Chapter 151 Purpose
"Lu Butou, it's you again, why are you here this time?"

Looking at Lu Butou, who looked tired and haggard without closing his eyes for several nights, Shen Kang looked helpless.

Looking at the other party's current appearance, it doesn't look like he's bringing him good news.

After helping them perform the play, Shen Kang did not continue to hang around outside but chose to return to Qianyun Palace. While consolidating his skills and sorting out what he had learned, he also waited for their help to restore his reputation.

As long as it is within the scope of Wanjian Villa, although outsiders are not allowed to enter, they can pass on news.So after receiving the letter from Butou Lu, Shen Kang tidied up a bit and left Qianyun Palace.

After sending out the message according to the method given by Shen Kang, I waited outside for a long time without seeing anyone, and I was a little skeptical.At this time, Lu Butou was about to turn around and leave.

Originally, Shen Kang told him that he would be waiting at Wanjian Villa all this time, but just now he searched around here, and there was no one around!
Wanjian Villa is now deserted, and there is no trace of human habitation at all.As a result, he just turned his head and was about to leave, when he suddenly saw Shen Kang appearing in front of him, he was really startled.

This silent way of appearance is really shocking, he almost drew his sword just now!
But the master Shen is good at hiding, even he has concealed a gold medal headhunter like him, isn't it a bit redundant to come by himself!

"Captain Lu, are you here to tell me that the matter has come to an end? The Blood Clothes Sect has been taken down by you?"

"No!" Shaking his head, Lu Butou said helplessly, "The matter is not over yet, and we haven't fully recovered the reputation of Lord Shen yet. Lord Shen, this is to inform Lord Shen to retreat south quickly!"

"Withdraw to the south?"

With a pause in the movement of his hands, Shen Kang couldn't help but raised his head.He had already done what he should have done and what he shouldn't have done. These people patted their chests and shed tears at that time, so they had to pledge blood for him to help him restore his reputation.

However, more than half a month has passed, and there is no progress in the matter. It seems that he wants to run away.What's the matter, is this planning to cross the river and demolish the bridge?

"Master Shen, it seems that such a big thing happened outside, you don't seem to know at all?"

Shen Kang was completely confused now, and Lu Butou immediately understood that the owner of Shen Zhuang really went beyond a certain level.It's almost a mess outside, and people don't know what's going on.

"Lu Butou, what happened outside?"

"Master Shen, not long ago, a million-strong army of the Yan tribe in northern Xinjiang marched south, and now they are almost at Qingyu Pass!"

"At this time, the Blood Clothes Sect suddenly launched a crisis. Almost all methods were used, and the entire Fangzhou was in chaos almost instantly. The masters of the imperial court and the 15 towns and northern troops who went south were almost completely restrained!"

Silently, he took out a piece of paper from his bosom and handed it to Shen Kang. Lu Butou couldn't help but sigh, his face was full of complicated expressions.

"Qingyuguan? Isn't that about to enter the hinterland of Fangzhou? How is this possible?"

How long has it been? It's been half a month since I just returned to Qianyun Palace. In less than a month, the Yan Clan iron cavalry can kill Qingyu Pass?Could it be that the Zhenbei Army is just paper?

Looking at the things in his hands, Shen Kang almost suspected that he had read a fake battle report, and the content on it was too incredible!

On October 21st, Baiyu Pass was suddenly attacked and fell overnight, setting off the prelude to the southward march of millions of Yan tribe's cavalry.

Wherever the iron cavalry of the Yan clan passed by, the butcher's knife swung mercilessly, almost not a single blade of grass grew!
On October 26, Gu Nancheng fell, and the whole city was slaughtered. There were more than [-] old and young people in the city, and almost no one survived.

On the second day of November, Sanchuan City was forcibly breached. After the iron cavalry of the Yan tribe plundered and looted, they set fire to the city. The fire lasted for three days, and almost burned the entire Sanchuan City to nothingness!
On the eighth day of November, Jiaju Pass fell, and on the tenth day of October, Monan City fell
The Northern Army of 60 towns in Northern Xinjiang, using their own personal experience to deduce what it means to be collapsed at the touch of a touch, almost blinded everyone's eyes.

In the past, the mighty Zhenbei Army, which used to hang and beat the cavalry of all ethnic groups, now looks so vulnerable!
"How could this be? Could it be the Blood Clothes Cult?"

"That's right, it's the Blood Clothes Cult who is helping behind the scenes!"

Nodding his head, Lu Butou couldn't help revealing a bit of bitterness on his face, "The iron cavalry of the Yan clan is going south like a bamboo, and our spies are still in the team of the iron cavalry of the Yan clan, and we even found the blood of the Blood Clothes Sect!"

No matter how strong the army is, it can't match the leading party. What's more, the Zhenbei Army has used the food and grass of the Han family before. You must know that the Han family is a member of the Blood Clothes Sect. It is impossible for them to have no hands and feet. How many points are left is still unknown!
What's more, under the layout of the Blood Clothes Sect over the years, Fang Zhou has long been a sieve, and he doesn't know how much he has inside.Wouldn't it be overwhelming to lead an army of millions to the south?

"Wait, Bloody?"

"Master Shen may not know that these bloods are masters cultivated by the Blood Clothes Sect with secret methods. They can absorb endless blood and resentment and turn them into their own use, so that their skills will continue to rise!"

"It can be said that wherever they appear, there will be slaughter and blood! The iron cavalry of the Yan clan smashed the city and slaughtered one after another, which happened to be cheap for them!"

"Speaking of it this way, isn't it similar to the magic sword that Wanjian Villa has been suppressing before?" For a moment, Shen Kang even thought of the sword from Wanjian Villa, they are so similar!

"According to rumors, after absorbing the blood energy, these bloody people return to the Blood Clothes Sect, and then the leader and elders of the Blood Clothes Sect will absorb part of their strength, so that their martial arts will also improve rapidly!"

"Master Shen, maybe we were wrong from the beginning!"

Unable to bear a wry smile, Lu Butou silently closed his eyes, "Maybe the purpose of the Blood Clothes Cult is not to dominate Fangzhou at all, but to set off a massacre in Fangzhou!"

"Their purpose is to make Fangzhou's blood flow into rivers. This endless killing just gives them enough opportunities to improve their skills quickly!"

"It is rumored that the skill of the leader of the Blood Clothes Sect has reached the peak, but he has been unable to break through! This time, the Blood Clothes Sect did this for this reason!"

"If the leader wants to break through in one go, he needs a lot of strength to support him, and what he needs is endless killing and blood!"

"We are really stupid, why didn't we think of this before?"

Speaking of this, Lu Butou seemed to be full of self-blame, and his already haggard face was full of resentment.

"Even if the Blood Clothes Sect occupies Fangzhou, so what? The imperial court and the top sects in other states will never sit idly by. It won't be long before they will be wiped out again!"

"Such an approach that is not worth the loss, since the Blood Clothes Sect can set up such a big game, how could they suddenly lose their minds! Unless they don't want to do this!"

Hearing what Lu Butou said, Shen Kang also understood that the reason why the Blood Clothes Cult set off such a big war and killing may be for the success of one person!
This is a world where force is paramount, whoever has the biggest fist is entitled to speak.The top combat power determines the size and structure of a force, and determines their status.

For the Blood Clothes Sect, they don't care no matter how many low-level disciples die, and they don't care about those innocent people who have nothing to do with them at all.

For them, as long as they succeed in the end, how important is the process?

The rivers and lakes are so cruel, there are no strong laws and morals to restrain them, only the size of a fist.

As long as the top leader's skill is enough to make the world tremble, even if they go too far, who would dare to say more?
It's just a pity for the Zhenbei Army who was hanged and beaten while their combat power was greatly reduced, and it's even a pity for those unarmed and innocent people!

(End of this chapter)

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