practice this combined attack with us. "

"Later, Yu Xi still couldn't let him make a move. I don't even know when it started. I have teamed up with her to challenge Qu Wuming, but I still can't."

Sheng Yeyun looked lonely: "The things Yuxi communicates with me every day have also become Qu Wuming. Two of the three sentences in her mouth will mention him. Maybe she didn't realize it, but I already understood. She likes Qu Wuming."

"This is normal." Wu Qiong said leisurely: "As the most outstanding disciple of the world's largest sect for hundreds of years, sister Ye must have smooth sailing in front of her. She suddenly met such an outstanding man. It's normal to fall in love with him."

"Yeah, maybe I fell in love with him at that time too." Sheng Yeyun said disappointedly: "But I'm sure my heart is already in the future. At that time, I just admired him very much and was very dissatisfied. I am dissatisfied He snatched Yuxi away from me, so I felt very uncomfortable, and finally left without saying goodbye.

In fact, the reason why I am really uncomfortable is because watching the two of them talking and laughing every day, I always feel that I am redundant.

I thought I was jealous of Qu Wuming, but actually I was jealous of Yu Xi."

Sheng Yeyun hasn't said so many words for a long time, and maybe she has never said so many words: "The next time I saw him after that was the day when the magic gate was destroyed, and that was the last time I saw him .”

She did not mention the details of that day: "After he left, I heard that all the elders of the 'Dongxu Realm' from the various sects in Jianghu died. I guessed that he did it, but why did he To do so I do not know.

After that, I never heard from him again. I didn't know that he also accepted apprentices until I met you, and then he lived in seclusion. "

Her big blood red eyes stared deeply at Wu Qiong, she did not believe what Wu Qiong said that Qu Wuming was dead.

That is the invincible "Sword Master" Qu Wuming!How could he die? !
Wu Qiong closed his eyes and said nothing, he understood her eyes.

【Sister Sheng, because you know Qu Wuming, he is not the same as my master.】

Is Qu Wuming really a time traveler?Or did he really travel back in time by himself?Or is he indeed from another realm?
Wu Qiong closed his eyes and meditated.

Sudden!A current flashed through his brain!
wrong!No no no no no!
Here's a clue that no one noticed!
He suddenly opened his eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "Sister Sheng, I heard a survivor from the Demon Sect mention it. He said that the reason why Master killed the Demon Sect was because his younger brother was a direct disciple of a small sect. And that younger brother died in the hands of the Demon Sect!

So here comes the question, the sect that his younger brother belonged to was wiped out by the Demon Sect, are there any survivors among them? "

Maybe that sect is the key to knowing the truth!
 I have been worried that these two pits dug a long time ago will be discovered, but fortunately they have not been discovered.

  Ha ha ha ha!I'm lucky!

  Well, Chapter 2 is delivered, and the follow-up plot is flickering in my mind.Let me sort it out!
  Finally, ask for a monthly pass!I also wish the favorite teams of the readers to win every game!

  By the way, besides San Meow, my favorite teams are Italy and the Netherlands.

(End of this chapter)

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