Mr. Yangui

Chapter 55 Breaking through the water pool

Chapter 55 Breaking through the water pool
After Li Wuchang jumped down the slope, his foot slipped, he just fell down and rolled down.

Making a decisive decision, Li Wuchang immediately covered his head with both hands. Although his wrists were bound, he could barely tuck his head between his arms.

The slope was very steep, and Li Wuchang rolled down a bit fast. There were a lot of gravel and dead branches on the slope. Fortunately, there was also a lot of dead grass, which could act as a buffer.

"Bang!" He fell heavily into the mud.

Li Wuchang quickly stood up and spat out a mouthful of mud, he was dazzled for a while, his whole body was in pain from the crushed stones, and some thorns pierced his thigh and back, he should be bleeding.

The sky was very dark, and Li Wuchang could only see about three feet clearly, and it was still very blurry.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, you must find a place to clean the wound immediately, and do some simple treatment, if it causes inflammation, it will be troublesome.

Fortunately, the dagger at his waist is still there, which is very good news.

Although the rope on the wrist was tied very tightly, his fingers could still move. With difficulty, Li Wuchang pulled out the dagger from his waist, sat on the ground, stabilized the dagger with his feet, and slowly cut the rope.

finally free.

Li Wuchang put away the dagger, looked around, lifted his feet that seemed to weigh a thousand catties, walked a few steps, and fell heavily on the ground again, feeling dazed and sleepy.

You can't sleep, you must not sleep, if you fall asleep, you may never wake up, this is the most critical time, you must rely on your own willpower to hold on.

You have to fill your stomach first, otherwise you won't have the strength to move around.

There was no food around, so Li Wuchang gritted his teeth, grabbed a handful of dead grass and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it hard, chewed it into pieces, and then swallowed it hard.

Heh, can these stump me, Li Er?

I am a person who has died several times, will I fall this time?

Isn’t it just hungry, I have nothing to eat, so I eat grass, cows can eat, why can’t I eat?

Grandma is a bear, it's only to this extent, I will be afraid?
While eating, Li Wuchang hypnotized himself, cheered himself up, and talked to himself.

After a while, my body actually had some strength, and I didn't feel so hungry. Li Wuchang was very energetic, stood up, walked a few steps, and found that he was much better.

I don't know the exact time, but it's almost nightfall.

The specific location is unknown, only that it is still deep in the dense forest of Nanshan Mountain.

There are several difficulties faced.

In terms of safety, in addition to dealing with the dangers of the jungle, such as various poisonous insects and beasts or dangerous terrain, one must always pay attention to Zhu Changxing's people. It will definitely not end well if caught by them.

In addition, I was injured all over, and I had to face the dangerous jungle alone, which was a great test of my willpower.

Li Wuchang roughly thought about his situation, and felt that the most urgent thing to do was to deal with his wound, wash it well, bandage it, and then find something to eat. Even if he didn't catch any prey, he still had to dig some plant roots to satisfy his hunger, replenish energy, and then When you come down, you need to find a relatively safe place to have a good sleep and recharge your spirits, and then you can make a good deal of it and find a way to escape.

After making up his mind, Li Wuchang stepped forward to find water.

After walking for a long time, I was too tired. Fortunately, there are no unparalleled roads. Li Wuchang found a small water pool, where several streams converge.

The water was very cold, but he didn't care about it so much, Li Wuchang jumped in directly, he was shocked immediately, and immediately activated his true energy, a wave of heat started from the dantian and spread to the whole body, which was extremely comfortable.

After taking off his clothes, Li Wuchang practiced his kung fu while cleaning the wound, carefully pulling out the thorns that had pierced his thighs and back, and using his clothes as a bath towel, he wiped his body vigorously.

After the initial cold, Li Wuchang got used to the coldness in the pool, his true qi circulated rapidly, faintly showing signs of a breakthrough, with a movement in his heart, he stood up straight, put his hands in a good posture, and silently recited the formula, just like an old monk in meditation, practiced Here comes the inner strength.


The surrounding water exploded, setting off waves half a foot high.

Li Wuchang opened his eyes, feeling comfortable all over.

Using the method of inner vision, I found that I had already broken through. I was at the beginning of the fourth rank before, but now I have entered the middle rank of the fourth rank.

Finally broke through.

It seems that it is easier to break through practicing in adversity.

I stayed in the creek for more than half an hour.

After the wound was cleaned, the injured area miraculously healed with the flow of true energy, and there was no more pain, only a faint scar remained.

It seems that my true energy can also be used to heal injuries, which is really a surprise.

Li Wuchang put on his clothes, raised his hand and jumped ashore, and then exerted all his power, mist was generated around him, and the wet clothes on his body were quickly dried.

After taking a shower, the wound was healed, and the whole body was dry. Although the boots had been lost, Li Wuchang felt very comfortable.

With bare feet, Li Wuchang had no time to look for meat to eat, so he had to look for grass to eat. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to find a few roots of sealwort, washed them and ate them. Finally, there was something in his stomach. The feeling of being hungry and panicking.

After eating, the sky was completely dark. Although it was not so dark, it was not much better.

Li Wuchang walked to a big rock, jumped up, and lay on it like that, wanting to make it through the night, and at the same time praying that no wild beast would come to him.

I was so tired, I lay down and closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

Fortunately it didn't rain.

Zhu Changxing and others were not so lucky.

After Li Wuchang escaped, Zhu Changxing and his group were very angry and vowed to catch Li Wuchang. They didn't dare to jump off, so they had to come down the small path, and found that the terrain was complicated, so they could only walk step by step to check carefully.

It's a pity that nothing has been found yet, and the sky has completely darkened.

Zhu Changxing was so angry that he flew into a rage and wanted to search overnight. The people couldn't move anymore and were too hungry. One of his subordinates accidentally complained to Zhu Changxing, and Zhu Changxing pointed at his forehead and scolded him as a waste. Guessing he had enough, he contradicted him in public, and was beheaded on the spot by Zhu Changxing, who was in a rage.

All the subordinates were trembling, and finally fully understood Zhu Changxing's son-in-law's temper.

Fortunately, Mr. Ye went out to persuade Zhu Changxing in time, so everything was fine for a while, and he decided to rest on the spot for a night.

It's a pity that the fire bag was lost, and they couldn't make a fire for a while, they were all dirty and wet, and they were in a very bad mood. They all cursed Li Wuchang and vowed to tear him to pieces after they caught him.

Under Mr. Ye's persuasion, Zhu Changxing gradually calmed down, thinking about what he had gained from this operation.

Although I don't know what that ancient book is, but the Hanshui Gang and Tianluo Gang tried their best to get him, so it must be something not ordinary.

Zhu Changxing inadvertently learned that Li Wuchang could ghost walk, so he guessed that the ancient book had something to do with Li Wuchang. In order to impress his father, he happily planned this kidnapping scene.

In the end, he was young and energetic, and didn't listen to Mr. Ye's long-term advice. He thought Li Wuchang was easy to bully, so he acted hastily. Afterwards, he was frightened by Li's actions, and entered the dense forest of Nanshan, making a terrible mess.

But Li Wuchang was so cunning, he first tried to stabilize Zhu Changxing and the others with his tongue, and then jumped up and down while everyone was asleep.

Zhu Changxing worked hard for many days, the forces he cultivated for many years suffered heavy casualties, and the rightful master Li Wuchang ran away again.

Even if he can escape now, he is married to Liang Zi of the Li Mansion, and Zhu Changxing's father will definitely punish him severely, so why would he look up to him with admiration?

What a failed move.

Zhu Changxing shook his head, blaming himself and regretting.

"No, I can't give up yet. I must find Li Wuchang and force him to tell the whereabouts of the ancient books. Only when I find the ancient books will my father pay attention to me." Zhu Changxing has a weird temper. Although he looks extremely sophisticated and smooth, he is easily discouraged in his bones , and easily excited.

After a short period of disappointment, Zhu Changxing became excited again, and made up his mind to catch that cunning boy Li Wuchang.

Early the next morning.

After they ate something briefly, Zhu Changxing talked about his plan.

"The terrain here is vast and complex. It's too easy for that boy Li Wuchang to hide. We can't act together. We have to split up into several groups to investigate at the same time. Regardless of whether we have found it or not, we will gather here in the evening."

Everyone agreed, anyway, Li Wuchang's martial arts is not high, and he suffered internal injuries, if he jumped from such a high place yesterday, he must have new injuries, so there is nothing to fear.

There were still 11 of them, and they were divided into five groups and dispersed, preparing to search for Li Wuchang.

He Biao and Xie Chengcheng formed a group. Both of them are fifth-rank masters, and their strength is not weak. After receiving the order, they went to check the front. After walking for a long time, they found footprints.

The two were overjoyed and continued to move forward, thinking that this move would definitely make a great contribution.

The two of them are going in the right direction.

After resting on the rock for one night, Li Wuchang was full of energy. After finding something to fill his stomach, he thought about the way out of the mountain.

Surrounded by towering trees, the biggest difficulty is that he can't tell the direction. Li Wuchang walked in one direction, trying to find a small river or something. If he walked along the river, he would definitely be able to get out.

It's a pity that things backfired. After walking for a long time, he found that he had come back again. Looking at the familiar starting point, he felt a little discouraged.

Grandma is a bear, it looks like a maze, how can you play?

Li Wuchang was thinking of other ways, when he heard footsteps suddenly, his heart was shocked, he quickly found a dry grass, and got into it.

"There are so many footprints here, he must have wandered here for a while." He Biao looked at the footprints on the ground and analyzed.

"Look, I went there... There are also here, which side is it?" Xie Cheng was very puzzled, he saw footprints in both directions.

Li Wuchang was shocked when he heard the voice.

Grandma is a bear, it's all because of the rain yesterday, the ground is extremely muddy, her own bare feet, the footprints are very obvious.

Someone came to the door, and two more came. Li Wuchang remembered their names.

He Biao and Xie Cheng.

He definitely couldn't beat him. Although he had just made a breakthrough and reached the middle level of the fourth rank, there were two opponents, both of which were fifth rank.

Could it be that he has been hiding in this grass, what should he do when they search for it?
go now?That would cause movement.

Break down one by one?But will they separate?
Li Wuchang's heart beat faster, thinking about various strategies.

Think what comes.

"Well, there are footprints in both directions. Let's go separately. Whether we find it or not, we will meet here. What do you think?" He Biao suggested.

"Okay, then I'll go this way and your way." Xie Cheng agreed.

The two quickly made up their minds and then separated.

Li Wuchang was overjoyed, seeing them walking away, he spotted the thinner Xie Cheng, and followed them quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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