Chapter 441 Anger

"It's such a familiar place, it's really nostalgic!"

Stepping into the familiar small mountain village, the mountain air is exceptionally fresh and cool.At a glance, it is full of rolling green mountains, and birds are often startled in the mountains.The continuous mountains support the surrounding mountain villages, large and small.

Walking on the road, Shen Kang couldn't help but start to replay those days when he was poor but leisurely and contented in his mind.Scenes from the past seemed to rush to his mind at this moment, which added a little warmth to his tenacious will.

Everything around seems so peaceful and peaceful, like a paradise, but they don't know that in this seemingly peaceful small mountain village, they are suffering and suffering that they shouldn't have.

As the lowest level of mountain people, life is not easy.However, this world is still a world of high-end rivers and lakes, where masters of the rivers and lakes emerge in endlessly, and even malicious people can be found everywhere.

Many small mountain villages like this may disappear every year, and innocent people will die in inexplicable rivers and lakes all the time.

These lowest-level, most industrious and simple mountain people are not taken seriously by those high-ranking masters of the rivers and lakes. They will only be bullied and oppressed wantonly, and become the objects of whatever they want, just like at this moment.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't bear it, the old village chief wouldn't risk his face to find Shen Kang.When Shen Kang was taken away by the Shen family, the Shen family in Moyang City was an unimaginably wealthy family in the eyes of these villagers, and they were an unimaginable existence to look up to.

Therefore, when the village was almost at the end of its rope, the old village head was forced to leave for Moyang City.He didn't even know if Shen Kang, who lived in wealth, had already forgotten them.

But Shen Kang is already the last hope they can grasp, and it is also the choice they have to choose, they have no choice.If this continues, the entire village will slowly perish!

"I beg you, he's still a kid, I beg you!!"

When Shen Kang approached here, there was a sudden burst of painful begging, almost hoarse tearing and crying.Colleagues, accompanied by a few angry curses, seemed very harsh!
"Child? Look, he's 14 years old. You say he's a child? Get the hell out of here!" Kicking the weak woman down, the man even patted his boots in distaste. He said impatiently, "Bah! Shame on you, don't ask for trouble!"

"Come on, take them all away, don't leave a single one behind. Let alone 14 years old, anyone who is ten years old can work, take away everyone over ten years old!"

"Stop it!" Looking at this scene full of evil spirits, although Shen Kang's face was still calm at this time, his heart was already full of anger.At this moment, Shen Kang is like an active volcano, which may erupt at any time.

"Xiu, Master Xiucai?" When she saw Shen Kang, the middle-aged woman who was kicked to the ground recognized him immediately, and then a hint of surprise flashed across her face, as if she had found support.

Everyone in the village knew that the village chief took a few people to find Shen Kang, a scholar, without hesitation, but after such a long time, there was no news.Many people said that the village head and the others might have been killed outside.

After all, these days, there are countless bandits in the world, and strong men who rob houses are everywhere. Traveling far away is a dangerous thing.If you are not careful, you may be targeted by bandits with martial arts skills.

For Shen Kang, traveling may be nothing more than traveling in the mountains and rivers, and there are really not many people in Nuo Da's world that can pose a threat to him.But for ordinary people, this may be a difficult test.Thousands of miles apart, whether you can get there smoothly depends entirely on luck.

Seeing Shen Kang coming at this time proved that the village chief and the others were fine.And they all knew that Shen Kang was taken away by a wealthy family. Once he came, things would definitely turn around!

"Who are you?" Can't help but look up and down Shen Kang, a strange color flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man.Years of dog-legged experience did not make him feel ashamed and brave, but instead allowed him to develop a "smart eye" for distinguishing people, so that he can be counseled when it is time to counsel.

Although Shen Kang couldn't see the material in this strong outfit, he understood it based on his experience, and it was definitely not expensive.The beautiful jade on the waist is crystal clear and shimmering, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is worth a thousand gold.

His eyes are piercing and he looks forward to flying, obviously having a strong self-confidence.His expression is stern, and he is not angry and majestic, which is obviously the aura that can only be cultivated when he is in a high position.

Just after looking at it for a while, this person already has calculations in his heart.This is by no means an ordinary person, at least not someone who runs errands like me.How could such a person appear here.An inconspicuous small mountain village, what kind of big shots will they know?

Just now the shrew said that this person is a scholar?Can a show have such momentum?Don't be ridiculous, he has seen three hundred scholars instead of five hundred. How can people from ordinary families have such awe?

"Little Douzi, are you okay!" Shen Kang, ignoring the middle-aged man next to him and the few dogs around him, helped Xiaodouzi up and patted the dirt on his body.

The small mountain village is not too big, and dozens of families know each other.I haven't seen you for a few years, and Xiaodouzi is already 14 years old.It's just that Xiaodouzi is obviously malnourished. At the age of 14, he has a body of at most 12 years old, with a disheveled face and skinny bones, as if he has been abused for several years.

"Scholar!" After being helped up by Shen Kang, Xiaodouzi's flustered expression gradually calmed down.It was as if Shen Kang's appearance had given him inexplicable confidence.

"How is this going?"

"Mr. Xiucai!" After being supported by someone, the middle-aged woman became a little more courageous, and said with a little fear, "These people are here to pull people again. Before, Doudou's father was taken away, and he hasn't come back yet. Now they Not even Little Douzi will be spared!"

"Little Douzi is my life, I can't live without him. Mr. Xiucai, you have to make the decision for me!"

"Really?" Frowning slightly, Shen Kang looked at the people beside him, revealing an invisible murderous intent, which instantly made them tremble all over, all of them were inexplicably terrified, as if they couldn't even stand still.

"I ask, you answer, if you make a wrong sentence, you will be disabled!"

"Yes, yes!" The cold sweat on his forehead didn't have time to wipe off. As soon as this terrifying momentum appeared, he knew that he had kicked an iron plate this time. No, this is not an iron plate. This is clearly a mountain that can crush people. the mountains!
Now they are like ants looking up at the towering mountains that stretch for thousands of miles. It feels as if they are unattainable and walking on thin ice.Even a small stone falling from the mountain is enough to kill them!How could they not panic, how could they not be afraid?
"Where did you take the people in the village?"

"This, this..."

"Say!" His eyes turned cold, Shen Kang was not in the mood to talk nonsense with these youngsters, he knew from the old village head that the situation of the villagers who were taken away was not optimistic, and they might even be in danger of their lives.

At this moment, Shen Kang's momentum was unreservedly released.In an instant, it seemed as if the world was changing suddenly under this momentum, and the space seemed to tremble.

All things shrouded by this momentum trembled, as if they felt disasters such as earthquakes, and they were in constant panic.The few people on the opposite side were even more unbearable under this momentum.

The terrifying aura that descended suddenly was like a thousand-mile mountain pressing down across the sky, and the people on the opposite side fell to the ground fiercely in an extremely indecent manner in an instant.His face was flushed, and his whole body was soaked with sweat. It was as if he was suffocating under this terrifying pressure.

"I said, I said!" I shouted with the last bit of strength, and only then did I feel that the terrible suffocation feeling on my body was slightly weakened.

"We are from the Hua family!"

"The flower family? Which flower family?"

(End of this chapter)

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