I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 562 I'm Not Finished With You

Chapter 562 I'm Not Finished With You

"Give me town!"

In the dense ground, Tian Zhong sat on the ground, quietly absorbing the continuous power, and the sweat on his forehead became more and more.He forcibly suppressed the increasingly violent power, but this approach tasted like drinking poison to quench thirst.

Without the constant supply of vitality and power from the undead grass, he couldn't completely integrate with Tian Zhong's body.Even though he has been secretly and imperceptibly reforming for so many years, what is not his is not his after all.

The power in Wuye City that carries the power of the whole city will not stop because of his will.Some things, once started, cannot be stopped even by those who arranged them.

From the beginning when he arranged here, in fact, he never thought of stopping.Because in his long life, he has seen such a genius countless times.They seem to be born with a good life, and they can always find the most critical problem at the most critical time, so as to reverse the overall situation.

If in his plan, the large formation he arranged could be stopped, and there happened to be such a person suddenly at this time, then this person might be able to destroy all his plans.

Therefore, he had already thought about it from the very beginning, as long as he opened the big formation, he would never stop. How could he think that he would shoot himself in the foot with a rock now.Damn, who would have thought that someone would take an unusual path!

Such people do exist, but they are not breaking their own plans in their own plans.Instead, it was done before the plan had even begun.They directly came and moved flowers and plants, and replaced the real immortal grass.

Fortunately, I still have a spare plant. I left a spare plant in order to be safe, just in case something like this really happened.But after all the calculations, I didn't expect this product to come again at a critical moment, and snatched the spare one away.

This bastard is simply bullying people!
When his plan started to be implemented, he was wary of Shen Kang, a great master.After all, this person's skill is too high, and he may pose a threat to him at any time.However, he clearly confirmed it again and again, making sure that no one showed up in the dark.

With this kid's skill, even if he wants to observe this place secretly, he will definitely be discovered by himself.But why, as soon as I took out the spare immortal grass, this person appeared.If he hadn't been observing in secret all the time, he would walk backwards in the future!
I can't figure it out, I really can't figure out how this little bastard did it!
But it's not about these things now, there are more important things to do.After the influx of these forces, the body that was already basically in control gradually tended to separate.

If it continues, I'm afraid not only will the bamboo basket fetch water in vain, but even myself will be impacted.

The power of the entire Nightless City is gathered together, what a huge power it is.After so many years, his remaining strength has long been depleted. If he is under attack, he may be in danger.

"What's going on, no, there is something wrong with this Nightless City!" Tian Zhong in the secret place desperately tried to stabilize the situation, and everyone in the Nightless City outside the secret place had already started to wake up.

In the Nightless City, there were quite a few outsiders there. Before these residents of the Nightless City suddenly made strange movements, they felt something was wrong.But I didn't care too much, I thought I was just watching the fun.

Even when things are happening, most people are either playing or quietly guarding their leadership, most people are busy with their own business.

But it didn't take long for them to feel that something was wrong. The power in their bodies seemed to be passing away again and again without knowing when it started.

If at the beginning it was only the citizens of Wuye City who voluntarily contributed their kung fu, then now it is the men, women and children in the city who are being absorbed passively.

Regardless of whether you followed the instructions of the City Lord's Mansion just now, as long as you are in the city and within the enveloping range of the big formation, your skills and vitality will be sucked away.

But at this time, the general trend has been established, and ordinary people can't reverse it at all.I can only watch helplessly as my skill is absorbed and taken away by the inexplicable power.Immediately, everyone started to panic.

The entire Wuye City seemed to form a huge vortex, driven by the city residents who gave their strength according to the orders of the city lord's mansion at the beginning. was driven up.

Most of these foreign entertainers are either rich or expensive, or masters of the rivers and lakes.The people who follow are also masters.Among the residents of Wuye City, almost everyone practiced martial arts.The strength of these people gathered together can be imagined.

At this level, even if Shen Kang entered the realm, he might be at risk of being entangled.

If it really runs to the end, then no one in this city will be able to survive, and the population of Wuye City is more than 30!

What's more, Wuye City is known as the Pearl of the East China Sea. There are singing and dancing in the city every night. There is an endless stream of people coming every year, and many people stay for a month or two.There are probably tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people from outside.

Floating quietly on the sea surface outside Wuye City, in Shen Kang's eyes, Wuye City in the distance seemed to be shrouded by a terrible storm.Amidst the bursts of waves, there is a feeling of palpitation.

The people outside panicked, while Tian Zhong inside was also sweating profusely.A steady stream of power poured into his body, without the undead grass, these powers became more and more difficult to digest.

It can be said that both sides want to stop for a while, but they can't do it at all, unless one side is completely wiped out.Either let these forces have no source, or let these forces have nowhere to go.

"It's really troublesome!!" Shen Kang outside the city frowned slightly, nodded to the side, and the figure exactly like him disappeared instantly.In situ, only a little trace of space remained.

At the same time, a figure exactly like him appeared in the Mirror of Creation Mountains and Rivers in his hand, and it quickly solidified from virtual to real.This is a mirror image created by Shen Kang with the Mirror of Good Fortune, but unfortunately it can only stay for half an hour.

And the one who just left was Shen Kang's substitute puppet, who had half of Shen Kang's strength.It was too dangerous inside, and Shen Kang had no way to go there in person, so he could only use this method.

Good fortune mountain and river mirror can create mirror image characters, but it only needs a certain buffer time.The stronger the strength, the longer the required buffer time.Although this black shadow is powerful, Shen Kang is also confident.Consumption, can also consume him to death!

When Tian Zhong in the secret ground was trying his best to digest the continuous power, he suddenly felt an inexplicable palpitation, and subconsciously opened his eyes.

But when he opened his eyes, in front of his eyes were dozens of invisible sword qi that seemed to cover the sky.

"Shen Kang, it's you again!"

The invisible and horrifying sword energy exuded terrifying power, making him, who was already sweating profusely, feel pressure doubled in an instant.Bastard, don't let him get the chance, if he passes this level, he must settle accounts with this little bastard!
And at this moment, there suddenly seemed to be a glowing feeling behind his back, and Tian Zhong's spiritual consciousness swept behind him subconsciously.In an instant, a look of shock appeared on Tian Zhong's face.

"It's...you, twins? No, no!"

Behind him, another figure appeared, and it was exactly the same as Shen Kang.As soon as this person made a move, he tried his best again.The sword energy seemed to flow endlessly.

There are fierce tigers at the front and back, and the strikes are ruthless and accurate. This is the rhythm to kill him!

Shen Kang!I'm not done with you!

(End of this chapter)

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