My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 94 Betrayal and Loyalty

Chapter 94 Betrayal and Loyalty

"Tell me the old paragraph again, who is it?" There was too much information, and Mo Deyan couldn't accept it for a while.

Duan Feihong was also very speechless: "Gu Xiaomeng."

"Just that Gu Xiaomeng who connected with me?" Mo Deyan asked again.

Duan Feihong nodded and said nothing, the two looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

After a long time, Mo Deyan broke the silence, he murmured: "How could such a coincidence happen?"

Duan Feihong sighed: "Drama and drama still need to talk about logic, but reality has no logic at all."

Mo Deyan interrupted him: "Then what should we do now!"

Duan Feihong thought for a moment, leaned forward slightly, and lowered his voice: "Old Mo, you should inform Lao Yu overnight and let him pay attention to Gu Xiaomeng's movements. If necessary, you can."

He gestured to cut his throat.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Mo Deyan nodded, then he walked to the door, opened it, and turned to look at Duan Feihong.

"Hurry up and see what I do!" Duan Feihong frowned.

"Old Duan, you go first, and I will leave later." Mo Deyan was afraid of what he would do in his room if he left.

"." Duan Feihong shook his head and left. He really couldn't figure out how this kind of guy had been lurking in the valley for decades.
At the same time, inside Ji Shizong's residence.

"Young Sect Master is here, what are your orders?" Yu Zecheng stood aside and bowed slightly to the girl in black sitting on top.

"I want 'Tang Xin Liu Li Rui'." The black-clothed girl Su Mubai said concisely.

"This" is a bit embarrassing for Yu Zecheng.

This request is too much, but it is not too much. After all, as long as everything goes well, the overall situation should be settled when the "Changxin Liuli Rui" matures in a few days, and it will not be too difficult to obtain this thing in exchange for conditions.

But if it is not too much, it is actually a bit too much. After all, that thing is said to be a product of the Medicine King Valley. How can she be sure that she can get the "Tang Xin Liuli Rui"?Could it be that your own thoughts have been exposed?

But it shouldn't be, he never mentioned his thoughts to others.

In fact, Miss Xiaobai didn't know or care about his thoughts at all.

Miss Xiaobai's idea is very simple, you Jishizong is affiliated to my Xiejizong, if I want something you can fetch, can you say it or not?As for the difficulties, she didn't care.Subordinates are supposed to do the work. As for any difficulties in doing this job, they should solve it by themselves. Otherwise, if the leader can solve it by himself, what else do you need?
Seeing Yu Zecheng showing hesitation, Miss Xiaobai was upset: "Ji Shizong can't get it, Xiejizong will come to get it."

Yu Zecheng was startled, she was going to destroy the Valley of the Medicine Kings!
In fact, it is true, for Su Mubai, a mere Medicine King Valley is not as good as even a single hair on her baby Wu Qiong.

"Young Sect Master, this is not very good." Yu Zecheng hesitated a little: "After all, Yaowanggu is a first-class sect in the world, this..."

Su Mubai was expressionless: "Don't forget, whoever decides in Ningzhou."

Ningzhou is the stronghold of the Xieji Sect, so a mere Medicine King Valley will be destroyed if it is said to be destroyed?What's more, it doesn't need a large number of people, as long as her master goes to the Yaowang Valley and throws a "sea of ​​blood" to ensure that the Yaowang Valley is clean from top to bottom, and there will be no cockroaches.At that time, Yaowang Valley will truly become a barren land without even a hair.

Yu Zecheng broke out in a cold sweat. Obviously, he also thought of this.

Su Mu's voice was as cold as ice: "If the time is up and I don't see the 'Hang Xin Liu Li Rui', then the day when this thing matures, the time when Ji Shizong will destroy his family."

This is neither a request nor an order, but a simple threat.

Yu Zecheng's eyes glared angrily, and he argued with reason: "The master of Shaogu is wise! When 'Tangxin Liulirui' matures, Yu Zecheng will definitely offer his hands!"

He was cowardly.

Miss Xiaobai nodded: "If it fails, Ji Shizong's medicine king valley will be destroyed; if it succeeds, Ji Shizong will be independent."

The "World Slaughter Demon Emperor" has always used force to suppress people, and whoever refuses to obey will destroy his whole family.

The carrot and stick policy was taught by Wu Qiong.

Su Mubai went back to the guest room to rest, while Yu Zecheng slumped on the chair and sighed.

It seems that they have to find a way to get "Tangxin Liulirui" so that they can send this evil star away as soon as possible.

As for the option of killing Su Mubai, he has never considered the option. After all, Ningzhou really has the final say
At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

The man in black took off his mask, it was Mo Deyan.

He complained: "It's too unreliable to be older than you!"

"What's wrong with me!" Yu Zecheng was confused.

"What's the situation with you sending an insider to join me?" Mo Deyan said dissatisfied.

"Ah?" Yu Zecheng was taken aback: "You said Gu Xiaomeng is an inner ghost?!"

"Otherwise?" Mo Deyan curled his lips: "If she hadn't revealed her identity, I really wouldn't have thought of it."

Yu Zecheng was stunned, he thought he was smart enough to let Lao Mo stay in Yaowang Valley for decades to respond, but he didn't expect that he also had an undercover agent for decades
He felt that he could no longer keep up with the times. Could it be that it is popular in the world to play the trick of planting ghosts?
No, other sects are also doing undercover everywhere, right?
It seems that we will appeal to everyone to boycott the drama in the future. Who let those people perform undercover dramas every day, so that all the schools in the world have learned badly.If it continues like this, this river and lake will no longer be that simple and honest river and lake.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Mo Deyan asked: "How do you plan to deal with this matter?"

"Let me think twice." Yu Zecheng said helplessly, "Gu Xiaomeng is the elder of the sect. She has been working hard for decades and is dedicated to the development of the sect. The only flaw in her body is probably that she has found a woman to be a confidante. Old Mo You can't see your identity, and the inner ghost can't catch her, which makes it very difficult for me."

Mo Deyan put on a face mask: "Anyway, I reminded you, you can deal with it yourself later, I'll go back first."

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, Yu Zecheng's mind was blank. After thinking for a long time, he finally decided.
Go to bed first tonight.

The next day, early in the morning.

After Yu Zecheng finished washing, he called a disciple: "Go to Elder Gu and ask her to come to the reception room to find me, and tell me that I have something important to discuss."

"Yes, suzerain." The disciple turned and left.

Half an hour later, in the reception room.

"I don't know why the suzerain called me here?" Gu Xiaomeng asked as soon as he sat down, before greeting him.

"It's not a big deal." Yu Zecheng hesitated for a moment, and decided to be more tactful: "Elder Gu is an undercover agent sent by Yaowanggu. I already know about it."

"!!!" Gu Xiaomeng suddenly got up and took three steps back, and said coldly, "When was I exposed?"

She couldn't remember when she showed her flaws.

"I have my own way." Yu Zecheng smiled complacently.

"The suzerain is going to take my concubine's life at this moment?" Gu Xiaomeng secretly guarded himself, ready to fight to the death.

"Elder Gu misunderstood." Yu Zecheng waved his hand and said with a smile: "If you want to deal with this matter, why should I invite Elder Gu here alone?"

Gu Xiaomeng did not relax his vigilance: "Then I don't know what the suzerain is doing."

"It's nothing." Yu Zecheng said calmly: "I just want to ask Elder Gu to ask the owner of Guigu, whether Yaowanggu will accept my surrender?"


 I explained the outline of this dungeon to a classmate who has read a lot of novels, and he couldn't help laughing just listening to me explain the brief content.I don't know if everyone will like this dungeon when it ends, but it seems that they don't like it now. . . . .The favorite has fallen and risen today, and it has not moved much. This week's daily recommendation votes have dropped by an average of 400 compared with last week. . .It seems that this attempt failed, the preparation was too long, and only a great master can do this. After this dungeon, I should honestly return to the original state. . .

  Let's make a final routine, ask for a favorite, ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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