Chapter 549
"Sharp weapon, panacea, I have all these things in Wanjian Villa, why don't you change the condition?"

"Another condition?" For a moment, Zhuo Yucheng couldn't react.Could it be that the owner of Wanjian Villa, who was so powerful in the world just now and who was so crazy in the rumors of Jianghu, is now cowardly?
Or is it that the owner of Wanjian Villa has always been so unreliable?

"Master Shen, I have only one condition, help me take back Wuye City!" Taking a deep breath, Zhuo Yucheng knelt there quietly, not saying a word.But in his eyes, there was only determination left.

"Is there only one condition? This is a little troublesome!" Of course, it is just a little troublesome for Shen Kang to take back the Nightless City.It's just that Shen Kang doesn't like being used as a gunman, even if he is exchanged for immortal grass.

"Master Shen, don't worry, Tian Zhong was seriously injured in the early years, and these years he barely survived by absorbing the vitality of the immortal grass, and his strength has long since disappeared!"

"At this time, I will bring out the immortal grass. He is just at the end of his strength, and it is easy to deal with him with Master Shen's martial arts!"

Perhaps seeing Shen Kang's concerns, the silent Zhuo Yucheng spoke suddenly, and the expression of Lin Ye next to him changed drastically as soon as he opened his mouth.

Only a few of their confidantes know about the injuries on the city lord's body.Unexpectedly, Zhuo Yucheng knew even this, and even knew about the city lord's life-saving grass.

No wonder he stole the Immortal Grass. He thought he was just looking at the reward offered by Wanjian Villa, but now he knows that this bastard is trying to kill two birds with one stone!
"Master Shen, Wuye City was originally owned by my Zhuo family. Although our Zhuo family has fallen, there are still many forces in Wuye City who are loyal to our Zhuo family!"

"As long as Lord Shen helps me kill Tian Zhong, and then I raise my arms as the only descendant of the Zhuo family, followers will naturally gather, and the Nightless City will definitely belong to me again!"

Raising his head, Zhuo Yucheng's eyes shone with a light called ambition, revealing a trace of greed and extravagance.

"As long as Master Shen is willing, Wuye City is willing to become a subsidiary force of Wanjian Villa. Every year, I am willing to give half of the income of Wuye City to Wanjian Villa!"

"Zhuo Yucheng, are you crazy?" Lin Ye didn't expect Zhuo Yucheng's obsession to be so deep. In order to regain Wuye City, even Wuye City could be packaged and sold!
Is Wanjian Villa easy to get along with? There are a few Daoist masters in one sect, and any one of them is enough to flatten the Nightless City.If one is not done well, it is a situation where wolves are lured into the house, and maybe people will eat it up and wipe it clean.

"It's really courageous!" Taking a deep look at the person in front of him again, Shen Kang had to admit that although this person is young, his future is limitless, and this courage alone is unique.It's just that this way of doing things is a little flattering!

"It's just that the city lord of Wuye City at this time, although deeply injured, has been able to maintain it for so many years. I'm afraid it is not a simple role!"

"Master Shen!" Seeing that Shen Kang still didn't speak, Zhuo Yucheng gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, when our ancestors opened up Wuye City, they left behind a treasure, which was accidentally obtained by our ancestors while galloping the sea! "

"Treasures? Not interested!" If he had heard about treasures when he first entered the rivers and lakes, Shen Kang would have been too excited to sleep.But at this moment, the treasure at 01:30 is completely unattractive to him.

Although there are not many gold, silver and jewelry in Wanjian Villa, it is definitely enough.What's more, there are still talents like Wansanqian. In the future, there will be businesses everywhere, and it is certain that the world will be rich.

So, is brother the kind of person who lacks treasures?What I'm missing are treasures, a lot of recyclable treasures!

Otherwise, if he searched for all the gold, silver and jewels, the compensation from the top forces alone would pile up a mountain of gold, believe it or not!
"Master Shen, this treasure is not ordinary gold and silver, but the inheritance and hidden treasure left by an unfathomable master. The ancestor created the city that never sleeps!"

"This treasure is hidden in an extremely secret place. The ancestor left a letter, and it is not allowed to be opened when the family is alive or dead. As long as the Lord Shen helps me, I am willing to give the treasure with both hands!"

"Zhuo Yucheng, you are crazy, you don't even let go of the ancestral property left by the first city lord. The first city lord said that it should not be opened unless it is life or death, but do you know what you are doing now?"

"Of course I know, now is the time when my Zhuo family lives and dies!"

A sneer appeared on his face, and Zhuo Yucheng's handsome face was full of ferocity, "Now that things have come to an end, do you think there is still room for relaxation between me and Tian Zhong? Do you think he can let me go?"

"I'm the only one left in the Zhuo family. The life and death of the family depend on me! But no matter if I'm captured by you or captured by someone else, there's only one fate for me, so I have no choice!"

"Either, I will be captured by you, or, as the winner, I will walk back in a fair manner! Lin Ye, what do you think I should do?"

"Zhuo Yucheng, you have to have confidence in the city lord. The city lord is magnanimous and always treats people with sincerity. He will definitely spare you!"

"Fart, do you believe this sentence?" With a disdainful smile, Zhuo Yucheng said flatly, "I will put him to death, do you think he will forgive me? Once some things are done, there is no turning back!"

"Master Shen!" Ignoring Lin Ye, Zhuo Yucheng turned his head to look in Shen Kang's direction, and then said loudly, "I have already given out everything I can, and there is only one condition for me from the beginning to the end!"

Kneeling on the ground, Zhuo Yucheng felt very uneasy, he was betting on Shen Kang's character.This time, I'm afraid it's either success or benevolence!

"Is the treasure you said true?"

"Really, absolutely true!" He nodded without hesitation, but then Zhuo Yucheng felt something was wrong.Although he wanted to answer this question, for some reason, he always felt that his mouth seemed to speak faster than he thought in his heart.

"Then where is the treasure you mentioned?"

"It's hidden in the underground of Wuye City. The ancestors of my Zhuo family accidentally discovered the treasure there, and then simply built Wuye City on top of this treasure!"

"Well, why would I say that?" After saying these words, Zhuo Yucheng couldn't help but his face was full of panic, these things were the top secret of their Zhuo family for generations, how could he say it easily.

Even if he wanted to lure Shen Kang with treasures, he would only proceed step by step, and it was absolutely impossible to tell the truth so easily.Besides, he still wanted to transfer part of it secretly, so why would he say it now.

What's more, what if he tells everything he knows at once, what if Shen Kang kills the donkey.But no matter how much I tried to stop it, this broken mouth seemed to be unable to stop and said everything in my heart.

Weird, how weird!

"The Nightless City was built on top of the ruins to hide people's eyes and ears. The first city lord of the Nightless City is really an old fox. He really deserves to be a pirate who has robbed and robbed houses for many years, and can wash his hands and get out!"

"Then where did you hide the immortal grass? Did you carry it on your body?"

"This..." Hearing Shen Kang's words, Zhuo Yucheng immediately covered his mouth with all his strength, for fear that he would accidentally say what was in his heart.Unfortunately, no matter how fast he moved, his own voice still came out involuntarily.

"The undead grass is not on me. I hid it in a dry well in the east city of Wuye City. It is absolutely unimaginable!"

"It's in Wuye City again, it seems that I really have to go to this place once?"

(End of this chapter)

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