Chapter 160 Must Go

"It's already the seventh day. It's been seven days in Qingyu Pass. I heard that there are less than a hundred people in Qingyu Pass. Leader, are we really not going to help?"

The news about Qingyuguan came day by day, which shocked the Fangzhou Wulin League day by day.

From their point of view, the little sapphire pass couldn't last even an hour, but it still held on after seven days.

I heard that Shen Kang set up a formation in front of Qingyu Pass, and he was able to forcibly stop the Yan clan's iron cavalry in front of Qingyu Pass, preventing them from advancing at all.

First, they destroyed 20 pioneers in the First World War, and then besieged and killed [-] fine cavalry, and then survived the siege of [-] troops.

In the eyes of everyone, this is almost like a fairy tale.Although I heard that those legendary masters can fight against a million masters with one person's power, but that's just in the legend, anyway, they have never seen it.

One must know that Shen Kang is just a master master now, when did the master master become so vigorous!

Over the past few days, although the news has been shocking day by day, the Fangzhou Martial Arts League is still standing still.

On the contrary, quite a few other gangsters or small sects were motivated by enthusiasm and rushed to Qingyuguan to support them.

However, there were more people rushing, and more people were lost. After all, it was an army of nearly 20, and there were also the Sirius Warriors accompanying the army. If you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred!
Over the past few days, I heard that in addition to the hundreds of people who stayed behind at Qingyuguan, nearly a thousand people went there one after another, but now there are only more than a hundred people left, which shows the brutality of the battle.

Of course, there is no longer an army of 20 at Qingyu Pass, and it is reported that the 30 army of the Yan clan in the middle road has joined forces with the army of the front road yesterday, which means that there are now 50 Yan clan cavalry gathered at Qingyu Pass!

50!What a shocking number that was, the raised banners were enough to cover the sky and the sun.If Qingyuguan wants to stick to it, it may be even more difficult, which is one of the reasons why the Fangzhou Wulin League is hesitant to move forward!

"What do you think, Qingyuguan, should we save it or not?"

Putting down the urgent secret letter in his hand, Feng Yifan looked around quietly. Although his face was calm, there was a trace of hesitation and struggle in his eyes.

At this time, his heart was also full of entanglements. Deep down in his heart, he really hoped that he could be impulsive once, but his rationality suppressed these impulses time and time again.

With a million-strong army of the Yan tribe, and countless master Sirius warriors accompanying the army, even if the entire Fangzhou Martial Arts League put out their underwear, it would be of no avail!

He couldn't and didn't dare to fight with Luoxing Pavilion's hundreds of years of foundation, and at the same time he had to be responsible for the entire Fangzhou Martial Arts League. Reason told him to restrain himself!

The fact that Shen Kang is not the young master of the Blood Clothes Sect has been confirmed, and the court has also rectified his name, and most people in the Fangzhou Wulin League and Jianghu have also admitted this.At this time, Shen Kang defended Qingyu Pass to the death, which is righteousness!

At this time, the situation faced by the Fangzhou Wulin League was a bit embarrassing. They pulled Shen Kang from the position of leader because he was the young leader of the Blood Clothes Sect.

If someone like the Young Master of the Blood Clothes Sect is allowed to be the leader, it will inevitably lead to the boycott of the entire Fangzhou Martial Arts Union by the world's martial arts, thus abolishing its status as the leader.

But now it is proved that he is not the young leader of the Blood Clothes Sect, that is to say, the original abolition condition is not established, and Shen Kang is actually the leader of their Fangzhou Wulin League at this time.

But in the end, Shen Kang, the leader of the alliance, was desperately fighting at Qingyuguan, and martial arts heroes from Fangzhou and even the whole world went north to support him.

The strongest force in Fangzhou is the Fangzhou Wulin League, but Fangzhou Wulin League is the only one in Fangzhou who stays out of the matter, as if they don't have anything to do, and they don't even wave the flag.

The previous two leaders of the Fangzhou Wulin League, a leader of the Longevity Sect and a leader of a giant bandit, made the Fangzhou Wulin League's reputation infamous.

Now Shen Kang finally came out, who is not afraid of everything and sticks to Qingyuguan, which makes the world admire him.

Today, Qingyuguan is in danger, but the Fangzhou Wulin League just ignores it, what on earth are you trying to do!
Not to mention that Feng Yifan is under great pressure, and the pressure on the various factions is not small. Now wherever he goes, he may be pointed at by others!
"Leader, whether it's public or private, we have to go to Qingyuguan!!" As soon as Feng Yifan finished speaking, someone spoke up immediately, and they seemed very excited.

These days, he too has had enough.What was the original intention of the establishment of the Fangzhou Wulin League, and what is it doing now.Not to mention what people in the world think, he can't even pass his own test!

"I can't go, leader, Elder Han, even if we rush to Qingyu Pass without sleep or rest at the fastest speed, it will take three days. Whether Qingyu Pass can hold it is the question!"

"What's more, with millions of troops gathered, Qingyuguan is a place of death. I'm afraid none of the disciples we sent will come back!"

"Then you have to go. Since you, Elder Feng, are greedy for life and afraid of death, you don't have to go. Our Luo Lin sect is not afraid!"


"Enough! Who are you arguing and arguing these days? Is there any result?"

Yan Botou, who was sitting next to him without saying a word, suddenly slapped the table hard, and the arguments around him made him upset.

The news that came from Qingyuguan day after day made him extremely anxious but helpless!
The chief arrester gave him the task of contacting the Fangzhou Martial Arts League, but now that the Fangzhou Martial Arts League has sent disciples to Duyangguan to help, the effect of continuing to stay is minimal.

He wanted to go to Qingyuguan, but was scolded for a while, so he could only stay here and listen to the news that Qingyuguan was getting worse day by day, anxious!
The Wulin League of Fangzhou, Nuo University, has been discussing for a few days, and nothing has been achieved after arguing.If the fight continued, Shen Kang and the others would really die in Qingyu Pass.

Nuoda is a Fangzhou Wulin League, how can he be more grumpy than those people in the court!

Now, Qingyuguan is in danger, and it may be breached in the next moment. He can't wait any longer, and he can't wait any longer!

"Captor Yan, what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean, Shen Shaoxia was once the leader of the Fangzhou Wulin League, and he once saved everyone's lives, but what about you!"

Unable to stand up, a pair of angry eyes swept around, and those angry eyes made everyone who looked at him lower their heads unconsciously.

"Everyone is selfish, afraid of this, afraid of that, isn't there anyone in the Fangzhou Martial Arts League of Nuoda who is not afraid of life and death and knows how to repay their kindness?"

"You" League Leader Shen is a lifesaver for us, why not for you, even willing to tarnish your own reputation in order to help you.But what about the imperial court?You must know that Qingyu Pass belongs to your court! "

"The imperial court's Changlin fire cavalry are known to be as fast as fire. If they march in a hurry, they will arrive at Qingyu pass in less than three to five days. But now seven days have passed, has the imperial court sent a single soldier?"

"You, hum!" The anger in his heart was hard to calm down, Yan Butou slapped the table in front of him again, and the table made of green nanmu, which was as hard as iron, fell to pieces in an instant.

Anguish has nowhere to vent.He knew that the court needed to take the overall situation into consideration, and the court would never have thought that Shen Kang and the others could last so long.But he knows that he knows, but his heart is always heavy.

Whether it is the righteousness of guarding Qingyuguan or the grace of saving lives in the past, he feels guilty.Hearing the worsening battle ahead day by day, but being helpless, what a torment.

He couldn't wait any longer, and he couldn't wait any longer. If these people in Qingyuguan don't go, he will go!
"Everyone, there will be a later date!" After cupping his hands around, Yan Butou strode outside without hesitation.

"Master Yan! Where are you going?"

"Sapphire Pass!"

"Master Yan, you must not be impulsive!" Hearing this, the head catcher who came with Yan catcher was shocked, and couldn't help but quickly persuaded, "The task given to us by the head catcher is to let us stay in the Fangzhou Wulin League! "

"Is it necessary to stay in the Fangzhou Martial Arts League? Qingyuguan is the place I should go. Even if I die there, it's better than regretting it all my life!"

"Master Yan, you have to think carefully. You have been reprimanded by the chief arrester because of Shen Kang's matter, and you must not make mistakes again! Otherwise"

"Otherwise, so what?" Looking back coldly, Yan Butou firmly held the knife in his hand, "My teacher once taught me that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by the spring, and Shen Kang has the kindness of saving my life. This life is owed to him!"

"I am ashamed of Shen Shaoxia for what I did before. If I don't do this now, I will feel uneasy. If the chief arrest is not allowed, then I will not do this gold medal arrest!"

Without hesitation, he took off the gold silk brocade clothes on his body in front of everyone, took off the gold medal arrest warrant on his waist, and threw it directly.

"Master Yan, you, you are"

"Please tell the chief arrester for me, I am ashamed of his teachings all these years, but Qingyu Pass, I must go!"

(End of this chapter)

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