I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 509 Take him there

Chapter 509 Take him there

"Then I'll just say it, let me declare in advance, these are just my guesses!"

Shen Kang understands that these two have nothing to say about matters above the court. If he can mobilize the power of the entire court, it will naturally be of great benefit to him to complete the task.

If he informs Jianghu about this matter again, Jianghu will definitely attack these infected people. When Jianghu and the court join forces, where can they hide?

"Master Shen, please tell me!"

"It's like this. In that place of inheritance, there is still a remnant of tempering one's own blood. This method has the miraculous effect of tempering blood and forging the foundation. It should be that most of the latter part was deliberately destroyed. Leave the previous ones behind!"

"Even the small part above is enough for those who have learned this secret technique to completely refine the absorbed blood essence for their own use, enough to make their bloodlines stronger and stronger!"

"It's just a small way to temper the blood, what's so strange?"

"Small method? Heh, how can the method left by the immortal level master be a small method? What I said has miraculous effects is really miraculous. The kind with immediate results, I am not exaggerating with you!"

"Really?" The things left by immortal-level masters are naturally extraordinary, so how can they be taken lightly?

"I'm afraid that after these infected masters practice the method of tempering the bloodlines, the bloodlines will be tempered more and more tyrannically. And their own affected will will gradually melt into the blood. At that time, I worry that their blood will Wouldn't it be able to infect others as well?"

"You mean, you're worried about them." As soon as Shen Kang finished speaking, the two of them understood.If it was only those people infected by the blood in the blood pool, although it would be troublesome to find it, they believed that they could completely control it.

But if Shen Kang's guess is true, then one person infected by blood droplets will infect countless others. If things go on like this, the turmoil caused will never be small, and there will definitely be big troubles.

"You always arrest the head? Let him come to see me!"

After the old man opened his mouth, he didn't wait for an answer.The several headhunters who were suppressed by Shen Kang's momentum not only did not speak, but even their eyes showed a desire to die.Obviously, he completely ignored what the two said, and might even regard them as being with Shen Kang.

Three people came to our place to play the double reed. Where do you think this is? This is the catcher. They are all experienced gold medal headhunters.

Of course, today's battle is a bit big, and they dare not raise their heads under the pressure of the three Dao Realm Grandmasters.But the problem is that your strategy is too incompetent, brother, when I used this trick, it was decades ago.

"Seniors, you two." Although Shen Kang didn't speak, the meaning was already obvious.You can't even order a small headhunter, and the two of you are not doing well.

Seeing such a situation, what can the old man say.How noble their identities are, how could some small headhunters have seen them.Reluctantly, he took out a jade token from his bosom and waved it in front of them, and the faces of the big headhunters suddenly changed drastically.

"This, this token is. I don't know, please."

"Okay, no need to talk nonsense!" The old man interrupted them unceremoniously, and asked anxiously in his heart, "You are always arresting the head, how many of you are famous arresters?"

"This, we really don't know. The head-hunting jade talisman passed on the letter, and Shen Kang, the owner of Wanjian Villa, is called a hero, but in fact he is a bloodthirsty villain secretly, with countless innocent blood in his hands!"

"So, so once the owner Shen arrives here, let us notify him immediately, at this moment, at this moment."

"What?" Hearing these words, Shen Kang couldn't help but sigh in admiration.What a residual leaf, even if it is affected, it is still thoughtful!
Moreover, Can Ye is worthy of being the chief arrester, with rich experience in handling cases and meticulous attention to detail.When Shen Kang had some doubts about him, he must also be worried whether Shen Kang saw something.

It's no wonder that not long after Shen Kang left, the whole army of Zunmen was wiped out. Without asking, he knew that it must have something to do with Can Ye.And since then, it has disappeared without a trace, not only the residual leaf, but also several famous arresters of the trap door.

It's just that he wasn't sure whether Shen Kang had noticed it, so he ordered the arrester to pay attention to Shen Kang's whereabouts.Once Shen Kang went to the arresting gate and asked him where he was, it meant that he was really exposed, and then he would naturally try his best to hide.

Now that Shen Kang has been here for a long time, it is estimated that the residual leaf has gone to nowhere.

"Really?" The two old men looked at each other. For Shen Kang, there must be something wrong with the residual leaf.But for the two old men, they didn't think so.

One is the chief arrester under the imperial court, and the other is an unknown master. The two sides hold their own opinions. Who do you think they will believe and who should they believe?Who can guarantee that what Shen Kang said is true?Who can guarantee that Shen Kang is really dedicated to the public?
Although some infected masters are troublesome, they are not too worried.But if a Daoist master is doing things behind the scenes, it will be different, and the damage will be multiplied.

"Two seniors, ask them to take me to the room of the residual leaves. There should be residual leaves left behind, and I can find his location based on the scent!"

"Master Shen, don't worry about the leftover leaves. Naturally, the court will take care of it. Master Shen is here, so let me wait to do what is best for the landlord!"

"Seniors, this matter is imminent. I don't know how many people will be killed a quarter of an hour later. How can I be in the mood? Wait, do you believe me?"

At this time, Shen Kang also realized that the attitude of the two old men was completely scrutinized with suspicion, and they clearly did not trust him.That's right, how can people believe that I have a red mouth and white teeth.If one fails, he will be beaten up.

"No need! Thinking of this, Shen Kang's mind also turned cold. Who has the time to spend with you, and after they find out, they don't know how long it has been. He should find the room of the residual leaf by himself.

"Master Shen, you are wrong. Since you are in the capital, you can do whatever you want!" Seeing that Shen Kang wanted to leave, one of them stopped Shen Kang and blocked him inside.

"Are you going to stop me?" A cold light flashed in his eyes, Shen Kang's heavy aura mixed with the power of the space was about to explode, and there were waves of waves in the space.

"How is this possible?" The momentum on Shen Kang's body made them feel a threatening feeling on their backs. They knew that if they really dared to turn their backs, they would never be able to please them. What kind of cultivation is the other party?
"Can I ask, what does this matter have to do with you, Master Shen? Why are you so enthusiastic, Master Shen?"

"This matter doesn't have much to do with me, but I have seen those masters who have been infected, bloodthirsty and easy to kill, and they will inevitably harm the people. I don't know how many people will be affected by then. Since we have a little Boli, you should do your best!"

"Although I, Shen Kang, am not talented, I know what I should do. Such things don't need to have anything to do with me, let alone a reason, as long as I have a clear heart!"

Although the reason why Shen Kang is so enthusiastic is selfish, but in his heart he really wants to prevent such things from happening.Whether it's a vendetta in the rivers and lakes, or a conspiracy set up by top experts, most of the people who suffer in the end are ordinary people.

These ordinary people work at sunrise and rest at sunset, living a harmonious and regular life. Did you mess with you?You fight and dig a hole, but you don't care if it will affect others, why do you?
So much so that in the end, Shen Kang became calmer, and his voice became more resonant. The arrogance in his body naturally diffused into his whole body and quietly bloomed, and an inexplicable aura appeared, which made people look sideways!
"It's a joke, it's just a reckless man who pretends to care about the common people, Uncle Wang, don't tell me it's nonsense, look at him"

"That's enough, take Master Shen!"

"Uncle Wang, what did you just say?"

"I said take him!"

(End of this chapter)

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