My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 248 Overbearing CEO and Poor Girl

Chapter 248 Overbearing CEO and Poor Girl

"Go, get some water." Xiaobai ordered.

"Oh." Lin Changxi was reluctant to fetch water.

"Hold an umbrella for me." Xiao Bai continued to order.

"Oh." Lin Changxi took the paper umbrella and helped her hold it on her head to block the sun.

Lin Changxi felt aggrieved, but she dared not run away.

Leaving aside whether to run or not, there is a teacher behind her
Although I don't know where they are going, but I must have narrowly escaped death if I follow the past.

But don't go, she's going to die now.

She sighed, forget it, let's think of a way on the way.

In the evening of that day, several people checked into an inn.

This Jingjue Country is not the Jingjue Country of Wu Qiong's previous life.

It borders the Great Zhou, and the trade between the two countries continues. Therefore, the Jingjue country is not only rich, but also has a high degree of Zhou culture.

For example, the inn they are staying in now is opened by a person from Zhou, and this inn also has a familiar name, "Youjian Inn".

Most of the quacks who can come and go here are kind of winking. Among them, there are beautiful women with extraordinary temperament, and monks and Taoists with extraordinary momentum. Except for some people unconsciously sneaking glances People come to die.

That night, on the roof of the inn.

Lin Changxi sat alone with her legs crossed, staring at the starry sky in a daze.

"I thought Miss Lin had left quietly." A slightly smiling voice sounded, and a figure sat beside her.

"Would you like a drink?" Wu Qiong handed her the water bag.

"What do you want?" Lin Changxi asked vigilantly.

"Think." Wu Qiong replied in seconds, and then he smiled: "Just kidding, don't care."

He raised his hand: "Don't worry, it's clear water. I didn't intend to get you drunk, nor did I put medicine in it.

If I want to be unfaithful to you, I can just use force directly, it is better to say that you resist to feel more. "

"." Lin Changxi was speechless and choked up. It's even more worrying when you say that!

She silently took the water bag and drank it all in one go: "Thank you."

Since meeting a few people, she has not eaten or drank at all until now.

"I see you staring at the sky in a daze, what are you thinking?" Wu Qiong asked.

Lin Changxi looked vigilant: "Why are you so enthusiastic, don't try to tease me!"

"." If it wasn't for Xiaobai who couldn't save face and brought food over, he wouldn't have come here!

Just now he was stared at by the death stares of the other two girls for a long time.

"Don't be sentimental, you just have a pretty face, straight chest, slender legs, long buttocks. But which of my three girls in these places is not better than you?" Wu Qiong mocked ruthlessly: "You are the only one who was swollen by Xiaobai's kick." The ass is still a bit worth seeing, and the others haha."

Lin Changxi pursed her lips and didn't answer, but tried her best to draw her waist forward, trying to make her hips look smaller.

Wu Qiong couldn't help being funny, this guy really wants to be bullied by her.

No wonder Xiaobai is different from before today, he would do that kind of shaking S thing.

But maybe this is Xiaobai's real character in his previous life?

After all, she was the master of the Demon Sect and one of the future big bosses in her previous life.Maybe he is silent by his side, and Xiaobai, who is all self-centered, has actually been suppressing his own nature.

The two who were thinking about the matter were silent for a while, which made the three girls who were eavesdropping in their respective rooms of the inn frown.

What are these two doing? !Why don't you speak again? !Wu Qiong once said that he was not interested in her, wouldn't he regret it now? !
Although Jie Se is very interested in this kind of gossip, but at this moment he is being dragged by Ye Qingxuan to discuss the Tao, so he has no time to eavesdrop.

As for Zhang Yu, she had already fallen asleep.
Goo. Goo.
After a while, the quiet atmosphere was broken.

Lin Changxi lowered her head and covered her stomach, she had no face to look at Wu Qiong.

Wu Qiong smiled, took out dry food and a pot of water and handed them to her: "Eat it. By the way, you guys who are not talented are really useless. It is really troublesome to eat and drink."

This girl might be a jerk by the way she looks today, tsk, I'm so happy to bully her!
"Thank you." Lin Changxi silently took the dry food and water, thanked her, and then started to gobble it up.

Wu Qiong found it interesting, and said with a smile: "It's rare for a direct disciple of the sect like you to eat dry food with such relish."

Lin Changxi, who was already full, wiped her mouth contentedly, rolled her eyes and said, "Everyone shouts and beats us in the rivers and lakes. It would be nice to have a full meal every now and then. What more do we want?"

"I've only heard about delicacies from mountains and seas, and I don't know how they are better than stir-fried vegetables."

The stir-fried vegetables prepared by Master are the most delicious ones she has ever eaten.

"Isn't it?!" Wu Qiong was surprised: "Why are you in such a miserable situation?"

Anyway, it is also one of the eight sects of the Demon Sect, how can it be so miserable?Although the other six sects other than the Blood Fiend Sect are not doing very well, each of them lives a happy life. The young master of the Su Nv Dao actually said that the most delicious dish is stir-fried vegetables? !
"I can't help it." Lin Changxi said softly, "Because we are the Demon Sect."

Her voice was calm, and no emotion could be heard from it.

Wu Qiong raised his eyebrows: "I remember, don't you have an escort agency? How could you be hungry and full?"

"The bodyguard bureau was opened by us saving money and money. Master said that women should also be self-reliant." Lin Changxi smiled: "But the bodyguard bureau we opened with great difficulty was wiped out by Shaolin Taiqing within a few months. .”

Wu Qiong remained silent, as if he was behind the scenes.
"Afterwards we hid in XZ and went back to the previous days. This time I also came to the Western Regions to see what kind of business I could do. It would be great if I could open a restaurant in a prosperous place. Junior sisters don't have to be as hungry as I was when I was young. It's a full meal." Lin Changxi hugged her legs and murmured, pressing her chin on her arms.

She couldn't run away anyway, and she had nothing to hide.

Wu Qiong was silent for a while, and asked, "Don't you hate?"

"What is there to hate? Who told us to be a demon sect. I also thought that it would be great if I were a disciple of Xuantianzong, Taiqing sect, or other righteous sects." Lin Changxi buried her head and said in a muffled voice: "Later, I I figured it out, if it wasn't for Master, I wouldn't have known where I would have died. We are like the grass on the side of the road, as long as we can live strong, we will be satisfied."

She raised her head with a gentle smile: "And it's also beneficial. The brothers and sisters in the sect support each other, and everyone has a good relationship. We, Su Nv Dao, don't have the nasty activities of other sects."

Wu Qiong sighed slightly, girl, what you said is too tragic.It made me feel embarrassed to continue to engage in your plain women's way.

"What if I give you a way to survive?" Wu Qiong said softly: "As long as you surrender to us, the righteous sect will no longer encircle and suppress you, and you can live in the sun openly from now on, how about it?"

"What's the price?" Lin Changxi said coldly, "Even if you want to get me, I don't think I'm worthy of your conditions. What do you want?"

She seemed to have thought of something, and she opened her beautiful eyes and said viciously: "Don't even try to plot against my junior sisters! They are still children!"

"." Wu Qiong said helplessly, "What idea do I have for a group of children?"

I just sympathize with you and give you a way to survive.

Besides, this matter did not do any harm to Wu Qiong's alliance.

"Don't think I don't know!" Lin Changxi curled her lips: "Master said, the Demon Sect used to be like this. They forced us Su Nv Dao disciples to go out and lurk in those righteous sects to confuse their disciples, and then pass information to the Demon Sect. !
Now we have finally gained freedom. Although it has been a bit of a pain, don't you want us to become victims of your ambitions! "

"." Wu Qiong had no choice but to help his forehead, it was really kind to be treated as a donkey's liver and lungs.

He had a fierce expression: "Yes! I'm trying to trick you! If you don't obey, I will send someone to destroy your Su Nu Dao!"

"I knew it." Lin Changxi muttered, and then she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and said calmly: "I just ask for one thing, you can't send junior sisters to do those things. If you want to do something. I."

She gritted her teeth: "It's all coming at me!"

For Shimen, she decided to sacrifice herself.

Wu Qiong: "."

Mom!What is the sense of sight of "the domineering president and the poor girl who sold herself for the family"? !
God testifies!He really has no idea about this girl at all!I didn't tease her myself, obviously I have been teasing them all the time
Could it be that this girl is really an M?

 Hmm, don't know what to say.Everyone eat and drink well.

(End of this chapter)

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