I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 471 A Good Thing For You

Chapter 471 A Good Thing For You
"Come on, wait for a while, it's almost there!"

Looking at the chivalry point on his system panel, Shen Kang's eyes were burning.Cheng Ruoyang, a blood knife, allowed him to get a full [-] chivalrous points, more than half of the chivalrous points needed to become a Daoist master.Thousands of miles to send chivalrous points, this is the real kindness!

However, Shen Kang was not idle during this period, but chose to attack everywhere, killing and exterminating the list of villains collected by Wanjian Villa and the arresting gate one by one.

Although more than half of the chivalrous points have been collected, the remaining tens of thousands of chivalrous points are still a long way to go, so Shen Kang should work harder.

Up to now, the chivalry points in Shen Kang's account have exceeded [-], and basically only [-] to [-] points are enough.He seems to have reached this level and is beckoning to himself. As long as he works harder, he will be able to step into this level in a short time.

During this period of time, Shen Kang was having fun, but the world was in a state of panic.In the past, those villains all behaved with their tails between their legs, or ran to the deep mountains and old forests to avoid the limelight, for fear that Shen Kang would come to the door.

Those masters of the rivers and lakes who don't care about ordinary people are now paying special attention not to affect others.Everyone was careful, for fear of being targeted by the group of lunatics in Wanjian Villa, and they might be beaten severely.

Even those who used to want to draw their knives and slash each other, now they greet each other with smiles. In short, they can do evil if they can, and they can't do anything if they can.For a moment, it seemed that the world was cleared up.

Half of the rumors in the world are about Wanjian Villa.They found out where the master did evil, and who died under his Shen Kang sword, and there were news updates almost every day.

You talk about a master who is dignified and complete in the primordial spirit state, maintains his own style without being superior, and has nothing to do with these low-level minions.

They used to think that Shen Kang did this to gain fame. After all, he is a rising star and his reputation is not obvious, so of course some publicity methods are needed.Dealing with those villains in the rivers and lakes will naturally make the reputation of chivalry all over the world faster.

But now, at this time, everyone suddenly discovered that the rising star in their eyes turned out to be a master of Yuanshen Realm Yuanman. Does being famous mean anything to others?

Everyone immediately understood that Shen Kang was not doing this to gain fame, he was purely interested in this.Not only he likes this, but all the masters of Wanjian Villa seem to like this.

In addition to him, the owner of the villa, who is doing it himself, there are three other masters of the Yuanshen realm in Wanjian Villa who are also doing the same.In short, in the eyes of most people in Jianghu, Wanjian Villa is a den of lunatics, and the entire Jianghu has never seen such a thing done!

This period of time is a day of torment and darkness for those villains who were arrogant and domineering in the past.At this moment, they are afraid that they are all tearful and speechless nesting in a secret place, while eating the hard steamed buns, while the cold wind is blowing and cursing.

"System, I want to draw a lottery!"

Time passed by, and soon it was time for another lottery draw.After Shen Kang finished speaking, the familiar panel appeared in front of his eyes, above the endless starry sky, the familiar turntable hung high above it.

As Shen Kang's thoughts fell, the turntable began to spin rapidly, making it dizzying to see clearly.Even with Yi Shen Kang's skill at this time, it is still difficult to distinguish.

"Congratulations to the host, you got a diamond treasure chest!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting a king's treasure chest!"

After some lottery draws and treasure chest synthesis, Shen Kang finally got two king treasure chests, two diamond treasure chests, and one gold treasure chest left. It can be said that he has gained a lot.

It's a pity that the starry sky treasure chest just doesn't appear, this thing is really hard to get.At this moment, he had to face a strong enemy again, so of course these treasure chests could not be accumulated, they had to be used immediately and turned into practical means.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Kang quietly looked at the treasure chests surrounding him, and said a little excitedly, "System, open the King's treasure chest!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Golden Ring of Yuling! The golden ring of Yuling can guard against all things. Anyone who uses this thing's strength does not exceed the strength of the Daoist Grand Master can use it for his own use. With the blessing of the golden ring, those who are subdued can use it for their own use." Combat power doubled!"

"The system is a friendly reminder that those who are strongly hostile to the host have a certain chance of failure! The Golden Ring of Yuling can only be used once, and once bound, it cannot be undone!"

"Golden Ring of Yuling!" Looking at the ordinary little golden ring floating in the system, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Shen Kang's mouth.Originally, he was still thinking about how to subdue the giant tortoise, but with this thing, it would be easy to catch!

What's more, the Yuling Golden Ring can also bless the combat power, multiplying its combat power.Originally, the power of the giant tortoise was extremely terrifying, and ordinary Daoist masters could only be abused in the face of it.If after using the Yuling Golden Ring, the strength increases dramatically, with such a terrifying giant turtle sitting in the town, Wanjian Villa will be as stable as a rock!

Putting away the golden ring, Shen Kang said again, "System, open the king's treasure chest!"

"Congratulations to the host, I got a substitute puppet. After using it, the substitute puppet can transform into the appearance of the host, which is exactly the same as the host, without any flaws!"

"If the host's realm does not exceed the Dao Realm Grand Master, he has half of the host's combat power. If the host suffers a fatal injury, it can be offset by a substitute puppet! The system gives a friendly reminder that if the substitute puppet offsets this fatal injury for the host, after the offset, the substitute puppet will completely Destroy!"

"I'll wipe it!" Seeing the above introduction, Shen Kang's eyes almost lit up.What has one's own general combat power is secondary, the key is that a fatal injury can be offset by a stand-in puppet, isn't this equivalent to giving oneself a life!

Although I have drawn treasures such as fairy beans and Tianxiang cardamom before, the premise is that you have the opportunity to eat them.When you really meet some top masters, they will kill you with a wave of their hands, and there is no chance to take medicine at all.

What's more, in normal times, the stand-in puppet can also change into its own appearance to confuse others, and it also has its own general combat power.His current combat power is also quite impressive. With such power, then this puppet is no small feat!
"Good stuff, put it away!" Putting away the stand-in puppet, Shen Kang said again, "System, open the diamond treasure chest!"

"Congratulations to the host, I got a beast spirit pill! Beast spirit pill, the beast suit can purify blood, increase strength, and even have a certain chance to break through evolution!"

"Beast Spirit Pill!" I finally drew this thing again. I had drawn the Beast Spirit Pill several times before, but it was swallowed up by the small bugs in my own medium, and nothing was left behind.It is said that the golden eagle has been with me for so long, and it is time to give some benefits to others.

"System, open the remaining diamond treasure chests!"

"Congratulations to the host, I got a Wanli teleportation talisman! After using it, you can teleport to thousands of miles away in an instant. The system friendly reminder, after using the Wanli teleportation talisman, the landing location is unknown, the host please use it with caution!"

"Ten Thousand Miles Teleportation Charm?" Looking at the Teleportation Talisman on the system, Shen Kang scratched his head for a while, even if you gave him this thing, he wouldn't dare to use it.Thousands of miles away, the danger is unknown. If it falls into the sea, or comes directly to the crater, then the fun will be great.

But anyway, the system has drawn it, so keep it for now, in case it is used later.The most important thing right now is the Golden Ring of Yuling, first use it for the lazy giant tortoise.

As soon as he thought about it, Shen Kang finished opening the treasure chest, stored the golden treasure chest into the system, and immediately went out to the mountain where the giant turtle nested in his hand with the Golden Ring of Yuling.While holding the gold ring, Shen Kang was smiling all over his face.

When Shen Kang came, seeing the smile on his face, the giant tortoise shuddered inexplicably, and looked at the little one in front of him uncertainly.I don't know why, but it always feels like something bad is happening.

Wait, what is that little gold ring in this little guy's hand, and why does the smile on his face seem to have malicious intentions no matter how you look at it!
"Come on, we've known each other for so long, I'll give you a nice gift today!"

(End of this chapter)

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