Chapter 117

"Lu Butou, I can try my best to help you stabilize the Fangzhou Martial Arts League, but you also have to promise not to strike first. Fangzhou, don't mess up!"

"Master Shen really understands righteousness. Don't worry, Master Shen, no matter what the situation is, we will not act first!"

"You and I both know that once the two sides make a move, the consequences will be disastrous, and the last thing the imperial court wants to see is chaos in Fangzhou!"

It wasn't until this time that the worries in Lu Butou's heart were finally relieved. The young and exaggerated Shen Zhuangzhu in front of him surprised him with his understanding of righteousness.

At the moment, he doesn't look like a person in the rivers and lakes, but he seems to be on their side. If he didn't know Shen Kang's identity, he would really think he was a colleague in the court.

Or it can be said that this Feixianjian is worthy of being a scholar, and people who have studied are educated and ideal, and he doesn't need to talk about these great principles.

But having said that, he doesn't seem to have such eloquence, and now he has to bite the bullet and talk to Shen Kang, which is already a rush to get on the shelves.

But Shen Kang knew very well in his heart that the imperial court had sent six gold-medal headhunters, and except Lu Butou was here, the other five were all at the Fangzhou Wulin League at this moment.

Moreover, Shen Kang believes that there are definitely many masters secretly watching and guarding against him.Once there is any change in the Fangzhou Wulin League, they will definitely act first to minimize the loss.

And at this time, there must be a large number of masters from the imperial court who have already set off. Whether it is to defend against the Fangzhou Martial Arts League, or to deal with the Blood Clothes Sect who is secretly stirring up trouble, there are definitely a lot of masters needed.

"Master Shen, please ask Master Shen to think about the food and grass issue. It is best to persuade the various factions to help raise some!"

Although Shen Kang promised to repair the book for each faction, the matter of food and grass is imminent, and the daily consumption of the 60 troops is astronomical.

It's nothing more than a large amount of military rations being embezzled, and even the grain depots in various parts of Fangzhou were basically sold out. Such a big case not only shocked the government and the public.

If it wasn't for temporarily stabilizing the situation, the officials in Fangzhou would already be bleeding in rivers at this time.

Lu Butou knew very well in his heart that even if the various factions could sell Shen Kang a face, they would not have conflicts and confrontations on the surface, but they must use stumbling methods secretly.

You must know that the factions of Fangzhou martial arts are spread all over Fangzhou, and their influence is even more shrouded in the entire Fangzhou, basically everywhere.When those businessmen come and go, they still have to look at their faces.

If they jointly issued a notice to commercial firms in various places, if these commercial firms dared to contribute money and efforts, they would try.

Offending the imperial court, spending some money to manage the relationship will be uncomfortable for a year or so at most, and it will pass.But if you offend them, there are a hundred ways to make you regret it, do you dare to try?

Moreover, the people behind them will not give them this opportunity. From the beginning, the grain merchants in various places have basically been purchased almost the same amount of grain and grass. Now the grain price in Fangzhou has become somewhat unstable.

If the price of food in Fangzhou is soaring at this time, it will be a lot of fun, and there may even be a civil uprising.

Therefore, after much hesitation, Lu Butou chose to speak.There is no way, the chief arrester sent a message to all of them to think of a way, and the court princes were helpless, what could they think of as a head arrester.

Now all he can think of is to ask Wanjian Villa, and he can only ask Lord Shen for help. He understands the righteousness to this point, and probably doesn't mind helping his brother again!
The rations of the Zhenbei Army are already stretched, and they can't last long at all. If they don't think about it, the Zhenbei Army will really be in chaos.

"Master Shen, I know this matter is difficult, but I still ask Master Shen for help. The food and grass of the Zhenbei Army must not be broken!"

It was enough to be wronged to guard the bitter cold of the frontier, but now if the food, grass and military expenditures are cut off, what is it going to do.

Ordinary soldiers don't listen to any explanations. They serve as soldiers to eat food. This is the purpose of their soldiers. There is no military food and military expenses.

If there is no food to eat as soon as the food and grass are cut off, if someone pushes it a little at this time, it will immediately set off a huge wave.The consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

"Lu Butou, I really want to help, but I really can't help in the current situation! Lao Wan, do you have any good ideas?"

"Master, I do know someone who may be able to help!"


"In Qingyu City at the foot of Wanjian Mountain Villa, Han Bancheng is said to be richer than half of the city!"

"Han Bancheng?"

Shen Kang was very familiar with this name, and he couldn't help but think of the fat Han Chang he met when he first came to Qingyu City. Isn't his father Han Bancheng?

At that time, Han Chang vaguely heard about his father, saying that his family's wealth could account for half of Qingyu City, Shen Kang thought he was bragging at that time.

At that time, Shen Kang thought that the Han family would at best be the richest man in Qingyang, and Han Bancheng's name would be fine if you just listen to it, don't take it too seriously.

But after really getting to know it, I realized that people are really not bragging, and this number may be much more than what he himself said.

The Han family has been in business for generations, with caravans all over the three states, more than half of the shops in Qingyu City belong to their family.

Eighty percent of the money houses and pawnshops, almost all the businesses that make a lot of money, are under the control of the Han family, and the grain shops under the Qingyu Chamber of Commerce of the Han family spread over half of Fangzhou.

Rather than saying that Qingyu City is the territory of Wanjian Villa, it is better to say that it is the territory of Han Bancheng.It's just that no one will take a businessman seriously, and this Han Bancheng is too low-key.

Only Wanjian Villa, who is a neighbor, knows that Han Bancheng's strength is extraordinary.The wealth accumulated by the Han family is much greater than that of Wanjian Villa. If they didn't have two brushes, they would have been remembered long ago!
Wan Sanqian must have a deep understanding of this point.As long as there is enough money, all kinds of capable people and strangers can be recruited.Even top players like the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi can willingly serve.

Han Bancheng is also such a person, who knows how to make money and how to spend it, and he can spend it wisely.It is conceivable that there are definitely a lot of capable people and strange people under the hands of such a rich man as Han Bancheng.

This person is very shrewd, it is definitely not easy for the Blood Clothes Sect to control their Han family silently.

Presumably, he had noticed it as early as Wanjian Villa was secretly transferred, but he kept it hidden all the time, instead silently eroding Wanjian Villa's influence in Qingyu City.

More than ten years have passed, Wanjian Villa is no longer that Wanjian Villa, and Qingyu City is no longer that Qingyu City.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Wanjian Villa still has the final say on Qingyu City, but in fact Han Bancheng controls the economic lifeline and actual control of the entire Qingyu City.

It is not easy for the current Wanjian Villa to protect one-third of an acre of land in a villa of its own.

"Han Bancheng? Does he really have food under his command?"

Lu Butou has also heard of Han Bancheng's name.For these well-known gentry and wealthy businessmen, the imperial court has been actively contacting them before, hoping that they can give generously.

But each of these people was smarter than the other, and they knew they were poor when they met, and they even made the books perfect.The key point is that you still have nothing to do with them, the court can't rob them openly.

It is estimated that these people are waiting for the price of food to soar, so they can sit back and raise the price!This dealer!
"Owner, Butou Lu, I have dealt with Han Bancheng some time ago, he is a very smart person!"

Squinting his eyes, Wan Sanqian seemed to show a smile as if he was meeting his opponent, "This person is introverted. If my guess is right, he usually likes to keep his hand!"

"Thinking about it, even if everyone is short of food, he must still have some emergency supplies in his hand! If he doesn't even have food in his hand, it will be really troublesome!"

"Besides, this person's business houses are all over Fangzhou, and he has many eyes and ears. Maybe he will know something!"

(End of this chapter)

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