Chapter 378 Help Me
"Hurry up, at this speed, we should be able to return to Wanjian Villa by working hard tonight!"

Sitting on the back of the giant tortoise, Shen Kang leisurely looked at the surrounding night, and he couldn't help feeling much better when he thought about the Gu family.

To be honest, the Gu family has a great career, and there are quite a few capable people.Fortunately, Shen Kang transferred Wan Sanqian here in advance, otherwise, if Shen Kang was allowed to talk by himself, it would probably make people foolishly unable to find things, how could there be such benefits.

Against thousands of gifted businessmen like Thirteen Thousand, the shopkeepers of the Gu family pale in comparison.Within a few rounds, he was led by the nose by Wan Sanqian.The opponents of the two parties are not heavyweights, and the whole process of negotiation has been carried out quite smoothly.

It's just that when the final result came out, Gu Qiming, the owner who saw it, was so distressed that he almost didn't curse.Judging by the ugly face, it is estimated that within three to five days, he will not be able to eat.

This time Wansanqian went out, not only did the Gu family spit out all the profits they had spent a lot of time getting from the Fang family, but also lost a lot of their own property.It's not like there's some blood from the Gu family, it's clearly cutting flesh.

But thinking about the white jade high platform, and thinking about the consequences of a war, the Gu family gritted their teeth and took them all out.Distressed is distressed, but they can still distinguish between short-term interests and long-term interests.

After leaving Gu's house, Wan Sanqian and the others took the golden eagle back, while Shen Kang took the giant tortoise by land.There is no way, such a giant tortoise has to find a way to transport it back to Wanjian Villa.With such a strong combat power, Shen Kang couldn't bear to lose it halfway.

However, I thought the giant tortoise moved slowly, but it actually ran beyond Shen Kang's imagination.It is not an exaggeration to describe this speed as lightning fast, and coupled with that huge body, it is even faster when it moves.

In order not to shock the world, Shen Kang usually stays out at night, just to avoid scaring people.When a giant tortoise walks, it is a moving mountain. When have ordinary people seen such a big tortoise, they are not scared to death.

But sometimes, I was really afraid of something. When Shen Kang was moving fast through the forest, a figure suddenly rushed out from the forest.It didn't look real in the vast night, and I didn't find out until Shen Kang was nearby.

"Stop!" When Shen Kang saw this person, he immediately yelled, and the giant tortoise stopped immediately.It was only half a step away from the girl who suddenly appeared!

This time, Shen Kang was startled when he saw it.If the speed of the giant tortoise stopped a little slower, such a big tortoise claw would step down, unless the girl had the strength of at least Yuanshen Realm, otherwise she would be gone in one shot.

Do you know the traffic laws, do you know how to travel in a civilized manner, when you see such a big and fast moving turtle, don't you know how to hide?This night's rampage, what to do if you get knocked and bumped, it's yours or mine!

Before Shen Kang could get angry, the girl opposite had already raised her head and looked over in confusion.He wanted to say something, but before he could speak, he fainted.

"Dizzy? It didn't happen to me, so why are you still dizzy? What do you want to do? Could it be that you want to touch porcelain?" Shen Kang jumped off the back of the giant turtle, and came to the side of the fainted girl. .Could it be that a business like Pengci dares to develop into this different world these years?
"It turned out to be really dizzy!" Taking the pulse of the girl in front of him, Shen Kang probably understood the general situation.

If there is nothing unexpected about this girl's makeup, she should be from the Jianghu. It should be due to exhaustion of energy due to unknown reasons, plus it should be exhausted from long-term travel, and then she was suddenly frightened, so she fainted before she recovered. past.

"Small problem!" It was just dizziness, which was nothing to Shen Kang.You just need to give her some real energy later, and then let her rest a little slowly, and there should be nothing wrong.

It's just that there are no homes in the vast mountains and forests around, so if you leave people here.Bao Buqi was seen by those passing beasts, and it might not be possible to save anything the next day.

"Come on!" After a little thought, Shen Kang made a decision.Picking up the girl, Shen Kang placed her on the back of the giant turtle and placed it beside him.Although I don't know why the girl appeared here, but there are vast mountains and forests around, and there is not even a personal home, so her home must not be nearby.

It's better to take it back to Wanjian Villa first, wait for the girl to be raised, and send it back directly if she wants to leave.

"Let's go, go home tonight, I'll treat you to a big meal!!"

Shen Kang's voice came from next to his ear, and the giant tortoise let out a roar, appearing extremely excited.Then the giant tortoise moved forward again, and the speed seemed to be a little faster than before!

"Brother, he's gone!" Not long after Shen Kang left, several muscular men rushed out of the forest again, with angry expressions on their faces.

"Brother, I looked at it from a distance just now, and it seems that the woman was taken away by the kid in front! What should I do?"

"I saw it, and you still need to say it!" Looking towards Shen Kang, the leading strong man frowned.

It's not that he's timid, it's that the giant tortoise runs too fast, the giant tortoise can't catch up with their speed, even if it catches up, with such a big tortoise, with such a huge head, how could he is the opponent.

It would be better if the giant tortoise had a milder personality, but if it was a bit more vicious, I wouldn't be able to swallow it with my small body.How to call, isn't that to deliver food!
After a while, the leading strong man said helplessly, "Go back and report to Master first, you two, let me find out who that person was just now?"

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not start conflicts at will, understand!"

"Okay, big brother, don't worry!" Looking carefully at the distance, the two nodded solemnly at the same time.They are not stupid, they will definitely be able to beat this giant tortoise, let alone the person on its back.Little lives are so precious, they won't do things that would kill them!

"woke up?"

"You, you are." Slowly opened his eyes, and saw the stranger at a glance.To be honest, when she first saw Shen Kang, the girl was so on guard that she almost attacked, but then she was relieved.

If Shen Kang was really the one who arrested her, he wouldn't have such an attitude at this time, he would have taken turns greeting her with tiger stool chili water.

After carefully looking around, the girl was completely relieved.Before she was running, she suddenly saw a huge turtle.Looking down at that ferocious head, the cold eyes shining with cold light made people tremble, it was simply terrifying!
I must have been too tired just now, so I had hallucinations, how could there be such a big giant tortoise in this world!
Wait, why are the scenery on both sides receding rapidly? Aren't they on flat ground?This foot doesn't look like land, but rather a turtle shell?

Could it be that he is on the back of that huge tortoise?What are you kidding?When did this world get so crazy?

"Girl, what's your name?"

"I, my name is Lu Qingqing!" Shen Kang's voice came from next to his ear, and Lu Qingqing, who came back to his senses, saw Shen Kang next to him, and knew what happened without asking.

"Thank you benefactor for saving me. I don't know what benefactor's name is. I will repay my life-saving grace in the future!"

"My name is Shen Kang. It's easy to save you, and it's okay to repay your favor. Everyone walks in the rivers and lakes, and it's considered helping each other!"

Lying down again in a lazy posture, his ears could almost hear calluses about words like repaying a favor. He has been a chivalrous man for so long, and there are many people who say these words, but no one has come to repay his favor.

Look at the girl in front of me who is slim, good-looking, and quite pleasing to the eye, but like everyone else, she only writes empty promises, so you can do something practical.

If they are really penniless and sincerely grateful after being rescued, most women would still know how to promise each other with their bodies.This one just said that he will report it in the future, and there is no more to say.

Future?Who knows how long it will take?Isn't this nonsense!
"My benefactor's name is Shen Kang? Why is this name so familiar? Wait, you, you are Shen Kang of Feixianjian?!"

She stared at Shen Kang for a long while with a shocked expression on her face, and then the girl knelt down with a sad expression on her face, "Hero Shen, I want you to help me avenge me!"

"I also ask Shen Daxia to help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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