Chapter 205 Methods
"Master Shen, be careful!"

After seeing the sword, Shen Kang felt as if a voice in his heart was calling him, telling him to draw the sword quickly.

Not knowing what was going on, Shen Kang unconsciously approached step by step, and stretched out his hand to pull out the sword.

The road catcher on the side immediately sensed something was wrong with Shen Kang, and immediately issued a warning.And at this time, Shen Kang also instantly sobered up.How could a sword affect his mind?
But then, there seemed to be a voice reminding him in his mind.Such a sword is too terrifying, how can it be indulged here at will.It must be kept in your own hands so that it will not be a disaster for the world.

Thinking of this, Shen Kang didn't know what to do, so he was about to reach out for the sword again.In this vast world, only in Wanjian Villa, only you can keep such a sword properly!

"Master Shen!" hurriedly yelled again, and Lu Butou found that Shen Kang's eyes seemed to be getting more and more wrong, as if he had become a little dazed, as if he was a little greedy!
The picture that appeared in front of my eyes before is still vivid.Those who are affected by the sword's breath, almost without exception, all become cruel, bloodthirsty, greedy and crazy.Even the last swordsmiths were killing each other.

This made Lu Butou very flustered. Once Shen Kang pulled out the sword and was affected by the sword, what should he do.With Shen Kang's skill, he might not even have to run.

"Lu Butou, this sword is too terrifying, why not suppress it in Wanjian Villa. I have such experience in Wanjian Villa, so I can definitely keep it properly!"

While speaking, Shen Kang's hand was already close to the sword, and the black breath had even climbed onto his arm.Seeing that as long as he hooked his hand a little, he could successfully pull out the sword.

"Master Shen, don't do it!" In desperation, Lu Butou directly drew out his knife and blocked Shen Kang in front of him, and slashed at Shen Kang's sleeve.But he didn't expect that there was a golden bell-like stellar energy around him, and his knife couldn't penetrate an inch.

Before he could recover from the shock, a terrifying force bounced back along the handle of the knife for a moment, and he was injured in an instant. The terrifying force made people tremble.

The perfect realm of the master realm!The rumors are indeed true, this Lord Shen is terrifyingly strong!
"Huh!" With a cold snort, the attack by Lu Butou just now made Shen Kang suddenly sober.The power of Jiuyang Yuangong turned rapidly, and the black aura lingering on his body disappeared in an instant, which almost made Shen Kang break out in a cold sweat.

This sword is really poisonous!As far as the quality of this sword is inferior to the Moon Edge Sword in my hand, why would I become greedy.As if it had to be occupied.

Bah, I don't care what level I am.If I randomly draw a lottery, I can draw things that are much better than this quality. I am so rare with your sword.

Summoning the Moon Edge Sword and holding it in his hand, the pale black aura that wanted to approach Shen Kang again was instantly repelled.An invisible sword energy emanated from Shen Kang's body, and the breath of the man and the sword merged in an instant, as if they had been completely integrated without distinction.

"This, this sword is." Just now, Lu Zhaotou saw it clearly, but now he didn't see the sword hidden on Shen Zhuangzhu's body, so he felt a blur in front of his eyes.For some reason, a sword appeared in his hand. Where is this sword hidden?
With the appearance of this sword, it immediately attracted all his eyes.This sword is not that exquisite and gorgeous, but it has a special temperament lingering on it, giving people a strange feeling as if returning to the original.

After the sword in Shen Kang's hand appeared, the sword in the sword casting furnace seemed to be stimulated, the whole sword was trembling crazily, and the buzzing sound of the sword almost hit their ears sorely.

At the same time, a feeling of heart palpitations followed, and the blood flowed uncontrollably and quickly, as if wanting to break through the body.It was such a terrifying sword, it almost made it difficult for them to hold it from such a distance!
At the same time, a fierce sword breath appeared from Shen Kang's body, and the sword energy soared to the sky as if it could suppress everything.That powerful aura instantly filled the entire cave, and also calmed down all the anxiety and uneasiness in his heart.

The two swords seemed to be contending, and the sound of the swords resounded throughout the cave.At the beginning, it seemed that they were evenly matched, but suddenly, Lu Butou discovered that the sword in Shen Kang's hand had the upper hand.

The breath of the sword in the sword casting furnace became weaker and weaker, and the sound of the sword's sound became weaker and weaker.Soon, it seemed that the army was defeated, and there was no sound at all.

What's going on, what did I just see?That frightening sword, which almost drove all swordsmiths to kill each other like crazy, actually lost in the collision of breaths?In Wanjian Villa, there is such a sword?
For a moment, Lu Butou thought of what happened before.Not long ago, in Wanjian Villa, a sword energy shot up into the sky, changing the color of the sky and the earth, and all things cheered for it.At that time, it was rumored that Wanjian Villa had successfully forged a magic weapon, this is the magic sword with spirit, Wanjian surrendered!
At that time, he still dismissed it, thinking that it might be the movement made by Shen Kang using the stunt of Wan Jian Gui Zong.In Jianghu, there are not a few people who have the same idea as him, thinking that Wanjian Villa is just a sensationalist.

In the entire Universiade Empire, there are countless sword-making families and sects, and they also have such top-level strengths as the Famous Sword Villa and the Sword-making Dizong, but they have never heard of that faction succeeding in the past few decades.

You Wanjian Villa, a small force nestled in Fangzhou, said that you have created a magical weapon, who are you fooling?But now it seems that it is very likely that Wanjian Villa really forged a magic weapon, and this magic weapon is in the hands of Shen Kang.

Divine soldiers have spirits, and when two swords meet, they will naturally go up and down.But it is a pity that the sword hidden in the sword casting furnace has not yet fully formed after all, and it is just a sword embryo now.

When I first came into contact with it, I was quite stubborn, but within three or five rounds, I was already defeated.There is no way, its quality is there. Although the sword is a living creature, it has not fully evolved to the rank of magic weapon, and its level is much lower.

Moreover, its casting method is actually a kind of opportunism, forcibly breeding it with endless blood and a lot of resentment, and using continuous killing to continuously protect it, so as to promote it to become a magic weapon.

Of course, if this sword keeps absorbing the essence of masters to make it evolve continuously, it will be hard to say who will win and who will lose in the future.But for now, this sword is completely out of temper.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shen Kang immediately stepped forward to pull out the sword, and at the same time forcibly suppressed the breath of the sword with the Moon Edge Sword.

If there is no accident, if the two swords are put together, the sword in the sword casting furnace can only be suppressed.In this way, there is no need to worry about the big impact that this sword will cause if it is spread out.

Maybe, after arriving at Wanjian Villa, Liu Rushan's three top swordsmiths could find a way to dissolve the sword and recast it.At that time, with the help of the power of Xijianchi, maybe Wanjian Villa can produce another magic weapon.

However, only one of the three sword embryos has been found, and the remaining two have been taken away.If the two sword embryos want to finally take shape, the energy needed is absolutely beyond imagination.Once the sword fetus is spread out, there will probably be a massacre in the world.

Shen Kang could think of this, and of course Butou Lu could too.If you want to use a sword to cause a large-scale killing, there will definitely be a lot of trouble, and as long as you are willing to do it, you will be able to find out something.

It's just that the man in black appeared in the picture, making Lu Butou difficult to calm down.If his guess is true, it is even possible that the power of the entire Sanfa Division cannot be easily used by him!
"Lu Butou, I took this sword away!"

"Shen" was about to refute. After all, this thing is considered as evidence and may cause great damage. How can it be taken away casually, but then the head catcher smiled miserably.

Maybe the sword is much safer with Master Shen than with himself.Putting it in his hands, maybe in two days, he will follow in the footsteps of the strict arrest.

"Lu Butou!" Holding the sword in his hand, Shen Kang looked at it carefully, and suddenly asked, "Say, what will happen if this sword appears in the rivers and lakes?"

"Appearing in the rivers and lakes? Could it be that Master Shen wants to make hisses, this is a good way!"

(End of this chapter)

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