I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 168 The Method of Breaking the Formation

Chapter 168 The Method of Breaking the Formation
"Congratulations to the host, stick to the Qingyu pass for ten days, reward one thousand chivalry points, and a diamond treasure chest! Do you want to open the treasure chest?"

Shen Kang was startled by the system's notification sound, he almost forgot that he had been in Qingyuguan for ten days.

During these ten days, people I just met for a short time disappeared before my eyes one by one!
Hundreds of heroes around him sing to the wine every night, and when they are drunk, they go to the battle for a while.How heroic it is to mix wine and blood and drink again after returning.

However, most of these people never came back after fighting again and again, fewer and fewer people drank together at night, and these people paid too much for guarding the gate, but they still refused to leave.

Up to now, there are only a dozen or so people around him.If it weren't for the Silver Wolf Guards' surprise attack, they brought cavalry who were alone in the eight formations waiting for an opportunity to attack, there might not even be a dozen of them left.

"System, open the treasure chest!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a random summoning card! After using the summoning card, you will randomly summon a master whose strength is not lower than that of a master, and the time limit is [-] minutes!"

"It's another random summoning card!" The last time the random summoning card was opened, it directly summoned him a nearly invincible existence like Jiu Jianxian, and directly led thousands of Yan clan masters to drink hatred on the spot.

This time the random summon card, I don't know what master can be summoned.I hope it's not too bad, otherwise it will be hard to fight in the future!
"No, that's the army!" Looking from a distance along Qingyuguan, a large black shadow appeared in the vast white area in the distance, covering almost all of the snow.

The number of people is so dense that it is almost impossible to see the margin.Such a huge number is probably not as simple as tens of thousands of 10,000+.The Yan clan's million-strong army may have all arrived!

Bah, bah, with this mouth of mine, I'm really afraid of something!
Originally, according to Shen Kang's understanding, an army of one million is just an imaginary number.After all, in ancient wars, when tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were dispatched, he could give you a number of 10,000+, or even hundreds of thousands.

But only after arriving at Qingyuguan did I know that people are true and sincere, and it is not ambiguous at all to say that an army of one million is an army of one million!
Looking at the dozen or so people around him, Shen Kang showed a wry smile, how can this battle be fought.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Kang immediately said to these people, "You all go!"

"Shen Shaoxia!" Shen Kang's sudden voice surprised everyone around him.

Ten days was enough for them to adore Shen Kang to a certain level.At that time, Shen Kang boasted that he would guard Qingyuguan for at least ten days, and they thought it was bragging.

What they thought at the time was that it would be impossible for them to hold Qingyu Pass for ten days with their mere people.Even if they could stay here for a day or two, even if they didn't come in vain, it would be worthwhile to die here.

But ten days passed, and Shen Kang's bragging made him do it abruptly, and even they seemed to be in a dream.

Today, millions of Yan people have gathered, but their number is pitifully small.If you continue to stay here, you may not be counting as guarding the gate, but committing suicide!

Walk?Looking at the gradually approaching army, they knew in their hearts that leaving at this time would definitely not be considered a desertion. Who would dare to say that they were wrong.They have been watching for so many days, no matter where they go, they will be respected if they mention a sentence.

But if they leave here, where can they go.What's more, so many former partners were buried in Qingyu Pass, they just left like this, they were really not reconciled, they also wanted to take away a few more soldiers of the Yan clan.

What's more, they chose to come to Qingyu Pass before and didn't intend to go back. It would be suicide to defend Qingyu Pass with millions of Yan tribe troops gathered, so why not when they faced hundreds of thousands of Yan tribe cavalry before?

Their life has never been as brilliant as it is today.Perhaps, being able to die here is also a good choice for them!

"I'm not leaving. I've been in a daze all my life. I don't even know what the purpose of killing is. Only what I have done these days, I know that I have not lived in vain all these years!"

"If you don't leave, even if you die, you will die here, and it will be considered a worthy death!"

"That's right, Young Xia Shen, we will advance and retreat with you, if you don't leave, we won't leave either!"

"Fart, Shen Shaoxia, don't listen to him. We are all old, but you are different, you are still young, and you still have an infinite future. There are too few people like you in this world, and this martial arts also needs Shen Shaoxia That kind of people!"

"Young Xia Shen, let's go, let's stay! Just like what Old Wei said, we deserve to die if we stay here, and it is insignificant to this Jianghu. But if you stay here, it is a loss to Jianghu and the world!"

"You guys!" Looking at the dust-faced heroes beside him, Shen Kang had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know how to persuade them.

Once the war starts, he can't even take care of himself, let alone them, let alone these people are all injured now.

A mighty army of nearly 50 Yan people came from the rear, overwhelming the periphery of Qingyu Pass.The real challenge has just begun!
Stay, they will surely die!

"Your Majesty!"

At this time, the leader of the Yan clan outside the city is leading the crowd to greet their king, but this king seems to be different from others, as soon as he saw the leader of the Yan clan, he got off his horse and kicked him to the ground, there is no gentleman at all The meaning of talking but not using hands.

The head coach of the Yan clan didn't dare to say anything, he just came over on his stomach again and knelt down again.Immediately afterwards, the Maharaja kicked him into the air again, back and forth several times, and then he seemed to calm down the anger in his heart a little, and stopped his movements.

Five thousand silver wolf guards, all the Sirius Warriors and the masters of the Blood Clothes Cult all pressed on, and as a result, they were all trapped in Qingyu pass and did not come out!
"Trash, everything is rubbish! Why didn't you investigate beforehand, and harm my soldiers, what should you do?"

God knows how he reacted after getting the battle report, everything else is fine, even if he loses a hundred thousand troops, he won't frown, but the Silver Wolf Guard is the only one who really feels distressed.

He has only [-] silver wolf guards under his command, and the silver wolf guards are his personal guards, indestructible and loyal, the sharp blade in his hand is his reliance.

Now half of the Silver Wolf Guard is gone abruptly, and now he is not only heartbroken, but also has the desire to kill someone!

"Majesty calm down, calm down!"

"Don't be impatient, Majesty, in fact, there are ways to break the formation!"

Beside the Maharaja, a white-haired old man slowly walked forward on a horse, looked at the terrain of Qingyuguan, and then said softly.

There are cliffs on both sides of Qingyuguan, which ordinary soldiers cannot climb. Building on the cliffs is easy to defend and difficult to attack.Such a powerful pass is really impenetrable!
If you want to attack the city, you can only attack from the front, but now there is a set of formations on the front, and the army will go in and devour as many as possible. Even if the people facing these soldiers will not be able to kill them for a while, they will be thirsty if they stay inside for a long time. Starved to death in the battle.

And, they can't wait!Every day of delay, their millions of troops will be in danger, and the war machine of the Universiade Empire has been fully operational!If you don't grab a run, you really can't run!
"Elder Chen, do you have a solution? I have already done what you promised to teach me in Bloody Clothes, but what you promised me has not been fulfilled until now!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, my Blood Clothes Sect will do what I say, and I will definitely not disappoint you!"

Looking in the direction of Qingyu Pass from a distance, after looking at it for a long time, this person slowly said, "The way to break the formation is actually very simple. Since this formation is blocking the way, wouldn't it be over as long as the formation is covered and covered?"

"Submerge the array? What do you mean?"

"Please look, Majesty, there are cliffs on both sides of Qingyuguan. This is its advantage, but if we combine the skills of us, the commanders and the high priest, it will be enough to destroy half of the mountains on both sides!"

"At that time, the mountain rocks will crack and roll down, not only will the formation in front of the pass be completely submerged in the rocks, but even Qingyu Pass will be buried in half! With a little repair, it will become a sunny avenue leading directly to the pass!"

"Destroy the mountain?" The generals present couldn't help swallowing, their eyes showing horror.The realm limited their imagination, they never imagined that the formation could be so broken!
Is this something human can do?It has long been heard that top fighters can move mountains and fill seas, chasing wind and moon, so are they going to see it today?Is the power of the warrior really so terrible?

"No, there are still hundreds of thousands of spirits from my family in that formation, how can it be?"

"Those who achieve great things should not stick to small details!"

"You, your Majesty, you must not do this!"

"Why not?"

Arching his hands to the majesty, the elder Chen said coldly, "Majesty, you can't afford it anymore, how long can the army last? How important is the [-] army or the entire Yan clan? Majesty, think twice!"

"Enough, needless to say. Let me think about it, you all step back first!"

(End of this chapter)

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