I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 115 A powerful opponent

Chapter 115 A powerful opponent

"How, how is this possible?"

He spread out the secret letter in his hand and read it word by word. Soon, Lu Butou's face became quite ugly.

"Master Shen, this is definitely a conspiracy, how could the Zhenbei Army be possible?"

"But now that this has become a fact, the Yushan faction was razed to the ground overnight, and this matter will probably escalate immediately!"

"At that time, what you will welcome will not be the help of the Fangzhou martial arts, but the rebound blame from the entire Fangzhou martial arts. Even, the blame from the entire world martial arts!"

Shaking his head, Shen Kang also expressed his helplessness.Of course Shen Kang knew that this was not their original intention, but anyone with a bit of brain would not do such a thing.

But things still happened, whether it was impulsive or this part of the garrison was secretly controlled by people behind the scenes, all factions now need an explanation.

In many cases, all factions actually understand, but understanding does not mean that they will definitely understand.You know, most people in Jianghu are used to speaking with swords, and they can do anything when their brains are hot.

I don't care what your reasons are, if the Yushan faction was destroyed for no reason, you have to give a clear explanation.If this makes you bully like this, how will the various factions mess around in the world in the future.

"Lu Butou, even if I agree to help you now, the martial arts factions in Fangzhou probably won't. I'm sorry I can't do anything about this matter!"

"Master Shen, you must help with this matter. This matter is inextricably linked with Wanjian Villa, and Wanjian Villa cannot stand idly by!"

"Is it related to Wanjian Villa? What's going on?"

Turning his head to look at Wan Sanqian next to him, Shen Kang couldn't help asking, "Old Wan, have you ever taken over this batch of grain and grass?"

"No! Our Wanjian Villa has never done such a thing!"

"What do you mean by arresting your head? Are you trying to frame him?"

"Lord Shen, calm down, hey, let me tell the truth to you, Master Shen. Some time ago, the imperial court sent patrol envoys to inspect various places, and accidentally discovered a huge loophole in Fangzhou!"

"Subsequently, the Three Law Divisions and the Shadow Guards were dispatched to thoroughly investigate the matter. We found out that military rations and food and grass in Fangzhou have been resold in large quantities over the years, and most of the gold and silver purchased for the rations came from Wanjian Villa!"

"Nonsense, Wanjian Villa has been...wait a minute, you mean the Blood Clothes Sect?"

"That's right, it should be the Blood Clothes Cult!"

Originally, if Shen Kang and the others agreed to help, he was not going to tell the story and save some face for Wanjian Villa.

After all, Wanjian Villa has been ravaged by the Blood Clothes Sect for so many years, and it has been severely damaged by the disaster itself.Now, if you tell them that the Scarlet Clothes Sect has done these things with the wealth they have accumulated for hundreds of years, isn't it exposing people's scars?

What's the matter, if you dare to say this on the territory of Wanjian Villa, don't you plan to pass it by?

But now that there is such a big mess, and after seeing Shen Kang, he finds out that he is a very upright and well-behaved person, so he has to say this.

I just hope that Shen Kang can mediate from it, otherwise things will be really serious.

He is very clear about the virtues of those martial arts people. If they are stimulated a little bit, they will dare to do anything, and they may even directly attack the government.

If the Bloody Clothes Sect is behind the scenes and stirs up the wind and rain again, then Fang Zhou may really be in chaos.

"Blood Clothes Sect!"

Upon hearing this name, the Great Elder next to him couldn't help gnashing his teeth.Their Liu family is in such a state, it is not all thanks to the Blood Clothes Sect.

When he was rescued from the Blood Clothes Sect, seeing such a big deficit, the Great Elder almost fainted from fright.

Who knew how flustered he was at that time, it was a shortfall of millions of taels, and it couldn't be overcome by just talking about it.Even if the Liu family is packaged and sold, it won't fill such a big hole.

"The owner?!"

"Great Elder, calm down!" With a soft breath, countless thoughts began to circle Shen Kang's mind.

The huge accumulation of Wanjian Villa for hundreds of years was squandered by the Blood Clothes Sect, and in the end there were countless deficits on the books, and the foreign debt owed was as high as one million taels.

Where did such a large sum of money go, I am afraid it is not just as simple as buying food and grass.And if you want to resell these grains and grasses silently, how good is the profit chain?

If it is really pursued thoroughly, the officials of Fangzhou might be able to cut off more than one-third, and this is only in this interest chain.

With a large sum of money opening the way, how many officials in Fangzhou were bribed.How many officials are lurking underneath, and now that something like this has happened, maybe even the army has been infiltrated.

And never underestimate the methods of the Blood Clothes Sect. As long as you get on the boat after collecting money, how can they let you get off.So it's really hard to say what Fang Zhou looks like now.

Whether it can even be regarded as the territory of the imperial court is unknown.

No wonder the imperial court dispatched six gold-medal headhunters to investigate the matter thoroughly, but it is not known how many forces are still secretly investigating.

You know, when Changsheng taught cholera back then, they just sent three gold-medal headhunters to join hands with local headhunters and some garrison troops in Fangzhou.

"Lu Butou, how much do you know about the bloody clothes?"

"Master Shen, to be honest, I don't know much about the Blood Clothes Sect. The Blood Clothes Sect is extremely mysterious, but it didn't take long to rise, about 50 years ago!"

"At that time, the Blood Clothes Sect set off a bloodbath all over the place, and at the same time kept provoking martial arts battles, secretly collecting blood and resentment, and seemed to be planning something all the time!"

"They did a lot of evil, and were eventually besieged and suppressed by various martial arts factions and the imperial court. However, their actions were too secretive so they have not been completely wiped out!"

The situation in this world is that the imperial court and martial arts sects jointly rule the world. How could the various sects in the world allow someone like the Blood Clothes Sect to come and grab the territory? Dare to reach out and try!

Coupled with the fact that they acted secretly and committed numerous crimes, they were naturally disapproved by the court and various factions, and it was reasonable to be encircled and suppressed.

But Fangzhou is different. First, the Longevity Sect was in chaos, and then the Lianshan giant bandits ravaged.Fangzhou's martial arts are not considered strong, and they have been too busy to take care of themselves these years, so it is natural for the Blood Clothes Sect to take advantage of it.

Now that they have an opportunity to take advantage of, they still don't work hard here.

But think about it, even the top forces in Fangzhou like Wanjian Villa were silently taken down by the Blood Clothes Sect, how many families like the Shen family in Moyang City were controlled?How many were secretly replaced like Wanjian Villa?
It is conceivable that after such a long period of operation, the hidden power of the Blood Clothes Cult in Fangzhou is unimaginable. It is by no means as simple as the sub-helm that Shen Kang wiped out.

"Master Shen, about 20 years ago, we received definite news that the main altar of the Blood Clothes Sect is located, and that the Sanfa Division and the Shadow Guard once joined forces!"

"In that battle, all I know is that our Sanju Division dispatched more than a dozen gold medal arresters, and three famous jade medal arresters, led by the chief arrester himself!"

"And the strength of the Shadow Guards is stronger than ours, not weaker, and even the imperial court dispatched a part of the Tiger Tooth Guards from the inner circle to encircle and suppress them together!"

"Then what was the result of this battle? How much did the Blood Clothes Cult lose?"

"Master Shen, to tell you the truth, the martial arts taught by Bloody Clothes are beyond imagination!"

"Even if our chief arrester of the Three Law Departments, Mr. Wu, the Commander of Huyawei, Mr. Xu, and the envoy of the Great Nei, Envoy Yan, failed to capture this man!"

"It can even be said that the Scarlet Clothes Sect may not have even suffered any injuries in that battle, but their actions have become more secretive since then!"

"A Blood Clothes Cult has such a strong power?"

(End of this chapter)

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