Chapter 92

On a road leading to the capital, the chief rudder of the Red Flower Society, Chen Jialuo, took the third master Zhao Banshan, and the fourth master Wen Tailai and others quietly waiting for something!
"Chief rudder, did that Xiao Yun go to the capital by another route?" Wen Tailai frowned and asked the chief rudder Chen Jialuo.

They have been waiting here for Xiao Yun for more than an hour. In fact, if Chen Jialuo and Qianlong had not reached a consensus to prevent Xiao Yun from entering the capital, Wen Tailai and others would not want to come!

Everyone knows that the murderer Xiao Yun's target is Emperor Qianlong. The opponent was able to defeat the imperial army with one person, and Qianlong who was able to kill him was afraid. If he continued to kill with this momentum, it was really possible for Xiao Yun to kill him alone. Get rid of Qianlong!

The heroes of the Red Flower Society admired Xiao Yun very much. If Xiao Yun really killed Qianlong, the world would definitely be in chaos for a while, and their great cause of fighting the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty would be much smoother!
But now Chen Jialuo actually believed Qianlong's nonsense, recognized Qianlong as his own brother, and made some conditions with him, willing to come to prevent Xiao Yun from going to the capital. Wen Tailai and others hope that Xiao Yun is a talkative person, otherwise With the powerful strength of the opponent, if they use force, it's hard to say whether they can beat them!
"Impossible, this person is very courageous and very proud. He takes the shortest route all the way, and it is impossible to detour for no reason! And our road is the shortest route he must pass!" Chen Jialuo said casually. Said.

He had met Xiao Yun before, and he didn't have a good impression of him. He thought Xiao Yun was a man who killed innocent people indiscriminately, was lawless, and should not be friends with!

Almost all the people in the rivers and lakes who blocked Xiao Yun along the way were killed by him, and Xiao Yun killed officials to get money along the way, and the money he accumulated on his body was more than the 20 taels of reward offered by the court. jealous!
"President Chen really knows me well! He knows that I am a troublesome person, but you are on my way, are you trying to stop me?"

Xiao Yun's voice suddenly rang in the ears of Chen Jialuo and the others, making everyone startled, just as they were concentrating on looking for the person who spoke.

Xiao Yun's figure appeared on the avenue more than 800 meters away. Under the startled eyes of everyone, Xiao Yun's figure was like a silver dragon, which turned into phantoms, as fast as lightning, and appeared in Chen Jialuo in the blink of an eye. In front of others.

Everyone in the Red Flower Society was stunned. They learned from information from Shaanxi and other places that Xiao Yun's martial arts were very powerful, but the heads of the Red Flower Society were also among the best in the world. No matter how high Xiao Yun's martial arts are, he is still a little bit stronger than them, it is impossible to be too much stronger!
But now I see Xiao Yun's sound transmission thousands of miles away, his lightness kung fu is extraordinary, he can move nearly a thousand meters in the blink of an eye, is this still human?Chen Jialuo, Zhao Banshan, Wen Tailai and others were deeply shocked, this is something they absolutely cannot do!

"That's right, I hope Young Master Xiao can put the overall situation first and don't go to the capital to cause any more massacres!" Chen Jialuo took a deep breath, finally regained his composure, and said, looking at Xiao Yun seriously.

"Chen Jialuo, are you telling me a joke? Putting the overall situation first, you, the anti-thief leader, don't have a brain problem!" Xiao Yun laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke.

"Shut up, Xiao Shaoxia, don't think that you can do whatever you want because of your high martial arts skills, and insult our boss at will!" Wen Tailai shouted angrily.

"Hehe, what if I just want to do whatever you want?" Xiao Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at Wen Tailai sharply.

"If you insist on going your own way, although our martial arts are low, we still have to ask you for advice!" Zhao Banshan, the third head of the Red Flower Society, walked out slowly, and said without showing any weakness.

Xiao Yun looked at Zhao Banshan and Wen Tailai who came out side by side. Both of them were raising their aura and preparing to go all out. After all, they had seen Xiao Yun's extraordinary lightness just now!

"Hmph, over your own strength!"

Xiao Yun snorted coldly, his figure flickered, turned into an afterimage, and appeared in front of Wen Tailai like lightning, and with a slap, the opponent also sensed the danger instantly, and immediately punched to block, but because the strength gap between the two sides was too great In Xiao Yun's eyes, Wen Tailai's punching speed was as slow as a tortoise.


Wen Tailai was sent flying by Xiao Yun's palm, then Xiao Yun's body flickered, and he flew towards Zhao Banshan again like lightning. Zhao Banshan was startled by Xiao Yun's frightening speed. They shot at Xiao Yun one after another.

Seeing the countless terrifying hidden weapons rushing towards his face, Xiao Yun looked indifferent. He didn't care about these hidden weapons at all. In front of Banshan, he slapped the opponent's chest with his right hand and sent him flying!

"Third brother, fourth brother!" Chen Jialuo and the rest of the people saw that Zhao Banshan and Wen Tailai were sent flying by Xiao Yun's palm, they all exclaimed in surprise and glared at Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun had already returned to the original position. With a wave of his sleeve, various hidden weapons appeared in front of his eyes. The internal force of his right palm gushed out, and all kinds of hidden weapons were suspended in the palm of his hand to form a circle, spinning quickly, ready to shoot out.

Chen Jialuo was on guard against Xiao Yun all the time, seeing all kinds of hidden weapons shot out by the third brother Zhao Banshan hovering and spinning on Xiao Yun's palm, it looked amazingly powerful, and at the same time an extremely dangerous feeling emerged in his heart instantly, making his hair shudder. They all stood upside down!
"Stop, I know where Miss Huo and the others are?" Chen Jialuo hurriedly shouted.

They had analyzed the reason for Xiao Yun's killing spree before, and they thought it might have something to do with Huo Qingtong and Princess Xiangxiang being hunted down by the court. At this moment, Chen Jialuo couldn't care less about other things, so he could only try.

He was afraid that if it was too late, they would all be shot to death by the hidden weapon issued by Xiao Yun!Xiao Yun's ability to control objects through the air is obviously the legendary exhalation of true energy, which is an ability only available to masters in the innate realm.

Chen Jialuo heard from his master, but the whole Jianghu has not seen a congenital master for hundreds of years. Chen Jialuo never dreamed that he would see it on Xiao Yun today. Since Xiao Yun is already a congenital master, Chen Jialuo naturally knows about them. How big was the gap between him and Xiao Yun, so he hurriedly stopped them, he was afraid that if Xiao Yun shot these hidden weapons, they might be doomed.

The hidden weapon in Xiao Yun's hand was about to be shot, when he suddenly heard Chen Jialuo's words, his heart tightened, he quickly withdrew his inner strength, put away the hidden weapon, and stared sharply at Chen Jialuo.

"Do you know where they are?"

Being stared at by Xiao Yun, Chen Jialuo suddenly felt a terrible coercion descending on him. He had never felt this kind of coercion from others, and he was even more afraid of Xiao Yun in his heart!
"They should be in Hangzhou now, where our Red Flower Society is stronger, Miss Huo and the others are safe!"

"Okay, for the sake of your Red Flower Society helping her, I will spare Qianlong's dog's life for now, whoever of you is familiar with the route, lead me the way!" Xiao Yun regained his momentum, and said lightly to everyone in the Red Flower Society .

"I know, but you injured the third and fourth masters. If you want me to take you there, you have to apologize to them! Otherwise, we won't talk about it!" Li Yuanzhi stood up and said to Xiao Yun tenderly.

"Yun Zhi, no, it's because our skills are not as good as others, and Mr. Xiao was merciful, otherwise we would have died long ago!" Zhao Banshan said to Li Yuanzhi quickly.

"That's right, I've got some discernment!" Xiao Yun looked at Zhao Banshan indifferently.

"Hey, Shaoxia Xiao's martial arts has already surpassed the ordinary, it's because we were a little out of control before! I hope Shaoxia Xiao is not to blame!" Zhao Banshan said to Xiao Yun with an apologetic face, and his attitude was very low.

After all, this rivers and lakes pay attention to whoever is strong can receive due respect, regardless of age, the master is the teacher.

"Miss Li, since you know the exact location of Miss Huo in Hangzhou, please help Xiao Shaoxia lead the way!" Chen Jialuo said to Li Yuanzhi.

"Hmph, okay!" The little girl was a little angry, and reluctantly agreed.


In the middle of the night, in a hidden bamboo forest outside the city of Hangzhou, more than 500 Qing soldiers held torches and surrounded the bamboo forest. In the central area of ​​the bamboo forest, several court eagles and dogs were constantly fighting fiercely with several figures.

One of the old men in Confucian shirts, while fighting the opponent, reprimanded the opponent bitterly.

"Zhang Zhaozhong, you traitor, as a disciple of Wudang, you are willing to be a lackey of the imperial court and help the imperial court massacre your own compatriots. You are simply inferior to a beast! How could the master teach you to deal with such a beast!..."

"Senior brother, those who know the current affairs are heroes. Today's sage is wise and powerful, and he is a wise king who has not appeared in a hundred years. I advise you not to act against the destiny like the Red Flower Society and these rebels..." A man in official uniform , said the majestic man with big braids in a coquettish manner.

These two people are Lu Feiqing and Zhang Zhaozhong, both are disciples of the Wudang sect, and they are brothers of the same school, but Zhang Zhaozhong is ten years younger than his senior brother Lu Feiqing. So far, the two brothers and sisters have become sworn enemies.

"Zhang Zhaozhong, how do you know Miss Huo and the others are hiding here?" Lu Feiqing asked in a deep voice.

"Haha, since senior brother wants to know, why not tell you! Anyway, you can't escape from my grasp today! In fact, there are traitors among you, and under my temptation, you will naturally surrender everything. Tell me!" Zhang Zhaozhong looked at Lu Feiqing proudly and smiled.

"Impossible! Zhang Zhaozhong, few people know about this secret place, and they are all important figures of the Red Flower Society. How could there be a traitor among them?" Lu Feiqing snapped in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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