My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 244 Analysis of Clues

Chapter 244 Analysis of Clues

After reading it, Her Majesty the Empress looked at Wu Qiong immediately.

Seeing that Wu Qiong was still in shock, she subconsciously turned her attention to Ye Qingxuan and Ye Qingxuan.

This book is not necessarily left by Qu Wuming, maybe someone put it here later.

To write the content of the book, you need to know several information.

First, this person knew that Qu Wuming was Ah Qiong's master.

Second, this person knew that the sword moves Ah Qiong used were called "sword techniques".

Third, this person knows Ah Qiong.

If anyone has the biggest suspicion, it must be the two rebooting men who came here to investigate first after separating from the four of them.

The two of them perfectly met all the conditions and had plenty of time to commit crimes.

But they have no motive.

If it was the two of them, what was the purpose?
Just to make a joke with Ah Qiong?
Impossible, because they both know how much Ah Qiong thinks about this matter.

The person who left this book is obviously to lead Ah Qiong to the Western Regions.

The two of them are as close as brothers to Ah Qiong, if it is said that Shaolin Taiqing has this purpose, it is impossible.

The court of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the two holy places of Xuantianzong and Buddhism and Taoism are in the honeymoon period at this time, and they have no reason or reason to trick Ah Qiong to the Western Regions.

The only one who can meet these conditions is Ah Qiong's precious apprentice Bu Yurou.

But she was not suspicious either, because she definitely wanted Ah Qiong to stay in the Black Dragon Society.

Since all the evidence points to one person, no matter how unbelievable it is, it is the truth!

The person who left this book was indeed "Sword Master" Qu Wuming himself!

But how could Qu Wuming, who had been missing for more than ten years, know about Ah Qiong?
Obviously, it was the fake Qu Wuming who picked up Ah Qiong. At that time, there was no news of the real Qu Wuming.

Her Majesty's face suddenly changed, Qu Wuming really did not die!He may even have been secretly observing Wu Qiong!

Today's things are all expected by him, or... guided by him!

So, who is he now?

Bai Xuanji closed her phoenix eyes and began to recall those people who had contact with Wu Qiong.

After a while, she opened her eyes, her brows furrowed.

Among those people, there is no master who she can't see the depth of.

"What's in the book?" Li Jianshi asked seeing that the faces of both of them were wrong.

Bai Xuanji threw the book to her casually, then turned to look at Wu Qiong: "Ah Qiong, don't think so much, since there are clues, there will be a solution."

Wu Qiong looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "I was just wondering why he didn't make it clear when he left clues.

The Western Region is so big, where can I find it? "

Bai Xuanji: "."

Emotional self-analysis so much all in vain!Ah Qiong believed the words in the book without thinking!

Wu Qiong smiled, there is another possibility besides the message Qu Wuming left for him.

His senior brother whom he hadn't seen in ten years!

But it doesn't matter, if it's the trap of the senior brother, several innate talents and "natural realms of Taoism" on his side can easily crush him.If it is the clue left by Qu Wuming, then go too!

Qu Wuming is in the "Cave Void Realm", if he really wants to deal with him, he doesn't need to wait until now to lie to himself.And he couldn't guess when he would come to the remains of the Jade Sword Sect to find this book.

If it was because of some reason before or because of his plan, he had to wait until now to lie to himself.
That's not the case, he finally found the clue, he can't give up just because of the possible risks, right?

If he gave up on other things, he would give up, but this time it was different, he had to go!
After passing around the books, several people frowned and remained silent.

After a long time, Xiaobai calmly asked, "Do you want to go?"

Wu Qiong looked at them and said with a smile, "Go, of course."

There is no need to organize them, because he understands their hearts.

If you refuse, it is a sincere insult to them.

But the other two were different.

He turned his head to look at the two men, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Jie Lu: "Don't say no, or the poor monk will turn against you."

Everyone has experienced life and death together several times, if Wu Qiong still treats him as an outsider, then he will really turn his back on rebooting.

Ye Qingxuan smiled lightly: "Brother means exactly what Pindao wants to say. If Brother Wu really treats the two of us as brothers, don't refuse us to go together."

"Naturally, I won't be like this." Wu Qiong was moved in his heart, but he said something that had nothing to do with gratitude: "I will drag the two of you back if I die, and you two will definitely not be able to escape."

"I just want to say, don't you two need to report to the abbot and the head teacher?"

"I'll send someone to notify you," Bai Xuanji said.

"Xuanji, are you going too?" Wu Qiong expressed surprise: "Let's not talk about being an emperor but leaving the country privately, just say that you have been away from the palace for a long time. Is this really okay?"

"It doesn't matter, with Lu Wudao letting them stay all his life, even if I'm not around, the court can still operate normally." Bai Xuanji explained.

Manchu civil and military are all her own people, she doesn't think anyone would dare to jump back while she is not here.

What's more, even if someone seeks to usurp the throne, so what?Anyway, her wish in this life is to be by Wu Qiong's side, to accompany him to the end.

Whether the outcome is good or bad.

"That being the case, let's go." Wu Qiong smiled.

As for sending the letter
He had already handed over the task to Ye Yuxi when he was in Xuantianzong before, not to mention that it won't take long this time.

Three months.

He plans to spend at most three months looking for clues in the Western Regions, because the Northern Man will invade in more than a year, and he will go to Qin to make troubles, so that Qin will agree to join forces with Zhou to resist the Northern Invasion .

If you find clues during this trip to the Western Regions, that's great, but if you can't find them, then look for them after dealing with the Northern Barbarian invasion!

Anyway, I have been waiting for nearly 20 years, not bad this year!
"The poor brother, where are we going now?" Li Jianshi asked.

"It seems that we are going to revisit the old place." Wu Qiong smiled slightly: "Baiyang Town, let's go to Baiyang Town first."

While speaking, several people left the secret room.

After they left for half an hour.


With a muffled sound, the empty secret room collapsed inch by inch.

Eventually, nothing exists anymore.The Jade Sword Sect, which had been silent for more than ten years, regained its calm once again.

Ten days later, Baiyang Town.

Wu Qiong and his party of six appeared at the door of the original restaurant.

Wu Qiong took a closer look and saw that the hole that He Jinxi had smashed had been patched with wood.

"When revisiting the old place, the most important thing is to eat." Wu Qiong said with a smile.

Along the way, the few of them relied purely on innate and above cultivation bases to fight hard, and at most they ate some dry food and drank some water in the middle, but they were already starving.

Pushing open the door, several people walked into the restaurant.

"Welcome! Are you a top player or staying in the store?" Well, it was the familiar waiter of the store.

Behind the counter is also a familiar shopkeeper.

Also, that familiar voice: "Master Ben thinks highly of you for wanting to make friends with you! Don't be ashamed!"

It turned out to be that unlucky boy Yang Ziwei.

"Sorry, Xiaodao doesn't intend to make friends with you." A lazy voice sounded: "It's too troublesome."

Alas, Mingming Bu's hexagrams indicated that he would be able to ask for trouble immediately. Could it be that he really had to use force himself?
"Ha! You girl" Yang Ziwei was about to yell and pat him on the shoulder with one hand.

"Where is it?" He turned back furiously, facing a pair of smiling eyes.

Yang Ziwei broke out in a cold sweat.

Mom!That evil star is coming again!
 sleepy. . .

  After cultivating immortals for one night, I felt that I was about to ascend to the ascension soon.

  To celebrate, a new chapter is added.

  fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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