Chapter 286 Myself?
"You are, Flying Immortal Sword? Shen Kang?"

At this moment, their voices trembled a little, as if they had been drained of strength.

Although they all gathered together with the purpose of dealing with Shen Kang, the slogan was just a slogan after all. Although the slogan was shouted loudly, they never thought that they would really confront Shen Kang.

What they usually think about is to make some small tricks secretly, to bring a little trouble to Shen Kang, and to vent their anger, that's all.

Of course, there are also people who have the courage to confront Shen Kang.But when they really faced Shen Kang, they found that they seemed unable to muster the slightest courage.Shen Kang just stood there quietly and did nothing, which made them feel almost breathless.

The shadow of the famous tree of human beings, so many famous beings have fallen under his sword, why are they alone?
At this moment, they wish they were wrong in their suspicions.Because according to the rumors, when Shen Kang faced villains like them, the Flying Immortal Sword never survived in his hand.Counting Shen Kang's debut since his debut, no one would stand up and leave when he met.

Nothing like groveling, crying, and swearing to change things is not going to work.The people here are begging for mercy with their noses and tears, but the sword in Shen Kang's hand over there is directly chopped off, it is so cruel, is there any reason!

"I do have a bit of eyesight!" The corners of Shen Kang's mouth curled up slightly, and Shen Kang glanced around, one, two, three were quite a few, and they were all here.It's all chivalrous, it's exactly what I need, how can I let them run away!
"Om!" Hearing what Shen Kang almost admitted, everyone's heads were buzzing, and they were in a state of confusion for a while.I originally thought that hiding in this paradise would be safe, but why did I meet him.What should I do, or run separately?

"Everyone, don't be afraid, Shen Kang is just a boy under 20 years old!" Looking at Shen Kang's direction with cold eyes, the poisonous scorpion forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart. A soft whip.

This group of useless Dim Sum had previously kept claiming to seek revenge from Shen Kang.As a result, just seeing people now, their legs are trembling.It's really tiring to partner with this group of trash!
Of course, the poisonous scorpion completely ignored it at this time, and just now he had the urge to turn around and run away.Now she feels extremely brave.

"Everyone, everyone is not mediocre. As long as we fight together, we may not be able to have a battle, uh, uh." Just when I wanted to make a big talk to boost morale, it would be best to persuade everyone to fight together, suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

Unconsciously, he wiped his neck lightly with his hand, and a bright red color appeared in front of his eyes.What's this?Blood, is this my own blood?
Immediately afterwards, something seemed to spray out from the neck.For a moment, the poisonous scorpion felt that it was suddenly difficult to breathe, as if all the strength in his body had been drained, and everything in front of him became more and more blurred.

"Bang!" In just a moment, the poisonous scorpion fell heavily to the ground.That poisonous scorpion that made countless people fearful just fell in front of them?They haven't reacted yet!

You must know that more than half of them are not the opponents of this poisonous scorpion.They didn't even know what was going on just now, and the poisonous scorpion knelt down.You are so fierce, how can you fight this fight!
"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon. I just sent your leader Fang Cheng off, and now I will give you another ride along the way. Don't worry!"

"What, even the leader is over, it's really over now!"

Holding the Yuefeng sword in his hand, Shen Kang walked towards them step by step. Every time he took a step, the sword energy lingering in front of him became thicker.It was like a thick cloud layer that could not be seen at a glance, covering the light of the sun, moon and stars, making it difficult for all of them to breathe.

And it seems that every sword qi seems to contain different sword intents, but they are all unparalleled in sharpness.The sword energy soared into the sky, and even the sunlight dimmed under the terrifying sword energy.The magnificent sword energy brings the feeling of death.

Quietly raised his hand, thousands of sword qi surged along with it.Before the sword energy came, everyone felt as if they were facing several or even dozens of masters besieging them at the same time.And none of these masters can beat them.

The sword energy was just hanging in the air, and it already made them tremble with fear.Once this terrifying sword qi came upon them, one could imagine what was waiting for them.I'm afraid that everyone can't survive a single move under this terrifying sword energy.

"Shen Shaoxia, don't do anything yet, let me go out first, my own people, my own people!" Among the crowd, Yan Ye suddenly shouted loudly.Locked by the sword energy, the lingering sharp invisible murderous intent made the cold sweat drip down his forehead uncontrollably.

I have long heard that Fei Xianjian, Shen Kang, and Wanjian Qifa are extremely powerful, but only after I saw them did I realize how desperate their strength is. Is the gap between them really that big?

"My own people? Who the hell is talking to you people like your own people!"

Shen Kang's hand was about to wave down, and Yan Ye trembled when he saw it, and he shouted loudly, "Shen Shaoxia, I misunderstood, I am arresting you under the jade card of the Sanfa Division, Poyun!"

"What's the matter? Sanfa Division's jade-branded famous arrester Poyun? Aren't jade-branded famous arresters all masters of Yuanshen Realm?" Hearing Yan Ye's shout, Shen Kang was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to his senses.Still trying to lie to me?I will kill you first!

"Shen Shaoxia, I am really a famous arrester with a jade card, Yan Ye. I have a jade talisman to prove it. I don't believe that Shen Shaoxia can talk to our chief arrester!" Sometimes he even felt the threat of death.

"If you are famous for capturing Poyun with a jade card, shouldn't you be a master of Yuanshen Realm? Why are you only in the realm of Grandmaster Consummation?"

"Shaoxia Shen!" Hearing this, Poyun's face was full of bitterness, "No one stipulates that a famous jade card arrester must be a master of the Yuanshen realm. The famous arrester!"

Brother, whoever told you that the famous jade brand catcher has to be a master of Yuanshen Realm.These days, there are important people in the army, important people in the big family, everywhere, and the court is also short of people. It's so easy to find masters in the Yuanshen realm!

It's just that the gold medal catcher is a master master, so everyone subconsciously thinks that the jade medal catcher is a master of the Yuanshen realm, and the court did not refute this.After all, there are too many people in the Jianghu these days, it is not easy to lead the team, and people need to be intimidated.Even though Sora has a name, it's better than nothing.

"Really?" He frowned and thought for a while, it seemed to be true.Just like when the Heyuanzong was besieged back then, it was the Yupai famous arrester who led the Xiangzhou arrester to join forces to encircle and suppress, but was killed by Wushuang's son Cheng Wushuang and his father, which directly caused the arrester to be infiltrated for so many years.

It seems that the famous arrester with the jade card back then didn't even run out because he didn't reach the primordial spirit state.In this way, it is really possible.

"What's the matter? The jade brand is famous for arresting Poyun!" Hearing Yan Ye's shout next to him, for a moment, there was a touch of sadness in everyone's eyes.We treated you as a big brother, but you turned out to be an undercover agent, thinking about how to catch us every day, the minimum trust between people!

"That's good!" Looking at Yan Ye, although he didn't know whether what he said was true or not, he only needed to check the matter to find out.Forget it, get rid of these people first, as for Yan Ye, you can wait, anyway, Shen Kang doesn't think he can make any waves.

"Come on, let me give you a ride first!"

(End of this chapter)

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