Chapter 583 Who is it?

"My son, thank you very much!"

After taking out all the steamed buns in his hand, the old man raised his head and thanked Shen Kang.At this time, his face was not as pale as before, but became ruddy and powerful.

He felt as if he had returned to his youth now, with inexhaustible strength all over his body, and he became full of energy even when speaking.

I just ate a steamed bun, how can it have such a great effect?

"The old man is polite, how do you feel now?"

"It feels good, thank you son!"

"That's good!" While helping the old man up, Shen Kang asked in a low voice, "Old man, where are you from? Are there other people at home?"

"No more, nothing left!" Originally, Shen Kang didn't ask, but when he asked, the old man burst into tears in an instant, and the tears could not be stopped.It was as if he wanted to express all the suffering in his heart these days at once.

Amidst the intermittent crying of the old man, Shen Kang also roughly understood the whole story.Originally, he and his wife belonged to Chengyang Mansion in Xizhou, and the drought and locust plague hadn't affected Chengyang Mansion at first.

Although the old couple's life is not considered rich, they can finally live a small life by supporting each other.The couple didn't know what happened outside until some refugees stepped into Chengyang Mansion.

With the mentality of being able to help, the two old people took out part of the surplus food in the family and distributed it to the refugees who were almost on the verge of collapse.But I don't want to think that I can help a few people a moment ago, but I didn't expect these people to rush up and rob my house at the next moment.

The originally impoverished family suddenly had no more food left.But at this time, there was also a plague of locusts in their place, and it was so out of control that they had no harvest, and they finally became one of the refugees as a last resort.

A year of calamity like this is the most test of people's hearts, and sometimes people's hearts really can't stand the test.

In a year like this, the common people have no harvest and are displaced, and there are many eaters who change their sons. Tears have long since dried up in the escape, and conscience has been thrown aside under extreme hunger. It will definitely be nothing to rob two widowed elderly Psychological burden!
For a morsel of food, these hungry people can do anything.These people passing by are more ruthless than locusts crossing the border. There are basically no grass roots and bark left along the way, and there are bare patches everywhere.

In the process of fleeing, the old man's wife couldn't bear it and left first, leaving the old man alone and helpless, blindly following the crowd farther and farther.I don't know when in the future, I will fall somewhere and never get up again.

Speaking of this, the old man was left with a choked voice, and Shen Kang was also moved by the sad voice.It's just that the refugees around were unmoved at all, they saw people like this almost every moment.

For them, the separation of life and death is not enough to mobilize their already strong defenses.Knowing honor and disgrace if they have enough food and clothing, they can't even do the minimum survival, so what can they expect from them.

While comforting the old man, Shen Kang quietly took off the eggs from the old man's body. These eggs were hidden in the flesh and blood and it was not easy to find them.

This is by no means an ordinary insect egg, how could ordinary insect eggs be hidden between the flesh and blood?This is definitely man-made, but cultivated through special means, and belongs to acquired rearing.

Not only on the old man, but also on other refugees.This disaster that affects tens of millions of people, I don't know who is so frenzied?

"Don't think that I can't find you, since you have left traces, you will never escape!" For Shen Kang who had just obtained the Art of Hundred Insects, he knew this trick at a glance.

What's more, where the other party uses insect control, these insect eggs have a faint connection with them.For Shen Kang who has the Mirror of Questioning in his hand, even a small connection is enough for him to accurately find the manipulator!

Look at these refugees, most of these people were honest ordinary people, most of them never did evil at all, and never sinned against anyone, but became victims of others to achieve their own goals for no reason.

Tens of millions of people were affected, and millions died of hunger and cold.But they can only keep walking from one place to another, hoping to get a little food to survive, and keep dying on the road for a little bit of hope that may not be seen.

No matter what purpose these people have, if they disregard the lives of so many people for their own selfishness, they should all be killed!

Covering these insect eggs with the Mirror of Questioning Mind, through the vague connection, Shen Kang began to quickly find the person behind the insect control.

Gradually, Shen Kang's spiritual consciousness continued to spread outward.With the Good Fortune Mirror in his hand, he enveloped him within a radius of thousands of miles, and the opponent couldn't escape even if he wanted to.Maybe no one will believe that someone can search so far.

"Found it!" After a while, Shen Kang opened his eyes suddenly, and following the traces of connections on the eggs, he noticed a few people shrouded in black robes on a hill in the distance. It is under their control.

Judging by the appearance of these people, it should be an organization with several people in charge of an area.After the locusts hatch successfully, these people will control the gathering of the locusts, forming a large plague of locusts.

In fact, at this point, without their control, these locusts have already formed a general trend.

"You said, isn't it good for us to do this? Looking at them, I always feel unbearable?"

"Tch, the cat is crying and the mouse is pretending to be merciful. During this period of time, your kid's strength has grown the fastest. Now that you can't bear it, who will you show it to? You have already done everything, and you are so soft-hearted at this time!"

On the top of the mountain, looking quietly at the refugees who were slowly moving below, the eyes of several people shrouded in black robes revealed a bit of indifference.That kind of look, as if facing not the same kind, but the cattle and sheep in the pen.

"You say, where did the head master learn such a method? It is unbelievable that he can improve his strength in this way! However, I am still a little worried about some things, elders in the sect."

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense if you don't want to die, we can do whatever the headmaster says, what are we afraid of?" As soon as the man opened his mouth, he was unceremoniously interrupted by the people next to him, and the murderous intent was even more fleeting. .Obviously, this person seemed to have murderous intentions just now.

"What's more, now that things have come to an end, do you think we have any choice? We have no other choice but to keep going!"

"Let's not talk about whether this matter will be found out, even if it is found out, for the sake of the rise of our sect, what's the point of infamy?"

A man who seemed to be the leader of these people was delivering his own speech, with fiery and crazy eyes.However, Shen Kang felt that it was like the propaganda of an MLM company, which made people excited but seemed fake.

"In this world, strength is paramount. As long as we can become masters, how dare others disrespect us? Who cares how we rose? How many masters in the world have never had their hands stained with blood?"

"Then have you ever thought that one day you will be paid in blood!"

Suddenly, an abrupt voice rang in everyone's ears, making these black runners look around in panic.There was no one around them, and the voice that suddenly appeared seemed to be far away in the sky, but also seemed to be close to their ears.

"Who? Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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