Chapter 33

In the middle of the night, the bright moon is in the sky, and the night is as cool as water.

Unable to sleep, Wu Qiong went outside the guest room to get some air.

Suddenly, he raised his head.

The little white girl was standing on the roof looking into the distance, wondering what she was thinking.

Wu Qiong felt that it was not good to disturb her, so he looked at her pair of straight long legs intently.

Hmm. Didn't see anything, she was wearing pants.

"Does it look good?"

Wu Qiong nodded.

"Where is the beauty?"

"Straight and slender. If you gain one point, you will gain weight, and if you lose one point, you will lose weight. It can be said that they are the most beautiful pair of legs in the world."

Wu Qiong's expression remained unchanged, and his tone was natural: "The moonlight is so beautiful, Xiaobai, can't you fall asleep?"

Su Mubai sat down slowly without answering.Wu Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, jumped up and sat beside her.

It's so round, Wu Qiong sighed, and turned to look at the side face of the little white girl.

If he was still in the original world, my mother would be nagging about finding a partner again today, while my father should be smoking silently, listening to my mother's nagging to me, and nodding when he agrees Agree.

If he brought Xiaobai home, his parents would probably be closer to her than to himself.

Wu Qiong gradually lost his mind.

As the future master of the Demon Sect, she treats herself so well.

I'm really moved
Thinking of this, a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, a teary-eyed pretty face suddenly appeared in his mind, silently shouting: "Poor brother!"

"Who are you thinking about?" Su Mubai shifted his gaze to his face at some point.

"It's nothing." Wu Qiong turned his face away.

"Li Jianshi?" The little white girl narrowed her eyes slightly.

Wu Qiong suddenly didn't want to lie to her again: "Yes."

"How do we know each other?" Miss Xiaobai felt a dull pain in her heart.

"Sean Villa." Wu Qiong then told her how he met, except for the scene of kissing on the cheek.

"Really." Su Mubai asked a question: "Do you really just regard her as your younger sister?"

"It is now." Wu Qiong left room for it.

"what about me."

Wu Qiong raised his head, and the little white girl looked at him with burning eyes.

Of course you do too.

Wu Qiong couldn't say this sentence.

Su Mubai smiled, and she got the answer she wanted.

Standing up slowly, she looked down at Wu Qiong with a wicked smile.

Then he stretched out his hand to lift his chin, and slowly bent down.

Under the moonlight, the shadows of the two merged into one, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

"So what about Li Jianshi." The future master of the Demon Sect lightly stroked Wu Qiong's lips, with a serious evil spirit: "You are mine, and no one can take it away."

The breeze gently blew through her hair, and the picture under the moonlight turned into eternity, and remained in Wu Qiong's heart forever.

Then he said, "Your ears are red."


The domineering 'Slayer Moluo' turned and left, leaving only Wu Qiong, who was punched firmly in the stomach, kneeling on the ground with his stomach covered, unable to get up for a long time.

The next day, at Chenshi, Wu Qiong and the three who had finished their breakfast were taken to the lecture hall by the guide monk.

"Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?" Wu Qiong was speechless.

There is a row of big bald heads at the top, Abbot Xuankong is sitting in the middle, and on both sides are the heads of each courtyard and elders.

Wu Qiong counted, there are more than 20 bald heads in total, all of them are congenital
There are ten halls in Shaolin, namely Arhat Hall, Prajna Hall, Bodhi Hall, Precept Hall, Proof of Dao Hall, Confession Hall, Medicine King Hall, Relic Hall, Sutra Pavilion, and Bodhidharma Hall.

At this moment, all the first seats at the entrances of the halls are here.

"It seems that apart from the group of old monsters who are hidden from the world, all the elders with names and surnames in Shaolin are all here." Wu Qiong rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.Beside him stood Su Mubai and Ye Qingxuan.

After yesterday, Su Mubai seemed to be a different person.When facing other people, she is still expressionless, but as long as she is facing Wu Qiong, her eyes will be full of aggressiveness and domineering.It made Wu Qiong's heart pounding wildly.

Abbot Xuankong said: "Nephew Qingxuan, it is reasonable to say that monks should not be competitive, and this little monk has no intention of doing so. However, you can lose to your nephew in rebooting, but you cannot lose to Taiqing in Shaolin. Please come to Shaolin from thousands of miles away. , I am so sorry."

Ye Qingxuan looked relaxed, and said gently: "Master, you are serious. Since the master and the master agreed three years ago, it is only natural for Pindao to come here. It was a fluke that Pindao won the trick of Brother Jie Se. It is not yet known who will win or lose next time."

Jie Se, who was standing behind Abbot Xuankong, snorted coldly and was about to step forward, but was stopped by the head Master Xuanjie of the Discipline Academy on the left hand side of Abbot Xuankong.

Master Xuanjie's face was serious: "If you lose this time, you will be fined not to eat meat for three years."

It doesn’t matter if you eat meat or not, but when rebooting, you just want to know where is the repeated question?

The first Master Xuanhua at the Bodhi Court on the right of the abbot has a different opinion.

Seeing that Master Xuanhua stood up, Jie Se brows with joy, after all Master Xuanhua loves him the most.

Master Xuanhua is not like the head of the Discipline Academy, who is like an angry King Kong, but is kind and kind: "Junior brother, this is too much punishment. How can martial arts practitioners not eat meat? In my opinion, it is not as good as this. If rebooting is defeated, they will be punished He was banned from drinking alcohol for three years."

"Uncle, don't you love me?" Jie Se was full of resentment.

Seeing that his senior brother was protecting him, Xuan Jie could only sigh: "Forget it, the punishment for not eating meat is indeed severe. Then listen to senior brother. If you lose this battle, you will be fined and not allowed to drink alcohol for three years."

Jie Se cautiously put forward different opinions: "Nephew thinks that Uncle Xuanjie is in charge of the Discipline Hall, and has always given clear rewards and punishments. Why should the punishment be lowered because of Uncle Xuanhua's plea for mercy? Uncle and nephew think that it is better to punish him by not eating for three years. Meat."

Master Xuanjie's eyes stared like copper bells: "Before you fight, you will lose! If you win this battle, it's fine. If you lose, hehe."

Rebooting and running away.

In the center of the venue, Ye Qingxuan and Jie Se stood at a distance of ten feet.

On the periphery of the venue, Wu Qiong and Su Mubai stood together watching the play.

"Xiaobai, do you know why Abbot Xuankong and Master Ziyang have to compete?" Wu Qiong smiled.

"The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism." Su Mubai's answer was always concise and to the point.

"That's not the case." Wu Qiong looked at her face, his eyes involuntarily aimed at the thin lips.

"Oh?" The little white girl didn't stop his gaze, although her face was still cold, there was a faint smile in her eyes.

Wu Qiong was uncomfortable with her eyes, coughed twice and turned his head: "That's because between Abbot Xuankong and Master Ziyang, there is a secret that only the two of them know."

(End of this chapter)

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