Chapter 593 Cut Hu!

"So that's the case, I should have thought of it earlier!"

Looking at the black-robed man lying on the ground, Shen Kang frowned.These black-robed people are all disciples of Wuding Mountain, and their essence has been sucked completely, and there is basically nothing left at this time.

The old man who was previously hidden in Chen Yuya's body said that he could use special powers such as despair and resentment for his own use. Shen Kang has never figured out what kind of method the other party used.

Even though his previous strength may be extremely powerful, it is impossible to cover all the places where the refugees are with spiritual consciousness, let alone accept such a huge and complex power anytime and anywhere.

Seeing these black-robed people who had long since died, Shen Kang finally understood.Co-authoring these Wuding Mountain disciples were sent to various places, not only fueling the flames and making the refugees more and more miserable, but also constantly absorbing these forces.

These Wuding Mountain disciples are more like filtering things, filtering out all the magazines, leaving only the essence.Wait until these people are fattened up, and then kill them all and harvest them, so as to accomplish your goal in one fell swoop!

It can be said that the ending of these Wuding Mountain disciples was actually doomed from the very beginning.No matter how much their skills improved in the future, they couldn't get rid of the fate of being eaten up and wiped out in the end, and finally completely abandoned.

For a moment, Shen Kang was infinitely vigilant.Although he didn't know how terrifying the other party would be after he achieved his goal, he could imagine that absorbing so much power would definitely be beyond imagination.

In an instant, Shen Kang made a decision.He may not succeed in chasing and killing Chen Yuya for a while. Instead of letting others lead him by the nose, it is better to cut off the beard himself first, and cut off Chen Yuya's plan directly from the root.

As for the disciples of Wuding Mountain, whether they know the inside story or not, whether they do these things out of their own heart.There's something they've done, and they're damned!

"The next thing is to see which of us is faster!" Shen Kang glanced coldly at the men in black robes all over the floor, Shen Kang didn't say anything, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

When Shen Kang reappears next time, another place has already appeared, which is a originally beautiful mountain top.

It's just that at the foot of the mountain, the endless contingent of refugees completely destroyed the beautiful mountain scenery.Wherever they passed, all the edible things from the bark and grass roots were plundered, leaving only a bare piece.

Here a few people shrouded in black robes are quietly looking at the foot of the mountain, looking at the miserable refugees indifferently.There is no sympathy in their eyes, only extreme longing.

"Senior brother, it seems that they are not miserable enough, do you want me to add more information?"

"Yes, but don't play with your life. After all, we still have to rely on them. Only if they live will it be good for us!"

A few cold voices sounded, as if they were arranging something in an orderly manner. In their voices, there was only excitement and impatience.And it seems that this kind of thing is not once or twice.

As long as they follow these refugees, they will find that their strength will become stronger and stronger.It has only been one or two months until now, but their strength has grown more than the combined total of the previous half of their lives. Such a speed of improvement is simply unimaginable.

Because of this, their attitude has long since changed from resistance at the beginning to excitement now, and the refugees below are nothing more than their nourishment.

"Aren't you disciples of Wuding Mountain? You can be regarded as decent sects, but you actually provoked disasters, caused innocent people to be displaced, and countless people died of hunger and cold. Tell me, do you deserve to die!"

Suddenly, a voice full of murderous intent appeared, which shocked the faces of these originally indifferent men in black.Especially the second half of what the other party said made them even more frightened.

They thought they were doing it very covertly, but they didn't want to be exposed by others!
They also know that what they are doing now is not authentic. If it gets out, Wuding Mountain's thousand-year reputation will be ruined in one go.

Not only that, they have long been obsessed with this way of rapid promotion.Each of them is not well-qualified, and their future achievements may be limited.But at this time, they are improving ten times, a hundred times faster than those so-called geniuses!
If there is a way in this world that allows them to reach the pinnacle and change their destiny, and allows them to stand in front of people and enjoy the cheers and glory like those geniuses, they will naturally try their best to grasp it, even if it hurts their conscience!
But at the same time, they also know better than others that if this matter spreads out, it will definitely lead to crusade from various factions in the rivers and lakes.Don't look at these so-called decent families who are not clean, but they are all done secretly. Once the front is exposed, it is guaranteed that everyone will turn into a righteous hero and step on you collectively.

If that step is really reached, then they will have no hope of reaching the pinnacle of life.

However, when Shen Kang himself appeared, these people were a little shocked at first, and then a strong killing intent flashed in their eyes.a young man?Just a young man!

No matter how powerful you are at this age, how much skill can you have?It made them worry for a while just now!No matter what, they wanted to keep the person in front of them, and they could only blame this young man for meddling in his own business!
If Shen Kang knew what they were thinking, he would laugh at them loudly. Age is never the basis for judging strength in the arena.

It's a pity that these people were just disciples who were not valued at the bottom of Wuding Mountain, a group of frogs at the bottom of the well.I have never seen the demeanor of those top geniuses, and I don't know how terrible the talents of those masters who climbed to the Yuanshen Realm in their 20s are.

What's more, what they are facing is Shen Kang who is cheating!

During this period of time, the rapid expansion of skills not only changed their strength, but also caused their own mentality to undergo earth-shaking changes.They even thought that even the elders in the sect could fight.

Facing such a young man now, they were not at all nervous, but eager to try.For them, what could be more exciting than bullying these geniuses?
From their point of view, the young man in front of them might not know which disciple also wants to learn from others to be a hero, and he doesn't care how much he is!now

"Boy, haven't your adults taught you some things you can't say? Come on, let grandpa teach you well!"

"Boy, remember! There are some things that you can't say nonsense, or you will kill people!" While speaking, one of them jumped up, and the skills of the master realm were almost fully deployed.Although they, once they make a move, they go all out.

As a result, the man fell directly from midair before leaping in front of Shen Kang.Without even struggling, there was no life left.

"What? Impossible!"

"What is impossible, a bunch of short-sighted people! Has anyone taught you not to do good because it is small, and not to do evil because it is small? You people, you have harmed so many people, you should all be damned! "

Without talking nonsense with them, countless sword qi suddenly appeared, and the sharp sword light drew a dazzling arc, covering all the people in black.In an instant, the mountain tops where several people were located were razed to the ground under these hundreds of sword qi.

After the blow, Shen Kang walked away without even looking at it.This is not carelessness, but self-confidence!A group of people who didn't even reach the Primordial Spirit Realm didn't need him to make a second move at all.

When dealing with a master like Chen Yuya, it might be a little difficult with his current skills.But to deal with these ordinary Wuding Mountain disciples, they can basically be solved with a wave of hands.

The most important thing is that Shen Kang is in a hurry now, so he really doesn't have the time to investigate one by one.If anyone can escape, then they are lucky!
(End of this chapter)

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