I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 329 The Familiar Feeling

Chapter 329 The Familiar Feeling

"Master Shen, this, this is."

What kind of operation is this? It's just drinking a bowl of water, and a patient who sees his breath is going to be cured like this?And it seems that this person's spirit is much stronger than ordinary people, which has completely refreshed their three views.

I didn't see Shen Kang doing anything, except that there was a dazzling colorful butterfly beside him at some point, and the colorful halo around the flying room was dizzying.It is to take a bowl of water and give it to the patient, and then the patient recovers inexplicably.

Could it be the legendary witchcraft? Could it be that the owner of Shen Zhuang even has such skills?No way, if you really want that thing, why do you need these doctors?Let's just go home and farm!
But when these doctors were surprised, Shen Kang nodded in satisfaction.It seems that the reminder on the system is quite sincere. After the patient drank the water, not only the disease was eliminated, but also the vitality that was originally lost was replenished.

Even Shen Kang could clearly see that the opponent's energy was much stronger than that of ordinary people.Under the transformation of Qingqi, not only the pain disappeared, but also the energy was increased, and the strength was greatly increased, and the effect was much stronger than what I imagined.It is indeed a good thing out of the King's Treasure Box, it is really amazing!
"Go!" He waved to the colorful butterflies in mid-air, and under Shen Kang's control, the butterflies danced happily around the surroundings.And almost at the same time, all the patients who were close started to twitch violently.

"Master Shen, what's going on here?"

"It's okay, this is to get rid of the Gu worms, and soon the Gu poison on their bodies will be cured!"

"Get rid of Gu poison? Could it be..." He looked at the colorful butterfly in the air with a little shock, and all the disciples of Yaowanggu looked at each other in blank dismay.Other doctors may not know about it, but as disciples of Yaowanggu, they have heard about it more or less.

Among them, Sun Jingxiu has been in contact with the people of Southern Border early, and he has also been in contact with the Gu Art of Southern Border. No one knows what this means better than him.Being able to overwhelm other Gu insects so easily, this seemingly small and exquisite colorful butterfly in the midair must be extremely terrifying, and it may even be. . . . . . .Gu King!
"No, it shouldn't be possible. This butterfly may just be of a higher level!" As soon as Sun Jingxiu had this idea in his mind, he directly denied it.

After all, Nuo Da's southern border has many inherited forces.Among them, there are not many forces known for Gu poison, but how many have Gu kings.Possessing the power of the Gu King, he has absolute dominance over all the surrounding forces, and the Gu King itself represents absolute crushing!
He hurriedly stepped forward to check the pulse of these people, Sun Jingxiu pulled his beard, and his face suddenly beamed with joy.The Gu poison really retreated, well, in this way, what they have to solve is only the illnesses in these patients' bodies.

Although it was still very troublesome, at least it gave them hope!Gathering so many famous doctors, I still can't believe this hard bone, they can always come up with a solution!
But at this moment, Shen Kang at the side poured out a bucket of well water on his own, and this scene also fell into Sun Jingxiu's eyes.You know, the patient just drank a mouthful of well water, and it didn't take long for him to be alive and kicking.

Could it be that there is something wrong with this well water?But I have been drinking it for several days, but I don't see any effect, it is far inferior to the mountain spring water of their Yaowang Valley!

"Then, what is that?" Looking at Shen Kang, Sun Jingxiu frowned slightly.He seemed to vaguely see a jade bead the size of a baby's fist in Shen Kang's hand, and then Shen Kang quietly threw it into the water, and after a while, there seemed to be mist rising from the bucket.

Out of curiosity, Sun Jingxiu moved closer to that side, and he took a breath as the mist rose, but then he felt a sudden tremor all over his body.After inhaling the mist into his abdomen, he felt refreshed, and his whole body seemed to relax a lot, and even the wound that hadn't fully healed on his body slowed down.

"How is this possible?" You know, he is a master in the Yuanshen realm, and there are few panaceas that can work on him.What's more, the injury on his body has been maintained for so long, but he can barely suppress it. It may take more than half a year for him to recover completely.

But just smelling the mist that escaped from his mouth caused such a big change in him, which really surprised Sun Jingxiu.What kind of treasure is the jade bead in Shen Kang's hand?

"Come on, give this water to those patients!" Shen Kang quietly took the white jade heart-cleaning stone and hid it in a different space. Shen Kang handed the water bucket in his hand to the doctors next to him.

At this time, the doctors on the opposite side were also a little puzzled. We were frowning and trying to save others. What is the use of drinking water at this time.However, although they were full of doubts, they still took the wooden barrel from Shen Kang's hand honestly, and distributed the water to the patients to feed them according to Shen Kang's wishes.

What is unexpected is that after drinking the water, the patients who were originally terminally ill became rosy and full of energy.Seeing that posture, one by one wanted to get out of bed immediately and run around the city to vent.

"Miracle, it's really a miracle!" Just pour a bowl of water in, is that all right?But it doesn't make sense, a bowl of water can cure a disease, have all the medical skills I learned these years been in vain?

Although Sun Jingxiu on the side saw Shen Kang's movements, he didn't reveal anything.He understands the truth of the innocence of a husband and the guilt of a jade. If it wasn't for being acquainted with Shen Kang, I'm sorry, he would have wanted to snatch it.There are a lot of shameless people in the arena, and greedy thoughts are by no means a minority.

Those masters with high positions and strong skills are not all gentlemen.The reason why they seldom do it themselves is because at their level, there are not many things worth their hands.But once they are interested, their means are very low!

This rivers and lakes have never been a place for reasoning!
"Master Shen, let me help you!" Smiling at Shen Kang, Sun Jingxiu didn't point out or say anything, but started to work with Shen Kang.He doesn't have the arrogance of a master in the Yuanshen realm at all, and treats everyone with the same kindness.

For Sun Jingxiu at this time, fame and fortune, wealth and status are all things of the past.What he was thinking at this time was that if he could get rid of the epidemic disease in front of him earlier and save one more person, it would not be in vain for him to work hard for so long.

The combination of the colorful butterfly and the white jade heart-cleaning stone in his hand was almost seamless, and it didn't take long for the people in the entire city to be healed.Afterwards, Shen Kang personally held the two magic weapons, and Sun Jingxiu and the two gradually walked through more than half of the northern land, and the terrifying epidemic gradually decreased in silence.

"I don't know who this doctor is"

When Shen Kang came to Baiyu City in Ganzhou, he saw a doctor surrounded by patients from a distance.This person always gave him a feeling of déjà vu.But Shen Kang couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

"Master Shen doesn't know, that is the famous doctor He Xian, a well-known doctor in the north! Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Dr. He has been working non-stop to diagnose and treat the people every day, and even collapsed from exhaustion several times in the middle! "

"We all tried to persuade him to rest for a while, but he just refused. If he said that if he rested for a quarter of an hour, several innocent patients might die for him! The people in the city are all grateful to him!"

"He Xian, a famous doctor? I've obviously never seen him before, but why does he feel familiar..."

(End of this chapter)

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