My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 252 Wu Qiong's senior brother

Chapter 252 Wu Qiong's senior brother

"Ha! Isn't this my senior brother whom I haven't seen for a long time? You haven't dared to see me after hiding for ten years, how do you have the courage to jump out now?" Wu Qiong laughed and kept walking: "Find a place where there is no one to talk about it." Let’s talk about the past, do you dare to come?”

The young man in the crowd had dark eyes and followed without hesitation.

After a stick of incense, in an open space outside the city, the young man stood opposite Wu Qiong and others.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to be in the Western Regions. No wonder I haven't heard from you in these years." Wu Qiong smiled gently.

"I didn't expect you to regard me as a senior brother." The young man said calmly.

"I didn't expect you to have a companion." He swept across the crowd behind Wu Qiong, and when he saw Zhang Yu, his eyes paused slightly, and then moved back to Wu Qiong.

"Hehe." Wu Qiong was noncommittal, but turned around and introduced to everyone: "This person is surnamed Zhang, with a single name, and he is my senior brother."

"It turns out that there are other descendants of 'Jian Zun'." Jie Se dryly laughed, he could feel that the young man in front of him seemed to have quite a lot of hostility towards Brother Wu.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Aunt Zhang, they looked a little alike.

Zhang Yu's beautiful eyes widened suddenly, combined with what Wu Qiong said before, she vaguely guessed that the man in front of her should be her relative.

But...he is Wu Qiong's enemy!So also her enemy!
The nun lowered her head and muttered to herself, "It's so troublesome."

"Speaking of which, I'm still a bit jealous of my brother." Wu Qiong broke the silence with a smile: "At the beginning, Master taught you all kinds of kung fu, but he didn't let me learn those. It's really unfair to say."

Zhang Hong said coldly: "Yes, it's not fair. It's really unfair that Master passed on the 'Sword Art' to you."

"You say such things to a junior who hasn't seen you for ten years." Wu Qiong shook his head and sighed, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

Zhang Hong's voice still didn't fluctuate: "It turns out that you also have something you don't know."

Ye Qingxuan interrupted and asked: "Brother Wu, why did your senior brother leave Dazhou for ten years?"

As a disciple of "Sword Master", he didn't have to do this.

He didn't feel right.

"So you didn't tell them. That's right. If you did, I don't know what they will think of you." Without waiting for Wu Qiong to answer, Zhang Hong said, "If I hadn't run away, I'm afraid I would have died in your hands."

"Just like Master."


The four people who rebooted suddenly opened their eyes wide. Wu Qiong's master, the number one "Sword Master" Qu Wuming, died in his hands? !

Bai Xuanji's three daughters didn't feel anything.

She and Wu Qiong had already guessed that it was a fake Qu Wuming, so what if it was his master, it had nothing to do with her, Bai Xuanji.

Xiaobai and Shi'er have similar thoughts, so what about Qu Wuming?What about Master Wu Qiong?Since he killed, there must be a reason for him.

The only embarrassing thing for the two of them was how to tell their master about it.

Or. Silencing is a good way?Kill everyone here except Wu Qiong and Bai Xuanji, then it will be impossible for this matter to leak out.

They plan to see the thoughts of a few people before making a decision.

"That's right, I killed the master." Wu Qiong explained: "This is a unique mind-casting situation in our lineage. If you want to leave the teacher, you must kill your own master in order to successfully cast your heart and step into the innate. Brother gave up , I succeeded."

"No! Brother Wu, you stepped into Xiantian through the Heart-Forging Bureau outside the Great Zhou Palace! This is completely wrong!" I still don't believe in rebooting, and I don't believe that the number one "Sword Master" will die, Not to mention that he was killed by his apprentice Wu Qiong!
You must know that Brother Wu was only less than 15 years old at that time!
Hmm. The focus of rebooting masters is always so different.

"Because he doesn't care." Zhang Hong said expressionlessly: "Everything in the world is just a fleeting thing to him. Everyone is just an actor on the stage or a weed on the roadside. Except for himself , he doesn't care about anyone or anything.

He is such a person. "

"Alas" Wu Qiong sighed: "My senior brother in my impression is gentle and gentle, and his words are calm, he would not say such indifferent words.

Brother, you have changed. "

"Yeah, I've changed. At that time, I thought you would give up too. I didn't care about my innateness. I just thought that the three of us, master and apprentice, would live happily ever after."

"But I didn't expect that you would really do it. When you pierced Master's chest, I realized what kind of person you are.

I see it in your eyes, you don't care about anything.To be innate, is it worth it? "

Of course it was worth it, Wu Qiong's expression was indifferent.

Not to mention that his purpose is to go home, at that time he also struggled for a long time
Based on his cognition, if he doesn't kill the master, then he can't step into Xiantian.If he doesn't step into Xiantian, then he will never be able to return to the original world!
But the so-called killing a master can create a heart, it's just an excuse for him to deceive his senior brother, isn't he also innate in killing his master?
One side is the kindness of parenting in this life and a strange world, and the other side is the kindness of parenting in the previous life and everything is familiar.

He was forced to choose the latter.

And to fulfill Master's wish.

"Oh, maybe your opinion is right." Bai Xuanji smiled and said, "But Ah Qiong is sincere to us now."

She said to several people: "I believe you can feel this kind of thing yourself."

Xiaobai has no expression on his face, she has known about this kind of thing for a long time.

A mocking smile floated on the corner of Shi'er's mouth, what do you need to say?
Zhang Yu didn't respond. She didn't know it before, but after meeting Wu Qiong, she thought he was a good person.

Both intuition and divination results told her so.

Lin Changxi. It's nothing to do with her.

The girl Xiaobai and the others had a crush on Wu Qiong in the previous life has succumbed to Xiaobai's black cloak in this life
Wu Qiong doesn't like NTR's own girls.

Ye Qingxuan said to Jie Se: "Brother, you should understand. No matter in the grove outside the imperial city, or in Miaojiang. Brother Wu, he could leave the two of us and leave by himself, but he didn't. So Pindao believes him."

The fact that Wu Qiong really wanted to leave the two of them and run away in Xiaoshulin had already been ignored by him.

Anyway, the result is that Wu Qiong didn't run away, so that's fine!

"That's what the poor monk thought." Jie Se turned his head and looked at Ye Qingxuan suspiciously: "What are you looking at me for?"

He suddenly understood, and became angry from embarrassment: "Taoist! You doubt me, right?!"

Ye Qingxuan smiled dryly: "No, no."

It turned out that I didn't think clearly about my brother.
So what if Wuming is Brother Wu's master?Anyway, after being in contact for so long, Brother Wu must be a good person, and he also explained the reason.Naqu Wuming is neither relative nor cause of him, so what does it have to do with him whether he dies or not?

As for Brother Wu's murder of his teacher just now, he taught himself a lesson.

Every house has its own rules.

The rule of their master's school is that the apprentice goes out to kill the master. His master asked for it himself, so why should he blame him?

What's more, Brother Wu is one of his own people, of course they have to stand on their side!

Wu Qiong shrugged: "Brother, it seems that you failed to sow discord."

He decisively told the truth and did not choose to hide it, because he knew the characters of several people and knew how they would react.

Zhang Hong stared at him for a long time, and said, "I didn't expect you to start caring about others now."

If only you were like this ten years ago.

"Just like what my brother said just now, people will change. If you can change, why can't I?" Wu Qiong said with a smile: "Actually, there is still one thing that hasn't changed. I will get rid of people who will cause me trouble."

"Brother, do you think I will kill you here?"

 The next chapter is two hundred and five. . .

  what a good number
(End of this chapter)

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