Chapter 374

"This, doesn't this thing grow on the back of a giant tortoise!"

Coming to the white jade high platform, the circular column at the bottom was originally buried in the soil, and the content on it was naturally covered.At this time, the giant tortoise appeared, and the dirt and dust on its body shook off, and the handwriting pattern on the jade pillar at the bottom was naturally clearly displayed in front of their eyes.

Moreover, the ancestor of the Gu family keenly discovered after observation that it seemed that the white jade platform did not grow together with the shell of the giant tortoise.That is to say, the white jade platform is only supported on its back.

So as long as the giant tortoise doesn't stop them, they can take away the white jade high platform at any time. In this way, if such treasures are inherited like this, wouldn't they just fall into their own hands!
All of a sudden, the heart of the ancestor of the Gu family became hot again.

"Master Shen!" Just as he was about to reach out his hand, the Patriarch of the Gu family drew back again.Although he wanted good things very much, there was Shen Kang beside him.The ancestor of the Gu family deeply remembered how he was hanged and beaten before.

If he dared to take it all by himself, the owner of Shen Zhuang who was at the side would definitely not mind hanging him up again. If he didn't do it right, it would be a situation where he lost both money and man.

So, the more this time comes, the more calm I have to be!Don't be greedy, be steady!
"This..." Seeing that the ancestor of the Gu family seemed to be fine, Shen Kang couldn't help becoming more courageous. It seemed that the giant turtle really didn't take them seriously.

It's right to think about it, the combination of myself and the ancestor of the Gu family only weighs so much, and it's just as heavy as an ant to a giant tortoise.As long as they don't do it, it should be fine.

Come, attract the past.The graphics on this are too mysterious and terrifying, and the strokes and strokes seem to have exhausted the truth of heaven and earth.The twelve patterns surround a large circle, as if echoing and sympathetic front and back, and together form a whole connected end to end.

With Shen Kang's state at this time, his mind trembles just by looking at it. If he is not greedy enough and wants to keep staring at it, he may be in danger of mental breakdown.Perhaps, only at the level of the great master of the Dao Realm, is it possible to have such capital, to see and understand it openly!
The white jade platform in front of him is several meters high.If Shen Kang's guess is correct, it should be carved and painted from a whole piece of flawless warm white jade.

Just this whole piece of white jade can be called a treasure, not to mention the mysterious patterns attached to it.Didn't look at the ancestor of the Gu family next to him, he almost couldn't take his eyes off.

Something like this has to be taken away.He reached out his hand to lift the white jade platform, but Shen Kang exerted a little force, but the white jade platform did not move at all.Try harder, I'll wipe!Still not moving!

"Give me up!" In the end, Shen Kang almost used all his strength, and the white jade platform in front of him only shook a few times, and the shaking was not obvious.

Can't help swallowing, Shen Kang then gave up, it's really hard to imagine how heavy the Baiyutai, which is not so high, is.You must know that he is now a perfect golden bell, and the strength of his arms is more than tens of thousands of catties.

Coupled with the current peak power of the eighth level of Yuanshen Realm, he is confident that even a small mountain can be moved, but there is nothing he can do about the white jade platform that is only a few meters high in front of him.

"Ah!" Sighing helplessly, Shen Kang slightly shook his head helplessly.He really wants this thing, but he can't hold it, so what should he do!
"Senior Gu, you should come!"

"I'm coming?!" I thought that the Baiyu Terrace would be handed over to others, and I could only go to Wanjian Villa to learn enlightenment in the future.In the end, Shen Kang just tried it out and asked him to move it. The surprise came so suddenly, the smile on the face of the ancestor of the Gu family could have been as bright as it could have been.

However, as a veteran of Jianghu, the ancestor of the Gu family would not trust others easily.Turning his head to look at Shen Kang again, he was afraid that Shen Kang dug a hole for him.Is this little bastard really that noble?Can't you be tempted by such a treasure in front of your eyes?

"Master Shen, treasures are naturally housed by those who are virtuous. You and I are here, and Master Shen deserves it. So the old man thinks that it is better for Master Shen to take this thing with you, but please ask Master Shen to take it with you. Give this old man a chance to comprehend!"

"I want it too, but I can't move it, so what can I do!" Although there was a burst of complaints in his heart, Shen Kang was still calm on the surface, as if he didn't take anything seriously.

"No need, if senior Gu can take this thing away, then you will take this white jade platform first, senior. But we agreed in advance, the rules of the rivers and lakes is that those who see it have a share. This white jade platform is owned by you and my family." In the future, my disciples of Wanjian Villa can go and comprehend it at will!"

"Master Shen's words are serious?"


"Okay, then it's a deal!" After receiving Shen Kang's affirmation, a wave of ecstasy surged into my heart. I thought it would be good to leave myself a place for enlightenment in the end, but I didn't expect that I would actually end up in the Gu family. come here.

Although this thing is said to be owned by the two families, but it is kept in their Gu family, so their Gu family disciples can naturally understand it at will.It is not difficult to comprehend the mysterious aura in this pattern as long as you study it every day.In the future, how many masters can the Gu family cultivate with just this white jade platform? !
Of course, the most important thing is that things are kept at home.Then you can look at it however you want, and you don't have to look at people's faces.Just thinking about it a little bit in my heart, I couldn't stop the inexplicable excitement.

He stretched out a hand, ready to lift up the Baiyutai.As a result, Baiyutai didn't move when he tried hard.No matter how hard I tried, it still didn't move!I'll go, this Baiyu Terrace is weird, it's definitely not an ordinary white jade!

"Drink!" Can't help shouting, the ancestor of the Gu family gathered all his skills, grabbed the pillar under the white jade platform with both hands, and lifted it up little by little with all his strength.

The ancestor of the Gu family tried his best, but he could only lift up a little bit.A white jade platform only a few meters high is actually heavier than a towering mountain.This giant tortoise has been carried on its back for many years, and it seems that it has carried several mountain peaks on its back.

I rub it, this thing is really heavy, my old waist!
He looked relaxed and freehand, but he blushed and had a thick neck and almost couldn't bear it. The strength of this giant tortoise was probably beyond his imagination.

You must know that a world weightlifting champion can lift hundreds of kilograms, just like the ancestor of the Gu family now.But if you let him try it for ten or eight years, let alone ten or eight years, you can try it for 10 minutes and 8 minutes, and he won't be exhausted.

This giant tortoise has carried the Baiyu Terrace on its back for at least hundreds of years or even longer, I really don't know where its limit is, I can't afford to mess with it!
"The power of space!" Shen Kang felt the power of space the moment the patriarch of the Gu family lifted the white jade platform.A space-time vortex appeared, and the ancestor of the Gu family looked back at Shen Kang, then at the white jade table in his hand, and immediately took the initiative to cater to this force of space, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I'll go, wouldn't it be enough to lift the Baiyutai to complete the trial?Thinking about it would be right, if Shen Kang hadn't taken out the food he treasured.Once the giant tortoise, which has been hungry for hundreds of years, appears, they will never let them go, and there will definitely be a fight in the end.

If he could defeat this giant tortoise, he would naturally take away Baiyutai.In this way, the final trial is completed and the final inheritance is obtained!

I wipe, no, I gave the food, and all the hard work is mine, and in the end you took advantage of it.You, a Daoist master, patted your ass and slipped away. You didn't think about taking me with you at all, so what should you do if you leave me alone?

When the atmosphere was distressing, for some reason, Shen Kang always felt as if someone was staring at him.Looking back, the giant tortoise's lantern-sized eyes were staring straight at him, making Shen Kang feel guilty for a while, and the teleportation talisman in his hand tightened.

The giant tortoise was very excited after seeing the white jade platform on its back disappear.Xuepen opened his mouth violently, and Shen Kang's heart trembled when he saw it.

I really don't have any food on my body. With my small body, I guess it's not enough to fit between my teeth.No, I have to run, or it will be dinner!

Unexpectedly, the giant tortoise opened its bloody mouth and did not bite Shen Kang, but spit out a two-meter-high white jade tablet from its mouth.The white jade stele fell towards the sky, and it sat quietly in front of Shen Kang.

"It turned out to be a white jade tablet. Is this a tablet without words?"

(End of this chapter)

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